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M99 & HK LMG Bipod.

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GRIN, since GRAW 1 the bipod install on M99 and the LMG is unuseable?

Is there any chances you guys can make it useable so that firing this weapon in lying position much more stable? especially while trying to do a cover fire for your teammate in coop and SP mode. Like in Americas Army all weapons equiped with bipod are useable.

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True right? i think GRIN should start to make the bipod useable on all weapon in the game that attach with it.

As for the M99, true it is already accurate but i think with the assistance from the bipod, it will be much more accurate. Imagine the effect on this two weapons if the bipod can be used.

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Wolfsong is right, there's been changes to the M99 in the latest patch. Open the patch.bundle and compare the u_barrett.xml file in it to the u_barret.xml from the quick.bundle

Normal (non-zoomed) spread has been doubled from 1.5 to 3, so most likely the "hipshot" from the M99 isn't as accurate nowadays.

There's also been some animation changes in the latest patch but I can't say if they are M99 related or not as I haven't compared the new anim files to the original ones.

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In [GR] the accuracy of a weapon was dependant on your stance. Is this not the case GRAW2? If it is, then can it not be set so that an M99/SAW, etc are accurate when prone and an awful lot less accurate in any other stance? At least it would solve the M99 problem and give the pretence of working bipods.

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In [GR] the accuracy of a weapon was dependant on your stance. Is this not the case GRAW2?

Yes, it is. Combined with this are the other weapon & mod variables in the units directory.

<!-- GRAW2 Weapon Tweak -->

		<var name="upright_recoil" type="number" default="0.0"/>

		<var name="crouch_recoil" type="number" default="0.05"/>

		<var name="prone_recoil" type="number" default="0.15"/>

sb_global.xml (1.03)

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With the useable bipod the game will be more realistic. I cant imagine firing a 50 cal. bullet while standing or prone, while in the real world all the special forces uses the bipod for stability in sniping.

Wolf is there any chances that your guys can make the bipod work on the next patch? it will be great for SP, MP and CooP.

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If someone gets hit by a .50 BMG round they are either very dead or taking no more interest for a very long time. The God problem is the way a 1.3m bolt action rifle weighing in at around 11.5kg can be accurately fired from any stance. It's an anti-material rifle, it should be used for taking the ADATs out by trashing their radar arrays, that sort of thing.

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Wolfsong is right, there's been changes to the M99 in the latest patch. Open the patch.bundle and compare the u_barrett.xml file in it to the u_barret.xml from the quick.bundle

Normal (non-zoomed) spread has been doubled from 1.5 to 3, so most likely the "hipshot" from the M99 isn't as accurate nowadays.

I didn't even knew the M99 was altered in the patch - anyway, after installing the new patch,

the M99 is still exactly thesame in my eyes... I can still quickscope people both longrange & point-blank. And as for the hipshot, It's still there lol

I've got it all on fraps as I'm gonna create a GR:AW 2 movie lol :)

Edited by C9.Constantine
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If someone gets hit by a .50 BMG round they are either very dead or taking no more interest for a very long time. The God problem is the way a 1.3m bolt action rifle weighing in at around 11.5kg can be accurately fired from any stance. It's an anti-material rifle, it should be used for taking the ADATs out by trashing their radar arrays, that sort of thing.

I agree with you lancer. That is why they need to make the bipod working. One more thing why the famous M82A1 is not included in the game too. This weapon is widely used by the US special forces for anti-vehicle and personnel.

Lol LZ_Hot, havent seen that in the game, where u took it? hehe..

still wishing that the weapons in GRAW1&2 will have same function like AA, like the silencer can detach and attach in the battlefield. Flashbang can use.

First come first, hope someone out there in our great community can take the challenge and make the bipod useable :)

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