Insider gaming are reporting that they have seen gameplay of the next Ghost Recon game, expected 2025/26.
From being personally involved in the release of Ghost Recon games (Wildlands in particular) and having felt the level of Ubisoft security first hand, I can tell you that this description of "provided footage" is unlikely, to put it nicely.
If Ubisoft felt the need to share footage at this very early stage, they would not "provide" it. They would invite you in to their office in a controlled environment, tell you to put your phones away, shut the door and window blinds and make you sign an NDA.
Under no circumstances are Ubisoft sending out footage of unreleased games to random websites and saying "shhhh - don't share", that's just hysterical to suggest.
The article also reports that the footage demonstrates a "significant graphical improvement over its predecessors". Wildlands and Breakpoint are absolutely stunning games graphically. Granted, things improve as the years go by, and it would be reasonable to expect some areas of eye candy would be enhanced, but "Significantly"? I think not.
And then to compare it to Ready or Not..... I've watched 4k footage of Ready or Not, and it might very well be a fantastic game, but to suggest it is presents a significant graphical improvement over Wildlands/Breakpoint is really pushing it. Some of what I've see on RoN is pretty janky compared to Wildlands.
So, word to the wise, when you see Ghost Recon "Exclusives" being circulated this early, don't get too hyped about what you read.