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  1. Ahhh well, no one ever thinks to include Air Force Special Tactics........the first in so that others may live......
  2. I'm not so sure about this thing. It sounds great, but I know of guys who couldn't even think to operate the selector switch on the M-16, ( one guy even kept dropping and slamming in fresh clips even though he wasn't firing) in the heat of a firefight much less decide from 5 options on what to do with the grenade launcher. My point on this is it needs to be as brain-dead operable as possible under combat conditions otherwise its just wasted weight and equipment, and could actually get someone killed while they are distracted with their weapon. Your highest vulnerablility is when reloading, clearing a jam, or otherwise not paying attention to your surroundings.
  3. thought I'd write something profound----but words can't express the gratitude I feel for you guys "in the ######", or to the ones lost. Keep your heads down, boys.
  4. dittos on what Marine Sniper said, if your recruiter promises you anything, get it in writing! Also Air Force has a spec ops group, forward air control, para-rescue and the like...you may want to check into that as well. I wish you luck in obtaining your goals and desires and remember that if you do this you will be pressed beyond anything you could imagine right now. Mental toughness and and uncompromising will power will be one of your greatest assets, (not to mention having a screw loose in choosing this path lol).
  5. I vote for the entire casts of: Band of Brothers; Saving Private Ryan; Sam Elliot- We Were Soldiers, and Lee Marvin - The Big Red One and Cross of Iron
  6. World Famous......USAF Thunderbirds, and USN Blue Angels, awesome teams both.
  7. I saw the news about this too. The retired admiral making the accusations has no new facts to back his claim and is going on his belief there was a cover-up. Mistakes are made in war, and it was a terrible tragedy, but I think nothing more than that. (The USS Stark on the other hand.......)
  8. @ Warhawk Well done on your historical arguments and perceptions on WWII. I think you hit it right on the head for most of the causes of that war and why the US didn't get involved right away. Good show.
  9. Crimson, it's not that I feel I am superior (just ask anyone I play with how bad I suck at this game, lol), it's just that spawn raping ruins the game imo. If you think it takes great skill or is fun, well then, we disagree.
  10. oops, sorry soto. lol. I read too many posts that day.
  11. anyone who fought, resisted, or opposed the Axis powers no matter how small, made a significant contribution. the resistance movements in all the countries who were conquered provided vital information and support for the bigger armies.
  12. The reason we play the game is to have fun, spawn campers take that away by making the game unplayable and frustrating. Some people might consider that great skill, but I feel it doesn't take much skill to kill a stationary, defenseless target. I'm not saying I'm perfect and have never spawn-killed, but I really do try to avoid it. I guess it's one of the reasons I play co-op most of the time.
  13. Aaarrrggghhhh! All I ever see anyone use anymore in multi-play is either the SA-80(which in real life I think is a piece of crap because it can only be fired right-handed due to the ejector port being at your cheek, and it's not that accurate), or the oicw. I knew the SA-80 in its first incarnation as the L-85A1 and we gave it the nick "Reggea Rifle" because it was always jammin'. As for the oicw, I can't see how the game gives it the accuracy it does because of the shortness of the barrel and the shortness of the sighting plane. I always play with either the m-4 or m-4 socom, or sopmod if it's available. I just like to see people using something different.
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