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GRAW 2 = Awesome!

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I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the developers whole heartedly. I thought the original GRAW was fantastic, albeit with a few minor inklings and things that could have been done better. But I am happy to say that in GRAW 2 they have all been fixed and improved upon.

I can honestly say that GRAW 2 is the tactical game I have been looking for all these years :)

Once again, thank you!

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This game is absolutely brilliant. I'm having an absolute whale of a time in singleplayer - it's everything I could want from a tactical first person shooter. The choice of weapons, the AI, the realism, the amazing sound, the phenomenal graphics... I'm very, very pleased. GRIN, you've done it. I enjoyed the first GRAW but like many, I had my reservations and it very much (to me, at least) represented a work in progress. Well, that work has come to fruition with GRAW2.

The addition of the recon dynamic has revolutionised the game, added that much needed extra layer of strategy, and made the whole process of 'setting up' for an assault many, many times more enjoyable. I'm also overjoyed to find that the vast majority of the missions allow for genuinely open ended gameplay and there is always a plurality of approaches to an objective, with all the strengths and weaknesses that each provides.

The quarry mission is particularly good in this regard - do you climb the hill and assault from above from a potentially more exposed position, or go in at ground lvel without the situational awareness but much greater possibility of stealth? Do you mix the two? Do you move the MULE up steadily as a mobile piece of cover and assault from behind it? Do you use it to draw fire and get enemies to expose themselves?

The amount of choices available is fantastic and really makes you feel a sense of achievement when you find the solution that's right for you. There are massive benefits to staying quiet but there are also massive penalities should you fluff it and be discovered prematurely - it is so easy to become encircled and the route to the best or most advantageous position is often frought with difficulty.

Your squadmates are embued with such a sense of life, too - the way they throw themselves up against walls, sneak and peek, clean their goggles and scream for assistance all contributes to the feeling that these are living, breathing men with a job to do. The feedback from them is very specialised and helps you understand the situation in much greater detail than in the first GRAW. I also find that I can rely on them much more than in the first GRAW, although they're not without their faults. They are TERRIBLE at assaulting a position.

They move intelligently, but very often manage to get caught out in the open. I find it's best to only let them fire from cover (as they should, really). Moving in the open results in near instant death for your teammates EVERY time (particularly if you're playing on hardcore), so you have to be really responsible with your orders.

I find that unless you have a move order where you are sure they won't be engaged, you should move soldiers individually. Having said that, the ability to have your men move as a group and intelligently take cover is very much appreciated and in a tight spot can be very useful - just not something to rely upon. For example, you should never expect to be able to move all your men behind a car and have them assault a fortified position - it's just asking for trouble. Engaging from multiple angles is the order of the day and the enemy are easily confused by fire coming in from different areas. Concentrating your men in a group is very often a recipe for disaster.

Having said that, on the first Juarez mission, I had Ramirez move up to checkpoint one from the rear, while Hume overwatched with his sniper rifle - he snuck up and levelled his rifle at the amassed group. The injured Beasley, who took a round in the shoulder during the fracas in the car park, was crouched behind a nearby car, ready to open up in case things got hot. The order is given to go loud and Hume lets a round fly into the torso of one of the guards, but Ramirez has switched to his GL and cleared out the checkpoint in one press of the trigger. Instant clearance by the AI in one of the most intelligent uses of a GL I have ever seen in a game.

If there's anything that jars with the otherwise 'professional' atmosphere of the game it's some of the things that Mitchell says. It's really comic book stuff and the exchange with the Mexican colonel about your name is straight out of a hollywood blockbuster - it really took me right out of the situation! I know he's supposed to be a 'grizzled' veteran but the wise ass remarks could surely be spared. Your teammates, for the most part, behave with a certain amount of decorum so why should Mitchell be such a cocky ######?

Regardless, I have no qualms about the way the story is managed this time round, though. Some of the more bizarre and incongruent shoehorning of the 360 GRAW storyline into the original GRAW was really noticeable, but it seems like that problem has been overcome because the briefings now actually feel like they are for the mission at hand and not for another game. Lewy's much more involved this time around so you get the impression that they've put greater effort into making you feel as though the mission has been designed around you rather than the console players.

There's much I want to say about this game but most of it revolves around my experiences in playing it and some of the hugely amusing and enjoyable incidents it has spawned. I wouldn't want to ruin it particularly for anyone else but this game has my wholehearted recommendation and I would not hesistate in comparing it to the likes of the [Ghost Recon]. It feels like a much more complete game than the first GRAW, and is much, much better for it.

Well done GRIN!

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Couldn't agree more with OT, I'm only on the Quarry Mission and decided to go for the high vantage point and snipe what Tangos I could while moving my team down to finish of what's left of them. The new way of controlling the Team is a God send.

The only thing missing is the ability to make your ghost team go Prone on command for the real sneaky stealth attack!

GRiN take a Bow, For me this beats Ghost Recon, Period.

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Thanks now how long have you been working for grin :)

He starts next week. :rofl:

Jokes aside give credit to Undercoverman - the attention to detail and grasp of over all gameplay at the same time in a review like that is rarely seen. Most reviews are done way too fast before getting into the detail that the real players and fans of the genre like to hear about. Hats off for spending the time to analyze and write all that - and I'm happy to see our game made your gaming more enjoyable!


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Your teammates, for the most part, behave with a certain amount of decorum so why should Mitchell be such a cocky ######?

For the same reason why his teammates cheer him up for every single kill. ;)

What i like about GRAW2 is that while reloading the bullet in the barrel is shown on hud and even shotable. :thumbsup:

And although i appreciate the planningphase i really miss this scene:

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Thanks now how long have you been working for grin :)

Moan Moan Moan :P

Thanks now how long have you been working for grin :)

He starts next week. :rofl:

Jokes aside give credit to Undercoverman - the attention to detail and grasp of over all gameplay at the same time in a review like that is rarely seen. Most reviews are done way too fast before getting into the detail that the real players and fans of the genre like to hear about. Hats off for spending the time to analyze and write all that - and I'm happy to see our game made your gaming more enjoyable!


Yes its probably the best read I have seen on the game full agreement, with continued support and mods interaction in the community this game will go a long way.

You should be proud of your self and the Team,

Wonderfull Job.

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