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already bored with the maps and mp game

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very boring game after 2 days of playing same maps a 1 game style for MP. this goes for me and my clan. this game will die fast. Grin did a great job but UBI really messed this up and made another lockdown. would have been alot better if they would have ported over the 360 game. atleast then we would have more maps and mp options. i know ill get flamed by alot and im sure there alot out there that fully agree with me to.

Nice work GRIN to bad you had to work for UBI.

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I agree with the MP maps and 1 gameplay.

Not quite bored with it yet because i havent really played domination yet, but i mainly like the game for SP (at least for now..till the patch comes with TDM and i play MP more).

Hopefully the mod thing gets figured out and people make some maps.

But..between bf2 and this, i have my fill of FPS's.

the patch in late july/early august should be huuge. I know it says june but..c'mon..its ubi

Edited by GDD_Viper
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i agree, the mp domination mode isnt the greatest , it really needs an objective or search and destroy game mode.

i really loved the co-op mode , shame its only for lan and there are no respawns or checkpoints which is very dissapointing, however it really made me and my friends play like a proper squad because 1 mistake and weeee start all over again hehe

sp campaign is great , im about half way through and really enjoying it

needs an anti aliasing option >.<

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i agree, the mp domination mode isnt the greatest , it really needs an objective or search and destroy game mode.

i really loved the co-op mode , shame its only for lan and there are no respawns or checkpoints which is very dissapointing, however it really made me and my friends play like a proper squad because 1 mistake and weeee start all over again hehe

sp campaign is great , im about half way through and really enjoying it

needs an anti aliasing option >.<

Um...you can play Co-Op online.

-The Grinman :D

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I agree to a point...while I am not anywhere near bored with it yet...I can see that it won't hold me for more than a couple weeks in its current state. We will be chomping at the bit for the MP additions...so I hope they get them out ASAP! :grin1:

Edited by Druac_Blaise
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stupid comment about porting the 360 version. GRIN would've never been needed if that was the intention. UBI sent them for us.

I will get bored when i finish SP and theres no way for me to play MP unles theres another way to connect that is not through GAMESPY'S awful ports

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Hopefully the mod thing gets figured out and people make some maps.

But..between bf2 and this, i have my fill of FPS's.

the patch in late july/early august should be huuge. I know it says june but..c'mon..its ubi

very true....bf2 and this will keep me busy for awhile in the FPS world....

cant wait till the patch is in but i guess im already used to it becuase EA releases a new patch for bf2 almost every other month :wacko:

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I dont know what it is, but, i was just playing some domination, ping was about 111, but my bullets dont seem to register, i put 8 bullets into a guy that is standing still he doesnt die he then shoots me twice and im dead. The weapons also suck, i dont see why there is so much kick back from the guns, even with the front grip on it still kicks back alot, im pretty sure these ghosts must be based on rookies from the army since they cant control a gun properly.

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very boring game after 2 days of playing same maps a 1 game style for MP. this goes for me and my clan. this game will die fast. Grin did a great job but UBI really messed this up and made another lockdown. would have been alot better if they would have ported over the 360 game. atleast then we would have more maps and mp options. i know ill get flamed by alot and im sure there alot out there that fully agree with me to.

Nice work GRIN to bad you had to work for UBI.

Your talking to someone who played day of defeat source like it was going out of style. Don't get me started on how many few maps there were, but were still really fun.

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sigh.. I haven't played too much but I can see myself getting bored with the MP. I'm trying to play the less I can and wait for that patch. I'm sure if we had 10+ maps we would be fine for a little longer.

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They spent more time and money on the XBOX version. It's that simple. This game is just chicken feed for us....for PC gamers....it's a SIDE project compared to their main project which was the XBOX 360 game...

that's reality. that's the only conclusion. The XBOX game is just so much more than one MP mode 5 maps and a singple player game....wow...wow..wow...I can only HOPE that they share what they've done with MP modes and maps with GRIN to get into a big patch...

But, oh well, no mod tools....wow.

STILL I think it is better than GR1 ....as soon as we get the mod tools out, mods will fix everything right up.

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very boring game after 2 days of playing same maps a 1 game style for MP. this goes for me and my clan. this game will die fast. Grin did a great job but UBI really messed this up and made another lockdown. would have been alot better if they would have ported over the 360 game. atleast then we would have more maps and mp options. i know ill get flamed by alot and im sure there alot out there that fully agree with me to.

Nice work GRIN to bad you had to work for UBI.

You were not bored with GR after a couple of days were you? :unsure: They should have taken the game the full mile but it looks like they ran out of gas after about a half mile. :wall:
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You were bored within 2 days of release because there were only 5 maps? Hmm... so... if there had been 20 maps you'd have been bored in... 8 days or so? And you'd need 5 more maps every 2 days to sustain your interest?

OK, I get your point that there are not enough maps. Fair enough. But, surely its the gameplay rather than number of maps that determines how long you stay interested? If you got bored with the game so fast then maybe it has nothing to do with the number of maps. Doesn't matter how many maps they include, if the gameplay doesn't do it for you.....

Far Cry, for example, I lost interest within 20 minutes of playing. Didn't even get to see more than half of one map, but I just knew the game wasn't for me. Millions of people seem to love it, but... it just didn't gel with me.

I gues that is what you are saying though... after rereading your post. The Domination gametype doesn't do it for you.... OK, sorry for the above.... I understand your point.

Edited by Trident-za
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very boring game after 2 days of playing same maps a 1 game style for MP. this goes for me and my clan. this game will die fast. Grin did a great job but UBI really messed this up and made another lockdown. would have been alot better if they would have ported over the 360 game. atleast then we would have more maps and mp options. i know ill get flamed by alot and im sure there alot out there that fully agree with me to.

Nice work GRIN to bad you had to work for UBI.

Agreed. and the game is very buged im prob gonna sell it at ebgames and buy something worth my money then rebuy when theres patchs new maps and its 20$ :D

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It will take some time to make this game great for MP, just stay with this game and hope with us :)

I think it will be great. With new patch there will be maps, new mods, some bugs repaired etc... I hope

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stupid comment about porting the 360 version. GRIN would've never been needed if that was the intention. UBI sent them for us.

I will get bored when i finish SP and theres no way for me to play MP unles theres another way to connect that is not through GAMESPY'S awful ports

pretty sure he was speaking about bringing over the 360 gameplay elements of online MP - game modes and such. :thumbsup:

And i agree - spent 4 hours total trying this domination stuff in a dedicated server, with a ping of 100-120. That should be good enough to feel the game out - and it was horrible. Ping said 120, but felt more like 1020... load a full clip in a guy and he runs right past me, turns, shoots me dead with 1 shot. OK... nice lag. People running all over the place like a bunch of women at a wedding dress sale :wall:

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I'm afraid I agree with the thread starter. But I did buy it. I bought it because I promised myself I would buy it as a matter of honor and tribute to GR1. I will still give it a chance for a while and I'll check out the patch but umm.....

GR forever.

Well..........GR1 forever. <_<

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I've just played this game extensively at my friends house last night.

And I have to say I am seriously disappointed... The demo showed

some promise, but the retail doesn't live up to it I think.

As a clan player I would buy this game solely for the MP, but it just isn't

worth it.


- Only 5 multiplayer maps ??? And at that they are different sections of

the demo map ??? That alone is enough for me to not buy this game but

there is more...

- Counterstrike style weapons buying... IF I wanted that, I would buy Counterstrike. And at that you should have a bit more choice than just Scar L and M8 to start with...

- BIG ISSUE: NO ANTI-CHEAT AND NO REPLAYS ??? UBI obviously wants this game to die quickly at the hands of hackers. What the hell

was the delay for then? Just so Lockdown could rake up some more

cash ???

- Graphics: If I compare them to BF2 they aren't that much better. So

where do the ridiculously high system specs come from?

- I absolutely HATE GameSpy and HATE being forced to use it for

online play. What happened to being able to manually enter an IP and

hitting join? Nothing wrong with that...

Seriously people @GRIN and @UBI:

WHERE THE HELL do you get off incorperating a CS style MP system ???

Have you even taken a look at the original ??? I'm sorry if I seem harsh

here but this is absolutely ridiculous... Last time I checked SOLDIERS DID NOT HAVE TO BUY THEIR OWN WEAPONS.

To those of you who consider this game because they want to play online... Wait for the patch and seeing how fast UBI works we will be

seeing it in about a year.

I'll wait that year and pick it up then from the discount bin...

IN ADVANCE: Sorry if my post comes over too strongly, but I've had

high hopes for the new GR and got the new CS instead and am seriously ###### off about that... Furthermore @ 50 euros for 5 MP maps

GR:AW is just a shameless rip-off... I don't know anybody who buys PC games for their single-player mode nowadays... Remember boys and girls: diversity is a GOOD thing

Edited by CkZWarlord
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