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Everything posted by Sleepdoc-iBeta

  1. Is it too late to request a Molotov Cocktail or maybe a sticky mine be added to the inventorys' mix...you see I have to go up against a MBT and I seem to have misplaced my glowing little C4 charge. Thought I just had it...here somewhere LOL. make a Palestinian / hamas mod with rocks and katushka rockets. and don't forget those special belts.
  2. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Patience everyone. Make bug reports and suggest better ideas. Even disucss why ideas and design choices are less fun or less useful. but try to keep it academic and not so emotional. Especailly when those emotions lead you to just genreally derail the willingness of the developers to interact with us. I like keeping them engaged. they learn and we learn. and we standa greater chance for them to actually read the bug reports and ideas if they don't have to drudge through the 1 millionth "I hate you for making a bug" posts. Those are a collosal waste of digitial space and don't belong in these forums. that is what UBI's forums are for.
  3. I do not saying such things to people. . . . . . . . So Thank God for people like you who will..... << currently living vicariously though Dporter>>
  4. I'm tying to put some pieces tiogether from what I thought i read from wolf and others. Irrespective of the old interfafce from GRAW1 (make your own loadout up to max weight), didn't Wolf say that custom kits ordered from existing weapons (not modded weapons) in the game wouldn't be hard to make? So for some questions to wolf if he would be so kind.... ---1. If a coop server were to turn off anticheat, and then unmodded weapons were organized into new kit selections client-side, couldn't players pretty much have whatever kit they want within weight limits? so for example, if I wanted a kit that was an m99, an mp5sd6 and 3 nades and 3 smoke nades, i could have it. right? ---2. Are the kit choice mods going to be nothing more than xml files? or will scripting and higher skills be required to create them? ---3. Once kit alterations are created, could a server mod itself with those new kits and turn on anti cheat, so the only way it's member-clients could join would be to have the server's approved client-side kit mod? thus limiting all its players to the same kits? Aren't all these possabilities the things you were talking about when you once mentioned the ability to mod kits? If this is the case, then I expect kit selection mods to show up all over the place eventually. final question. ---4. Can weight limits also be screwed with, so that kit mods can include 2 weps and 3 nades etc? or is it more than simply wieght? like is it there simply aren't 3 slots for nades and kit modding won't let you carry 3 nades? Maybe I should post this as a top level post in the modding section?
  5. Hang in their GT. Give the guys at GriN at chance. There is a classic in that box. I believe it. And they are tenacious. give em a little time....
  6. Yea baby! thats what I'm talking about! Nice to hear it RPG. like i said, you are known by name among all my coop buddies for your maps. so when frustration grabs you, go for a walk. Hang out with buddies. Go have fun. Get a nights sleep. You'll come back the next round smarter and faster at the process. What seemed impossible one day will seem obvious the next. Its the natureof a technical learning curve. Nice to see you back in the game!
  7. Take a deep breath RPG hard. When things change and new systems must be learned, it is very normal for people to intially feel limited and frustrated. But people are counting on you Bro. Your maps were among the best out there in GRAW1. And your later maps were tons better than your intiial ones. To lose you in GRAW2 would be a huge blow to the community I know new learning curves are painful at times. but please. go slow and learn. Get on teamspeak with people who have already solved your issues and talk to them. REad the docs. take your time. Bang it out. Once you get back on the learning curve, I know your stuff will be awesome. Please don't give up. Early frustration with new, technical stuff is common. you'll get it.
  8. As they say in New York city .... Now Dats a ting a booty...... (For those who can't read new york dialect, this means "Now thats a thing of beauty) What more can any one expect from a developer when a bug is found? Bugs are not a sign of lacking integrity. They are a sign of the complexity of moodern software and limited resources. To me, this post is integrity. Please grasp that angry people ......
  9. GRiN did not blow anything off. Wolf simply was responding to the fact that someone suggested the state of his defrag was GRiN's problem. I will admit that Wolf takes risks when he makes such comments and does not represent his company as professionally as he probably should at times. but hey. He's Wolf. He hasnt made the full transition from being one of us to being "one of them". and frankly, that has its advantages too. So accept wolf for who he is. We accepted him before he moved to GriN. didn't we? But Wolf never suggested that GRiN was blowing off this bug. That's not GriN's style. this bug is going to rapidly rise to their priority list. I'll bet on it. His first responses in the thread were due to his own ingnorance to the real existence of this. After all, no one had talked about it. Now I'm guesing he can see quite clearly this is very very real. Lets all relax and let the system work itself out. It's not like we have much of a choice anyway.
  10. I can assure you wolf. there is aproblem with the online and lan coop campaign server. I can load neither. Each will create the errors for me as clearly stated by Pave Low. Amidst all the noise and frustration in this thread, exists a well written bug report filled with meaningful clues to lead your programmers towards the fix. Pave lows reports are excellent. They delve clearly into some symptoms of the bug. but rest assured. It is a bug. Please simply let us know that you can reproduce it on your end and that the programmers know it exists. I think that is all we need to know here ...... And then we can all continue to ignore the angry kids knowing that your guys are on it for the next go around.
  11. Actually no. I got your answer. But yes. I did get an answer from Wolf that explained a bit.
  12. You turned my term "dilly-dally" inot a reason to assume i meant it as a purposeful, wastefulness of time. I did not (I saw you "joke" thing, but you built on the argument ...) By "dilly dally", i really meant "Take amoment longer to think about what kit is really needed, and then look through them. After all, most people wil rarely memorize them all. I read wolfs answer and i accept it as their logic, but i just think coop deserves a deifferent logic. frankly, i think they all do. But it is a simplifed solution that assures the system doesnt get stuck. it would require far more time and effort to come up with a more detailed approach to the problem they are fixing with their approach.
  13. Actually, I still don't even get the forced respawn in TDM or any other game actually, but I would like to ask the rationale for forcing a person into the 3D world after the respawn time has run out in a coop game. I mean, don't people think that what should happen is a button to respawn appears after the respawn timer runs its course? this way, If i want to dilly-dally around thinking about what kits i want to respawn with, i don't have to be on a race with that orange respawn timer bar at the top of the kit screen. Why is it this way? I just don't get it. It seems like such an obvious and easy improvement. Am I the only one who feels this way?
  14. Yep. In the lower left of the overview map (only) you will find the "create waypoint" button. Of course, only the squad leader has access to them. If the SL dies, SL rights are passed to the next guy.
  15. In campaign coop, and only accessible from the "overview map" is the ability for squad leaders to give other players these yellow waypoints that are visible by all humans. but they are loaded with issues .... #1. Once placed on the map, nothing makes then dissappear! how do i, as squad leader, get rid of them? #2. apprently, i can place them i the area that is consered out of bounds. so if someone goes tothem, they die, becuase they get the "not in mission area" error. but you have no way of knowing that when you place them .... Did these just show up in this patch? or did i miss them from before? In any case, they are very problematic since they end up mucking up your hud with waypoints that you can never get rid of (or maybe i just need to RTFM? thats possible too) Any explanation on these yellow campaign coop waypoints would be apprecaited.
  16. http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php...=44837&st=0
  17. I don't think so. Becuase that generation is extremely console centric. Demographics are shifting.... Hehe. engaged eh? we have a word for that in america. Its called "Single". Let's revisit this post one to two years after your wedding..... LOL. Ain't that the truth!
  18. I know that it is rare that great IP's ever go open source for any reason. But we do see games do it from time to time. Especailly when the graphics engine has no hope of being used again. I know there wil be a lot of speculation on this questions WRT to what UBI would likely NEVER allow. But I sure would love to hear what someone from GRiN actually thinks on this issue? Could you imagine how much new life the modcommunity would breath into GRAW1 or 2 one day if it ever went open source? Even if it went open source 2 years from now, I think it would lead to some great stuff.... Cheers. Here's to dreaming outloud.
  19. We never had the need for it. It was just more fun, and also more up close and personal which adds another layer. It also removed the possibilities of hacker and cheaters which was one of the biggest pluses when looking at the game play. Bandwitdh was never a problem where I lived. And convenience of staying at home? That's what I was on to about players maybe being less social these days. Convenience was never a fact, it was all about play the game and hanging out. I don't think we missed your points Wolf. but i am relating the forces of real life in my life. are you married? do you ahve kids? as time moves forward, more dedicated players have these life realities. As my time used to be my own, it is no more. To suggest that we are less social now is to miss the point. we are not less social. We have simply changed what we do with our limited social time. Social time is limited. As a younger man, i spent it at lan parties quite a bit. If I did that today, I would be excluding my wife and that is a big no-no. and frankly, not something i really want to do. I married her becuase i love hanging out with her. So my social time has been moved to family get to gethers, parties with her and our mutual freinds etc. Last sunday, we went to an all day picnic. we played hackysac and batmidden outdoors all day while eating barbecue. 10 years ago, i would have been in someones basement all day in the dark, eating chips and shooting virtual guns. Times change as life moves forward. luckily, bandwidth, temspeak etc has meant i can still play online games. Just not in person like i used to. I just think your assumption that we are less social these days is to miss the fact being social can occur in many ways. Not just at LAN parties. I'm guessing your single. Finally, I will also add this. LAN parties are more common in certain cultures than others. I recently saw a 2 hour show on the discovery times channel called "Gamer nation". It was very enlightening to me as an american. apparently, the scandinavian counties (and other democracies in particularly northern hemisperic areas) seem to have a greater overall passion for LAN gaming. and for LAN parties that are almost national events. They even identified a cultural trend called gaming families (where both husband and wife are equally committed to the same game). this trend was significantly stronger in the colder, northern, smaller nations. it was so strong in the scandanavian nations, that they showed the per capita expenditures of these families in these areas were much much higher on MMOs and other monthly expenses than any other countries. For example, in a gaming family where the wife's child care work prevented her from playing as much as her husband (and therefore falling behind in terms of the "level" achieved in the game), it is becoming common place to pay as much as $175 per month to have companies in eastern europe to play your character for you all week while you take care of your children, so that you can play on the same level os your husband when the weekend clan events come along. I can tell you this type of play and family cohesiveness in gaming is unlikely to ever occur in my american family and any of the freinds that I have right now. So the cultural variations are also at play here.....
  20. I find this to be an intersting comment. I never thought of reviewers as representing any partopciluar group. the essence of credability in review is impartiality. in order to be impartial, you cannot represent anyone group. You should simply play the game with conviction and give ti enough hours so that you can break through the learning curve until you know the nuance of the expereince. one of the main issues with most reviewers, IMHO, is they dont play long enough to get to that point. Of course, if that learning curve is stepp, they should report it as such. But everygame i have ever played has enver been fully understood and expereinced in the first 3 or 4 hours. it always takes repeat play over many days to finally get a true understanding of its depth (or lack there of) The problem is, reviewers probably dont have 10 3 hour sessions worth of time to get tehir reviews done. but that is a minimum of what it really probably takes in todays world of complex gaming. I suppose a review of pacman might take less time.
  21. If you do not yet use X-Fire, i strongly suggest that you do. Graw 2 is the singple best way to find the guys you know when they are online and get them involved. of course, the advantage is that you can see them, even when they are in some game. and you can evev get a chat message to them,like,"Quit playing neverwinter nights you lipstick wearing goblin and come play some GRAW2 with me". LOL I'm a committed coop player (or at least I should be committed ...LOL) Contact me on xfire. my name on xfire is simply "sleepdoc"
  22. You know, a decade or more ago, we used to have LAN parties at my house every weekend. Now with a wife at home and a kid on the way, the thought of a lan party is just a fleeting memory. One of the driving forces of LAN parties back then, besides the obvious desire to hang out with your buddies, was the lack of available Bandwidth and poor internet connectivity of windows 95. In todays world of directx9c, Cable modems at 10mb, the clarity (and ubiquitousness) of Teamspeak etc etc has greatly reduced the "Need" for it. I'm not discounting the social value, but the flexability of being able to come in and out of a large, low ping game at your leisure, and walk to your own refrigerator, is a powerfully attractive thing too. XBOX360 is starting at add video feeds to player faces while in game. this is no doubt coming for the rest of us too. This will further erode the need players feel to get together in person. The odds of todays world are greatly stacked against LAN parties where in the past, they were almost a necessity to get a large scale online experience. I'm not saying R.I.P or anything. But I rarely hear about them anymore.
  23. For me to support Papa oughta tell you guys something ...... But getting shot at by people outside the clip zone, only to see their muzzle and not their body, and yet be able to see the objects and buildings and terrain behind them is kind of silly. It has never been a game killer for me like it is for Papa, but it is most certainly real, frequent, and it could have been done better. Especially in coop. it happens in coop alot. I'll bet dollars to dimes their QA guys mentioned it too. Even before we did. Even in GRAW1. It was a design decision though. And possibly one that got pretty hard coded, away from prying hands. Ce la vie .... Wolfs comments seemed clear. They have bigger fish to fry. Its not my pet bug. But it is real and has a real impact on play from time to time that can be a bit disheartening.
  24. Yep. Its a well known bug, and from what I have read so far from teh developers, it appears they are addressing it in the next patch, which comes out on monday the 13th of august. So this should be taken care of soon. Go to the GRAW2 Pc forum and read about the new patch and all its features here.. http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45886 Cheers.
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