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Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. wow, that bird looks ancient, but great find. also a link to various stages of the AH-1s growth in military aviation. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/sys...t/ah-1-pics.htm
  2. there are a few reserve component attack battalions still using them, although at a very small rate. the AH-1s we are flying here in missouri have the same 3 barrel cannon you are talking about. also the birds in use/maintanence at CCAD (Corpus Christi Army Depot) all coming from active army units have the same weapon system, a 3 barrel cannon. im guessing they must have ditched the earlier cannon config some years ago, i've never seen an Army AH-1 a 6 barrel setup.
  3. i didn't know we were talking about engines. i was actually referring to the statement saying "only the marines have used this weapon" in reference to the 3 barrel mini-gun. and you are correct, we Army folks still fly the single powerplant birds
  4. perhaps in the past but not now. the AH-1 in use today uses the same 3 barrel cannon. and to further clarify, the Army was the 1st branch to commission the Cobra, not the Corp.
  5. really doesnt make a whole lot of sense. if you don't like it, don't play it .
  6. Sapper6

    Sig Award #20

    all you said was "mountains"...avey went beyond that in including an entire mountain range...oh well looks like it's a no-go Avey, better luck next time
  7. my current read is the Book of Five Rings...just finished the Tao of Jeet Kune Do. thats right, just another martial arts junkie
  8. right on eagle. if you guys run the replay in fast forward, everything will appear at normal walking speed patience grasshopper
  9. yeehaw, our site and forum is alive and well
  10. a huge thanks to Alpha Squad for creating such an awesome experience. all of us in the tactical co-op dont get the respect we so much deserve (console designers ), its an honor to be in the company of such classy people who push the envelope, all the while showing us all how the game was meant to be played . thanks a million Alpha Squad. respectfully, =UE=Sapper6
  11. soldiers also recieve a clothing allowance, to counter-balance what we have to spend...
  12. Tactical CO-OP...i like the idea of T v T but have yet to join a server hosting team play that i didnt encounter a bunch of R & G...
  13. its kinda funny you make the statement GR is dead but it seems like almost every week, yet another new mod or campaign is being released. how could it be dead...? you might wanna check ubisoft.com's financial section to see what game came in 3rd place w/ most sales worldwide in 2003, almost 2 years after the date it was released, folks are still buying it. that's a nice quote you said about denial. it goes both ways: just because you quit playing GR, doesnt mean it's dying out.
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