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Recruit - 3rd Class

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  1. Whats going to really make a difference is which one comes out with a map editor first. The first one to do that will almost put a nail in the others coffin.
  2. Yeah Sparta rocks, great bunch of guys. Really enjoyed my game there.
  3. The autodownloader is very very nice touch though and makes game play alot more accessable to everyone and you didnt have to leave a server in the middle of alot of fun just because you didnt have the map. Once you have to leave, download install and come back the magic, the current fun level, even the player mix and all your current enjoyment / experiance is gone. All these games are all about providing an "experiance" or the potential of the experiance at least and this experiance is what sells the game. Now if you fail to deliver, you get 599,700 ticked of game fans....... thats over $29,000,000.00 of future sales at risk on new games. Especially this one. Ghost Recon wasnt just a game to most of us, it developed into a culture. It dosnt seem that this was understood very well in the developement of new games. Its not a mystery that the past success of [GR] was going to sell alot of copies of GRAW when it came out. But Id say that your customers, us, have shown that we arnt too happy with the end product cause if we were there would be more than 58 out of 600,000 copies sold playing right now. It started to fall off within weeks of release. I bet that if you took all the [GR] maps, the [GR] game play ideas, really thought out some bigger and better maps, included the originall maps casue they were very well thought out, applied the new technology youve created for GRAW 1 and 2, made it run as smooth as the guys did with COD4, (sorry to bring that up but it runs great even on a 2 year old machine, Graw 1 and 2 barely run) had a map editor that you could whip up new maps without alot of trouble and having to go to development school for 10 years, had server controls and nice options like above youd sell double what you have and would have a massive active future customer base to draw from instead of 50 out of 600,000+. Look at [GR], people are still making maps, mods, new missions after how many years? You know why? Cause its a great game and still provides the "experiance". Its also still a great platform to make new experiances with, as new development shows. Now look at GRAW1 and 2. Do you see the same result. Especially GRAW2 as is.
  4. I doubt it very much - too little, too late unfortunately. No doubt we'll dl the patch when it comes, check the new content, then go back to playing CoD4, Crysis & UT3. Patch 1.05 is a good start. GRAW2 PC has already sold 600,000 units. Therefore there is a very good chance much more content will be added to this game in the future. This is the beginning of GRAW2 not the end. 600,000. Not to disput any numbers but what I find interesting is that not long after the game came out, there was next to nobody playing it. 600,000 copies against what 300 players world wide? thats like .0005% If I was a manufacture and saw that kind of number Id be very worried that it was a disaster and that my future sales potential is going to suck big time. Id have just ripped off and ###### off 599700 customers to make 300 sort of ok with the product. Thats over 29 million dollars in sales to ticked off fans. I bought my copy 30 days after it came out. Within Three weeks, I had almost no one to play online with, all my clan and most others that battled together had dropped it already for BETA versions of other games. As much as I love the GR series, and Ill really appreciate more fixes and substance, I feel really ripped off. I spent my $50.00 and got about .0005% value out of it.
  5. I am also a former BDA member and now a proud member of SPARTA www.legionofsparta.com Mecha has always been an upfront, honest, very very good player with no need of any kind of assistance. To think other wise is plain foolish. I was proud to be watching his back before and would watch it again with pride now. DrNo~SPARTA~
  6. No worries there. I do not have any mods. A few other fellow clansmen had the same error which is wierd. I did not have it before 1.30 but that dosnt really mean much. After the second error, it did not occur again for three hours whereas I got tired and stopped playing. Maybe just a glitch for tonight.
  7. WOw. 2 Crash's with time same script error in 20 minutes. DDDDDDDDCrash in application version: grpcrc1.30 data\lib\units\extensions\inventory.dsf(-1): cant find member: slot_name in type <destroyed c++class> SCRIPT STACK data\lib\units\types\weapons\eglm.dsf(0) I wonder what this means.
  8. Great news. Looking forward to the additions.
  9. Great cool neat stuff in the patch. I realy like it and I mean it too. Thanks for issueing it. Only have two issues;. 1St issue; CD reject key happens alot and to about 50% - 75% plus of the players all at the same time. 2nd issue: Files dont match disconect happens about as many times as the CD reject key and afffects about the same amount of people. I had 4 CD rejects and 3 files dont match in 3 hours. Id have to say that at least 150+ players or occurances in the same amount of time got dropped from the game. This almost certainly is going to happen to you if you see 20-60 seconds of total black screen. Yo might as well just shut down and restart it cause your going to be dropped out for onew of the two reasons above.
  10. Great cool neat stuff in the patch. I realy like it and I mean it too. Thanks for issueing it. Only have two issues;. 1St issue; CD reject key happens alot and to about 50% - 75% plus of the players all at the same time. 2nd issue: Files dont match disconect happens about as many times as the CD reject key and afffects about the same amount of people. I had 4 CD rejects and 3 files dont match in 3 hours. Id have to say that at least 150+ players or occurances in the same amount of time got dropped from the game. This almost certainly is going to happen to you if you see 20-60 seconds of total black screen. Yo might as well just shut down and restart it cause your going to be dropped out for onew of the two reasons above. None of my files have ever been touched. Really.
  11. I love it. But runs a bit choppy and mouse lag. P4 3ghz, ATI9600XT256mb. 1Gig 400mhz ram Im going to install another Gig of ram this week and see if it gets a bit better. I just have a hard time aiming before I get shot. I get shot alot..........
  12. How much computer will we need to play. GR runs great on my 600,( dont laugh to hard :>) ) Im gonna have to start saving cash for a major upgrade.
  13. Thats good info. How do I make them invinsible? Igor?
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