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Yet another preview

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Not to forget.

For starters, the A.I.--enemy or allied--can now scout, infiltrate, and fight in buildings.

Yes Gripen, a lot about AI, but it's Tom Clancy so there must a good singleplayer if it's going to be Ghost Recon. Otherwise it's just another Battlefield-game.

It would be great if someone from GRIN could explain this one...

Combat fidelity's been jacked as well, including new ways to wall-lean and peek around corners (another bow to Rainbow Six Vegas?).
Edited by Hockeystick
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Yes Gripen, a lot about AI, but it's Tom Clancy so there must a good singleplayer if it's going to be Ghost Recon. Otherwise it's just another Battlefield-game.

Yes, but that goes for MP too, as [GR] was a success online. No GR if not a good MP game - it is all about perspective I guess.

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that screenshot with the striker,

don't they look oddly green the ghosts ??

whats up with that green uniform ?? some photoshop mishab or new uniform ??

It's an old sceenshot that has been photoshoped.

Or where you sarcastic? :ph34r:

i honnestly don't know (dutch state of mind i guess)

just that the GREEN does look strange and who got paid to do that photoshop work anyway ??

if there is a change in uniform i would like to know more,

and if it is just a fool with time on his hands


sorry i had to vent 0:)

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that screenshot with the striker,

don't they look oddly green the ghosts ??

whats up with that green uniform ?? some photoshop mishab or new uniform ??

It's an old sceenshot that has been photoshoped.

Or where you sarcastic? :ph34r:

i honnestly don't know (dutch state of mind i guess)

just that the GREEN does look strange and who got paid to do that photoshop work anyway ??

if there is a change in uniform i would like to know more,

and if it is just a fool with time on his hands


sorry i had to vent 0:)

The camo has changed, regardless, apparently; I heard a mention of it in one of the dev. diaries posted on gamespy. I got the feeling that most of what was being shown was console material; still . . . anyhow, here's a link:


I believe it's the one on the left, "soldier of the future."

I, for one, am glad to see the color palette of the game expand a bit beyond the yellow spectrum.

Edited by DisgruntledArchitect
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Single player AI in GRAW is incredibly stupid. I'm glad to see that GRIN is focusing on that area. Of course the AI was supposed to be incredible in the first game according to reviews so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

:o I'd be shocked if GRAW 2 AI was any better than GRAW which left a lot to be desired.
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Single player AI in GRAW is incredibly stupid. I'm glad to see that GRIN is focusing on that area. Of course the AI was supposed to be incredible in the first game according to reviews so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

:o I'd be shocked if GRAW 2 AI was any better than GRAW which left a lot to be desired.

I would be shocked if no improvement has been made...

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Yeah the uniforms HAVE been changed. There was a whole post about this subject. The new uniforms are the uniforms being used by the Army today in OEF and OIF. It's called the Army Combat Uniform or simply ACUs. It's supposed to be an all-terrain digital uniform but I call it the all-terrain(except woodland) uniform because it's kinda grey. Multicam is what they had in the original GRAW. That too was an all-terrain uniform except it wasn't digital. But I've heard complaints about it not being too effective at night. One person said it was too bright at night. I'm actually glad they're switching to the ACUs because I'm going to be joining the Army as soon as I get my weight gaining problem fixed(too skinny to join at the moment)

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Actually woflsong, no matter how much i eat. No matter how hard I pump the iron, I'll still weigh this much until the Endocrinologist figures out what's wrong. It's either Addison's Disease or some other form of hormone deficiency. I'm really doubting it's Addison's Disease cause the symptoms are pretty nasty. Darkening of the skin, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, WEIGHT LOSS, and low blood pressure. Only symptom I experience is the one I typed in caps which is failure to gain weight. Not really weight loss. It's like I eat, gain a few pounds, and go back to what I weighed before. So yeah. But I'm definately ready to get out of the civilian world. I love playing GRAW and other computer games but I've been waiting to join the Army since I got out of high school. I'm gonna be 21 next month on the 4th. But back on topic. I didn't really notice the green uniforms that kinda looked like MARPAT. All the ones I saw looked like ACUPAT camo.

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Gl with joining up mate, I'm joining the RAF at the end of the year so good luck with all that.

Out of the two I prefer multi cam as I think its more effective. ACU would be good for a purely urban environment, but you would stick out so bad if you decided to be a bush for a day...plus like someone said before the ACU stands out at night its too bright.

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Too long since I've had french lessons.

Somehow I have the feeling, that all the previews released in the last weeks/days have the same content. The next step would be to release more PC-media and more specific details on campaign/mp and the ghost-equipment.

Hopefully all this, or at least one of this, isn't far away.

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In french

Premier point, les ennemis sont placés semi-aléatoirement. Comme il est impossible de mémoriser leur position, il devient nécessaire de réfléchir. Deuxième point, certaines cartes (pas toutes, malheureusement) sont conçues comme des arènes ouvertes. Vous pouvez choisir de foncer dans le tas, de contourner l'objectif, de vous infiltrer, d'encercler la cible, etc. Cette fois-ci, ce ne sont pas des paroles en l'air : j'ai pu voir un niveau représentant une Hacienda où il était réellement possible de mettre au point plusieurs tactiques différentes. On avait même le choix entre deux ou trois points d'insertion. Troisième point, les ennemis ne sont plus automatiquement avertis de votre présence dès que vous êtes proche d'eux. Si vous demandez à vos Ghost de rester discrets et que vous prenez soin de progresser dans l'ombre, vous pourrez approcher des sentinelles et les éliminer une à une silencieusement. Au final, nous obtenons un gameplay qui, comme promis, ressemble plus à celui du premier Ghost Recon. Dans GRAW, le gameplay consistait à avancer vers l'ennemi, se mettre à couvert et tirer. A présent, si vous prenez le temps d'observer et de planifier votre attaque, vous serez récompensé. C'est d'autant plus important que les checkpoints et les quicksaves ont disparu : vous pourrez sauver autant de fois que vous voudrez, mais seulement en dehors des combats. Ca, c'est une chouette innovation !

"First point, the enemies are placed semi-randon . As it is impossible to memorize their position, it becomes necessary to reflect"

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Yeah scope you're right about it standing out too much in woodland environments and at night but I go on the Army discussion boards at military.com and a sniper was talking about how his unit was testing out all different camouflage uniforms to see which blended in at night and he said even the multicam stuck out at night cause even that's too bright. The best camo pattern for a night in the woods would be our original woodland BDUs and maybe the MARPAT woodland camo. A lot of people are upset about the ACUs though saying it doesn't blend in with woods but I could care less about that because we haven't really been fighting in wooded areas lately. I call the ACUs all-terrain(except woodland) digital camo. I already bought a pair because like I said I am gonna be joining the Army. But good luck with the RAF, man. Have a goodun.

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that screenshot with the striker,

don't they look oddly green the ghosts ??

whats up with that green uniform ?? some photoshop mishab or new uniform ??

It's an old sceenshot that has been photoshoped.

Or where you sarcastic? :ph34r:

i honnestly don't know (dutch state of mind i guess)

just that the GREEN does look strange and who got paid to do that photoshop work anyway ??

if there is a change in uniform i would like to know more,

and if it is just a fool with time on his hands


sorry i had to vent 0:)

SUI what is a Dutch state of mind...... :rofl: I lost it since I'm playing GRAW, and talking on TS with all kinds of people lately..... My son is already learning powerslides, though he still uses toys to trigger the event..... :D

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powerslides (thinks guitar riffs......)

OHHHH powerslides..... graw stuff , HMMMMM stuff

talking, uhm. is that when you open your mouth and sound comes out ?

*the memories of a looney isolated freak who's looking for words under the bed, cause that was the place to talk....*

toys event triggers ? euhm scripting ?? what ?? oh wait,

small kid with a dinky toy and keyboard..... it is all getting clearer at the moment.

wait till i slip away again. you might have some laughs.

This post was entirely sober and non topic related, sorry for the inconveniance (or what ever the right spelling is of that big long word i can get out of my mouth.

*this was a broadcast of the sui network, pay no attention to it*

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Okay looks like I gotta correct myself with the ACUs. I was calling them the all-terrain(except woodland) digital camo but last night me and a friend went on a night trek into the woods. I was wearing ACUs and he was wearing Woodland BDUs and I actually blended in pretty good cause at night the leaves are kinda bright and both of us were surprised with how good I blended in. I blended in mostly with the ground and he blended in with the trees and bushes. Why did we go on a night hike in the woods in the middle of the night? We're outdoorsmen and just felt like getting in and out of the woods without being noticed and-believe it or not-neither of our parents noticed we were gone. We're also both joining the military which is why we had ACUs/BDUs on.

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