I always have been amazed a what a wealth of marketing info this forum board could be to any developer that would use it. Any dev that would implement the sum total of the suggestions and wishlists posted here, would be sure to have a product that would be a superior fps.
Since many of these individual features had been to some extent sucessfully done before, they could be copied and reproduced for new games, but instead we have seen devs insist on trying to "reinvent the wheel" and actually produce features that are inferior to what has already been done before. An great example of this would be how grenades are controlled, numerous games after GR1 have come out with a grenade tossing system that are badly flawed despite the fact that GR1 has already done this so well.
A developer that would incorporate every one of the features that have worked in the past, and add real innovations, would become a leader in the industry that would set a new standard.