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Making all the Old GR Maps....


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:rofl: I have an idea...lets ask Biro to give a GR.net tutorial to several modders on doing just what he did on castle day map. Then assign 1 old gr map to each understudy as Biro looks over the project. I think that it also takes an artistic touch in getting the textures just right and thats where Biro is the master :yes: looking over your shoulder. :whistle:

It would be fantastic if we had all the GR maps available....just the way castle day was made by Biro!! :thumbsup:

Would the Master :zorro: Biro be up to the challenge?

Would we have any of this communities Great :ph34r: Modders up to the challenge?

Edited by SCE_COB77
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i thinks castle day was the only one released for 3d max by the company that made it thats why Biro choose this ?? if they could release the rest then i thinks it would be possible and althoguh this would be great we still need more content from grin to keep the game alive a mix of urban maps and some open maps is required for me anyways.

oh and kit choice :)

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i thinks castle day was the only one released for 3d max by the company that made it thats why Biro choose this ??

Can you explain...not sure what you mean by company released. I have no clue is to how Biro did what he did..but it is fantastic!! I thought he brought models from Old GR and converted them into GRAW2 models and textures. Not to make it sound easy Biro..... because if it was, you would have done all maps from [GR]!! :lol:

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Can you explain...not sure what you mean by company released. I have no clue is to how Biro did what he did..but it is fantastic!! I thought he brought models from Old GR and converted them into GRAW2 models and textures.


the original Castle_map is the only original GR map thats been released as a 3Dmax file

check your DS disk

:thumbsup: yep its there, all you would need to do is retexture it and work out how to export it to the GRAW2



As said before, the Castle Day map is created using the 3dMax file from RSE. It saves me from the work of creating the actual models, but it's a still a bit of a work to get some good new textures and implement all this into the diesel engine. Squirrels Creek map is offcourse created totally from scratch.

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Yep, the model for the landscape, castle and houses was only imported into the GRAW2 engine and retextured and slightly modifed to suit the GRAW engine. In other words, the way I did it with castle day is impossible to do with any other maps.

On the other side, it's possible to recreate old GR maps pretty accurate another way just like deleyt did here: http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39389

I think he plan to finish this project for GRAW2, but I'm not sure what he's up to nowadays, haven't talked with him for a while.

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:unsure: Although it appeared to be working, it very much looks like this was in its infance, and not something that could just be picked up by anybody and used :huh: I also notice there have been no posts in that thread since Jan07 Does this mean they gave up ?? I am also suprised that no one has raised the question about the legallity of the Redstormes maps being used in a Grin game I guess the Castle map was fair game as they released it to the public, but using a Hex code to hack out the the other maps ? thats a different kettle of fish all together. and i will be suprised if this thread is allowed to continue.

On another line of thought if you all love the original GR maps so much why dont you reinstall it and play them and Re-join the GR community :o:thumbsup:

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I wholeheartedly agree with rocco. See if the modders can make some snow textures with snow type maps. Only problem I see...would someone also have to do camo mods, or is that something that can be implemented into the bundles with the maps?

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You bought the game....you have all the rights to do as you wish as long as your not selling it to make a profit. Converting maps to use as MODDED MAPS in GRAW2 would be no different than modeling objects yourself in 3DMax based on every object in the map and reconstructing said map.

Ehhmmm...I think we can look you up in San Quintin Jail in a few weeks if you pursuit this course :rofl:

You don't have any rights at all, except to play the game. Period.

The copyrights forbid you to hack, extract, distribute or whatever method you find, of all content at which the game was presented to you.

Whether the game is 1 day old or 20 years old does not matter.

Converting maps from one game and porting it over to another is DEFINITLY NOT the same as modeling content yourself.

Ofcourse, companies want their games to be supported as much as possible as it increases sales. More mods -> more enthousiasts -> more sales -> more enthousiasts -> more mods -> more sales, etc. etc.

Therefor, they won't hold you accountable for modding the game as long as the mod is using the game they produced.

It becomes a problem for them when you start using content from their game and putting it into another game. This doesn't raise their sales one bit but actually raises the competition's sales.

So if you plan on taking content from one game and putting it into another...expect a letter from their lawyer on your doormat.

You are however allowed to produce your own content using other games as a reference.

Many producers do this: DOOM-clones, Tetris-clones, Pacman-clones, Command & Conquer-clones, etc.

Since it is your own content, it can never be exactly the same AND you own the rights to your content.

Well, importing this for GRAW2 will break the copyright thing I belive. Not sure if we actually did that on the castle day map aswell, but noone have sued me yet so...

You didn't breach copyright with the geometry of the map. I believe you did however with the textures. ;)

Since Ubisoft produced/distributed both games I don't think they will make a big issue out of it as it increases sales for their own products anyway.

Here's a thought.... can anyone bring the frostbite maps in? May be easier to get ahold of the files then from RSE

Also... i don't know much about 3dmax... but is it possible to export the maps /models from GR1 to 3d max? I mean if you can import them... why can't you export?

Using frostbite's maps would be an excellent idea. The rights for the geometry is in the Frostbite team's hands and easier to get then GR's. I don't know if Frostbite used textures from the game itself, but if it does there's a slight chance that this can be a problem.

You can't import models from GR1 into 3D Studio Max, unless you've got Mike Schell's little software ;)

The formats just don't match.

You can export geometry into GR1's format, as you know.

On the other side, it's possible to recreate old GR maps pretty accurate another way just like deleyt did here: http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39389

I think he plan to finish this project for GRAW2, but I'm not sure what he's up to nowadays, haven't talked with him for a while.

I will be finishing Tank ;)

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The question of bringing the original maps to GRAW 2 is being discussed in other (higher) places than here, it's not as straight forward as perhaps we might think, the legal process never is, but the seed has been sewn. We just have to wait and see if Ubi can turn it into a flower or a weed :thumbsup:

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and what most ppl really wanted....[GR] in an updated graphics engine.

Yes indeed, just remember is not just all about [GR] maps, don't forget the critical server options [GR] had which pleased most player preferences of gameplay, and gave the game flexibility, examples:

- kit restrictions

- next map random

- 4 insertion zones

-random insertion

etc etc

Also the gameplay [GR] vs. GRAW is somewhat different so I'm not sure if all [GR] maps will workout well in GRAW 2

(I'm mainly thinking of no need to wait (GR reticule to close) to get an accurate shot off with GL or sniper guns, high accuracy while strafing and shooting in GRAW series vs [GR] etc)

Anyway, I'd love to see the [GR] AND GRAW 1 maps in GRAW 2 :) it would surely beef up the odds of a growing community.

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hmm... starting to drool.

On the legal side... Ghost Recon 1 maps in GRAW2... isn't that like them importing the xbox GRAW2 maps into GRAW2 pc? ;)

What this would do if possible is... pull the 2 communities together (old school GR1 players and GRAW2 new school)

When making the maps, hard coding 4 insertions is a must (i think BSR did that with there castle night version)

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I just got an idea as well.. there where some pretty nifty Add on maps that where developed that where not delievered GR1 maps. I remember the frostbite one's as an example. Could it possible that the people that made these maps may also have the 3dmax fiels or whatever is need and we could port those over?

I know they are not the Embasy etc.. but migth be a great way to get some maps out quickly?

I forget if it was ROCO or Rockey who was checking in to getting hte 3dmsax fiels from GR1 .. any word from UBI or whomever?

edit 5 minutes later..

I guess great minds thing alike .. LOL

I added my post then read the others..

Edited by IrishStout
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