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Everything posted by Snake@War

  1. What have you guys all been up to lately?
  2. Man, browsing the forums again is such a blast from the past. I hope everyone is doing well! It's been so long! I hope everyone is doing well!
  3. Postal 2 is on Steam Greenlight! If you would like to see this game come to Steam, go vote for it! They are adding widescreen support and plan to support the game possibly adding new features such as Eyefinity, and more. I know I can't wait for it!
  4. I would love to have a mod night some time! Heroes Unleashed, Centcom, Alpha Mod, or DTD Team Mod. Something! Anything at all, please?
  5. Well I just bought a new lappy, Zeealex. I guess it's not a reinstall. First install on this machine. Yes. I really like what I see. I was wondering if this was going to ever happen, decided to check, and was very surprised to find this project. I never used to play very much online, but enjoyed it when I did. I need to find a few good servers and get involved.
  6. Oh. My. God. I am reinstalling OGR now. How many of you guys play online still? I would totally be up for a few games some time. Add me on Steam: SnakeATWAR or Skype: nathan.scott.89
  7. Epic. Thanks for the link too CR6!
  8. This is my current background. http://nethskie.deviantart.com/art/High-Altitude-Eclipse-177573920
  9. I'm thinking about picking this up, myself too. Hey Ronin, Led, and wombat! Long time no see!
  10. LoL... this is like 3 threads in one. @Rocky: All I know is that I bought a working license/CD-Key from someone who gets these keys wholesale. (Possibly from returned unopened games.) It works for me.
  11. That is what I was referring to. The fact that despite what is CURRENTLY going on, people still refuse to ask questions. @NoQuarter: Well a lot of the time if you DO try to break incredible stories that don't sound possible, you risk your journalistic career (even if they are true). There is a serious risk of being excommunicated by the journalistic community if you don't play your cards the way they want you too. That means that some times you have to hold onto that ace even though want to play it. I doubt many reporters during WWII were talking about all the "invalids" that were being castrated in the US thanks to social darwinism. But guess what? It was happening.
  12. That was incredible response to his excellent point.... As far as I'm concerned, the ball's still in your side of the court, No1/4. In a Lincoln-Douglas debate your response would be considered forfeiture on that point... just saying. I also think that the way the news media in the US is run is very dangerous. The White House has MOST of the networks in its pocket, and the public, in general, don't ask any questions of these networks. Fanboyism over networks(any news network) is a dangerous game, especially when they are being censored from high up. Edit: After rereading my post I want to state that there was absolutely no malfeasance intended. We're all friends here.
  13. You're welcome. It's a great deal, if I say so myself.
  14. Title says it all. Figured you might like to know.
  15. If you read the article I linked to, you would see that it is a server side option... Well technically it is a playlist, like hardcore, old school, or standard games. I was talking about the type of 3rd person camera. I am concerned. Will it be like the GRAW camera or more like Socom? In Socom it's WAY too easy to do the whole look around corners without really looking. I sure hope your informant has reliable information. That would justify my purchase of the game. Also, could someone post a translation of the intro to the mission? I have a better link to the video in the first post. Snake, out.
  16. This post is concerned with a leaked SP video that is beginning to cause outrage in the community. There are spoilers in the video that show off one of the SP missions designed to be emotionally stirring and.... well you'll find out. Outrageous MW2 video. I can't wait to see the flak they get for this in the press.... Yeah. Oh BTW... Kotaku says that Third Person Camera Is No Rumor. I'm actually not upset about that. To be honest, if it's done right, I think it could be pretty cool. That's a big if though. It gives you better situational/peripheral awareness, plus it lets you watch the awesome animations. I actually tend to wait a while after a round starts so I get to watch my team mates sprint, occasionally. Now, IF I do eventually get the game, I won't have to. I just hope they add SADS. Edit: New link to a better video.
  17. I just bought CoD4 and CoD5 this way. I got them BOTH for 13.50. You just have to know someone who has the game disks you can borrow, or aquire the disks via different methods. I would avoid places that you don't know that you can trust, though. Just do a search and see what people say about the e-tailer before you buy.
  18. Thanks for the heads up DS. Very interesting to say the least. Let's try to avoid a "political discussion." Nice find DS.
  19. That was strangely emotional, yet very comical. Great find! Loved it.
  20. Yeah... It's just cheeky. No mods, no 24/7 clan/community owned SADSs, no control over who joins the SADS you pay for... Communities that kick over language, ping, exploits, abuse, racism and all that jazz can't say no to these abusers. P2P hosting sucks. Try playing COD4 on a console. I own CoD4 on PS3 and PC so I know from experience that I prefer a master list over matchmaking. While I will admit that the matchmaking is not a terrible idea (sometimes it's nice to just start CoD4 on my PS3 and join a random HC-TDM), there should still be support for dedis. Period. No SADS is no good thing. BTW: VAC isn't a great anti-cheat if you didn't know. At least in my experience.
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