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Zeealex last won the day on November 26 2023

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About Zeealex

  • Birthday 01/06/1996

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  1. Do as you feel would be my advice. It seems Ubi are drifting more and more away from the fans who have been the backbone of the community for so long. Just don't say anything that could put you in line for a lawsuit lol.
  2. Happy Birthday Rocky dude!! Hope it's been a good one so far!
  3. It's an interesting look into why Ghost Recon 1's formula worked so well. And I really hope that Ubi begin to see that Ghost Recon is best served as a shooter that brings something unique to the table, rather than being "cookie cutter" and trying to cash in on trends in the industry, it is better for Ghost Recon to be the rebellious runt of the litter. I think with their refinement of their TPS mechanics they're starting to get that nailed. I'm cautiously optimistic the next game will do something good.
  4. It's an interesting premise. I think a game might be a bit of a far stretch, I know those things can become a costly rats nest quickly and getting dedicated resources on hand to work on it consistently would be tough. I've done a few stints in indie game land to know how bad the turnover rate can get. It's easy to have rose-coloured glasses when looking from the outside in but getting guys who actually do the work is harder than it looks lol. I did start to write a fiction work that was similar to the premise of Ghost Recon but with more of a cyberwarfare and ELINT/SIGINT focus, I was trying to with cyber what what Clancy did with the US Navy and MASINT in Red October. It was outside of the Ghost Recon/Clancyverse entirely. Original characters, teams and setting, but was inspired by GR in a lot of ways. So I'm not sure how relevant it would be. Lost steam on it, I could see if I still have the old drafts around and contribute if folks are interested.
  5. Thanks for the kind words, 101 ❤️ In terms of the many sins of Ubisoft, yeah it was actually hearing the horror stories of friends working for them (Montreal mainly) and experiencing the unfair, sexist and frankly xenophobic hiring practices of them first hand that made me quit my pursuit of a career in the games industry. That plus the general nepotism problem in the industry as a whole. My dream was to work for Ubisoft on a Ghost Recon game, so when it came to put myself out there and I got absolutely smacked down, It really shattered my worldview. In the end I just couldn't face 3dsMax anymore. I regret letting it hit me so hard, but I don't regret cutting losses and getting out while I could. I enjoy cybersecurity way more, bit more of a thrill-ride way more of a reward, especially with everything going on right now. In terms of Ghost Recon, I think it really stands to be seen, I unfortunately don't have a magic 8 ball in front of me that can tell the future, as much as I wish I did lol. My optimistic side wants to say that they'll pull something good off, but I'm certainly not going to jump on the hype train early unless some very specific, yet unlikely conditions are met. I dunno, maybe some narrative director at Ubi read my rants lmao.
  6. I'mma counter that by being cautiously optimistic, as I typically am to a fault these days. It seems the whole games industry is really struggling right now, I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft's days as a major game developer at the very least, are numbered. However, I see the next generation of games they bring out as their "make or break" they'll know that, and while there was a lot wrong with Wildlands and a lot more wrong with Breakpoint, I'll give them one thing, in terms of gameplay, I think they've finally nailed down a formula for Ghost Recon that's accessible for new players while placating some of the older fans of the series. They've gotten their gameplay identity nailed down after 22 years, and as much as there's a lot I don't like about it as one of the "oldies" I can at the very least respect that. They've also quickly come to terms with NFT's not being viable. We also know they were working on a Splinter-Cell reboot that took it back to the roots with minor story adjustments to reflect the world as it is today. I will get through the rest of this without hero-worshipping I promise. If they sort out the major issues with the story and build upon the foundation of gameplay they set with Wildlands and the later versions of Breakpoint I think they'll have a shot. They realised just how far they misstepped with Frontline and very quickly canned it. New players didn't want it, old players were disgusted by the notion. They may yet come around to the idea that the fanbase of Ghost Recon won't take kindly to quick cash-grabs. They can't do to Ghost Recon what they did with Rainbow Six, the fanbase just won't stand for it. In my opinion though, Ghost Recon has found its gameplay identity at last but I think the story leaves a lot to be desired. I'm probably not in the minority here when I say the Michael Bay-esque big explosions and overtly bad bad guys doesn't play well into what Ghost Recon realistically should be. The story of breakpoint felt very much like that really bad fanfic I wrote when I was twelve or some sh**, except with more Addison Cain/ABO flare, and that is not a compliment. I'll be honest, as much as I love the gameplay of the original Ghost Recon games, it was the story and the backdrop that really sold it for me. Hell, the story was so grounded and accurate in the earlier games that the timings of real world political incidents in Georgia, Russia and North Korea matched almost perfectly. You were just a group of guys doing denied ops behind enemy territory, you weren't a living legened, literally likened to a god by your subordinates like Mitchell in the later games was. You didn't personally know the guys you were fighting in some contrived way of adding conflict to the plot like Nomad. You weren't a tech savant with a penchant for stupidity like Kozak, though I could see that being interesting. I think Ghost Recon really needs an injection of that grounded story and crew mixed with the gameplay style that Wildlands/Breakpoint brought to the table. The Ghost Recon 2 crew were a perfect example of that "group of guys" all had their own unique personalities, drivers and backstories but they weren't played up or totally unrelatable. I don't think the tech was quite there for the Ghost Recon 1 crew to shine through in the same way, but they were set up in a similar way, just unfortunately not reflected in game due to lack of tech at the time. So imo, if they hard reset back to the roots in terms of story and start again with the Ghost Recon 2 version of Mitchell and his crew, hell, reset Mitchell and make them a customisable character. Add the new gameplay style, I frankly wouldn't be mad at that. It wouldn't be the absolute perfect rendition of Ghost Recon 1 replicated play for play on a shiny new engine, I've come to terms with the fact that that's just not happening. Nor would it be my absolute dream hero-worshipping game centered around you-know-who, because I realise I'm in a niche minority of the old guard who still even remember her. but, it would certainly get me interested.
  7. Scuttlebutt in the gaming community indicates that Ubisoft is struggling financially and they've had to cut off several of their IPs However, it appears Ghost Recon has survived the cut for now and a new game is rumoured to be starting production with a release date of 2025. Of course, this is all rumor for now, nothing solid. What's your wishlist for the new upcoming game?
  8. Yeah, giving away the source code of what is officially someone else's intellectual property is a pretty big NoNo from a legal and ethical perspective. It would get shut down super fast and that person can kiss their career goodbye. We're unfortunately stuck on that front unless someone manages to compromise ubisoft's network and somehow find it and leak it. I would be surprised if it was on a live server though, unless they're actively working on a reboot it's probably in cold storage. For clarity; I am by no means recommending any sort of cybercrime in relation to this. It would be very silly to break that many laws for some source code.
  9. okay so as a security professional everything about this gives me the heebiejeebies but: Just an FYI you perform these steps at your own risk, by performing these steps you're agreeing that you will not hold anyone here including myself liable for anything blowing up in your face. Create a comprehensive offline backup of your system and files before proceeding further, you may choose to skip this step however doing so is on your own volition. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L87haCbSNJIgC2urg2I66Ymik5uSxBmR/view?usp=sharing Place atiumdag.dll into the root folder of Ghost Recon (where ghostrecon.exe is) Attempt to run the game, it should now no longer complain about a missing component, if it still does, you may have to place atiumdag.dll into C:\Windows\System32 instead, risky, so take care. I've taken a cursory glance at the .dll file I've linked and I can see that it does appear to be a legitimate driver component for the old ATI radeon GFX cards, it doesn't appear to call anything I wouldn't expect, but I've not done any comprehensive static analysis on it so please take it with a pinch of salt. Also footnote; please keep Windows up to date lol. A broken game is better than ransomware.
  10. https://www.ign.com/articles/ubisoft-shares-very-early-look-at-splinter-cell-remake It looks like Ubisoft are starting to think remaking their older Tom Clancy titles may be in their best interests, with it confirmed that they're working on a splinter cell remake, and with Operation Motherland DLC for Ghost Recon Breakpoint bringing some retro characters back, I'm wondering if a Ghost Recon remake may be on the cards if this project works out well for them. discuss!
  11. if I put my information security GRC hat on a minute. I think in this day and age people are starting to see just how much people's data is exploited for profit and people are now very cautious about who they share their personal data with. Not saying that GR.net is in any way, just it's an unfortunate by-product of big tech companies like Facebook and Google just throwing around personal data willy nilly, people don't wanna take the risk anymore. While the risk of sharing a name or an email address to GR.net is low given that it is unlikely to be associated with a password or any other personal info, I can understand this person's concern. I wouldn't take it personally ❤️
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