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  1. It's been years since I modded GRAW2, but I was able to do exactly what you are looking for. If memory serves me, it is going to have to be bundle specific. I would definitely need to know what maps and/or bundles you plan on using. If any of those are another modder's bundle, we will definitely need their permission.........which I don't think would be a problem when asked.
  2. I use and highly recommend the Icemat Siberia Steelseries headset. Icemat Siberia Steelseries Headset Very comfortable, 10 ft. cord, inline volume control, AND a seperate mic. The mic is not attached to the headset and works exceptionally well. I have the mic about 2 feet away mounted on the monitor and it transmits loud and clear.
  3. Well, for me, If I'm playing with peeps I don't know then checking rooms personally is a must. There's been way too many times to list they don't let anyone know if something is in the room that others could use.
  4. You I'd trust with the M79, pretty much most others I wouldn't even begin a map with! Also, on being Biled on, why peeps haven't figured out to corner up and melee - thus allowing me to pull a human shield between them and infected astounds me. For God's sake, the infected won't damage me as long as the pheromone is active on the biled survivor. And for the peeps that use the random pipe bomb that dispatches only one infected..........
  5. Wytch, you're absolutely correct in the firing patterns most peeps use. Here's how to properly use an autoshotty to peel infected (try it, it works): USE the pips........I mean, the pips are spread out on the shotties AND that is for a reason. At fairly close range put your side pips on the infected you are peeling off a survivor making sure that the center pip is away from the survivor - then fire. The spread will will follow the pips spread and not injure the survivor. Another thing, a horde surrounding an incapped survivor is easily peeled by keeping the bottom pip above the survivor. By all means, when hitting a corner, crouch and stay tight on the inside - this allows the others to go wide and behind to get a firing arc also. I use the autoshotty to clear the brunt of a horde coming en masse. I let them get fairly close and in doing so can drop several with one shot. Any of them left after a full unload is easy mop up. If an infected is directly between me and a survivor I keep moving forward - while strafing to get the proper angle unless I can get close enough to melee them off...... It's pretty simple, but as you know, most peeps haven't thought this through and don't know how to effectively use a shotty without injuring other survivors. Short bursts with the M16 are way more effective at long range, but again, peeps haven't thought these things through. Not to mention, the misuse of Moly's, Pipe Bombs, melee, when to use pistols vs mains, etc., is quite frustrating to watch. Look me up, my Steam handle is Vhladd. I use all of the mains, dependant upon which map am on.
  6. Actually, if anyone here hasn't gotten the game......you may want to. There is an update coming soon with more maps, fixes, etc. They've been good about fixing bugs as they can & getting rid of the exploits. Granted, as WytchDokta has stated there are probs with it, but mostly with the other peeps playing. I've been at it for a couple of months now, and can't keep from playing it. It's that good; and will definitely keep up or hone your fast twitch shooting & head shot skills. When you finally do get a tight group together on Expert, the game really shines - due to mostly the team working together. If you're a "lone wolf" type, it probably won't be the game for you.....yeah, the standard difficulty you may get away with it....BUT on Expert, forget it. As Wytch has said, you get kicked for the craziest things. I was recently kicked for peeling infected off of teammates with the shotgun. They said doing so causes Friendly Fire. It can, but if done right, you can easily peel 'em off all day long without any Friendly Fire. Anyhow, the game is "directed" by an AI Director. It decides when to send in hordes & special infected. Sometimes it is quite brutal. Also, if you happen to be the most dangerous of the survivors, ALL of the Special Infected will be aiming at you first.....nothing like getting hit by a Smoker, drug across the landscape and biled on by a Boomer before a Hunter pounces to finish you off. No sense rage quitting, just smile because you ARE the Bad A_s_s of the crew.
  7. My bad, I see you have an ATI vid card......
  8. Bota, remote detonated C4 has been done, check out the O G R mod.....C4 plantable on just about anything and can be detonated clear across the map.
  9. Nah, they just download bots to do it for them to get a better online rating.......
  10. By all means, definitely use any of the environments in the map packs, I'm glad they can be of use to you and anyone else!
  11. Dark Knight FTW!!! Everything else doesn't compare....
  12. Wow, this could take up volumes....... To touch on a few things.....by the time GRAW2 hit, it was evident that UBI had dumbed down the game. Granted, it had some things going for it, but what made GR great and unique had now been removed. No gimp, lack of squads, no Direct IP, no Automap downloads, a brutally bad editor, no replays, after action lobby not community friendly, etc., etc. The list could go on for quite a while. Not to mention UBI games have continuously gone the path of console fast twitch shooters without realism. I'm not saying that's bad, just not the game GR was. Also, by the time any mods started coming out for GRAW2 - the already small community of ex-GR players had basically exited and no way to bring them back. I put together a mod for GRAW2 where I brought GRAW2 as close as it could get to the [GR] white knuckle intensity......but, to no avail. The damage had already been done.
  13. Ok, here's my wish list: 1. Environments. Give us different environments....snow, rain, fog, etc., and of course mix these with the different times of the day. Perhaps giving the ability to the server to determine the map - the time of day - AND the environment. 2. Maps. A good mix of urban and wilderness would be nice. 3. Binoculars. 4. Bring back the GIMP! If injured beyond a minor flesh wound, have it at least affect movement rate and firing accuracy. 5. The original GR gave 6 frags, claymores, and even 12 GL rounds.......give these to us again & include smoke......but, by all means, don't just give us "one" of an item, that's ridiculous. 6. When an enemy is spotted by a teammate, have them show up as a blip on the map for a period of time. 7. No diamond markers for friendly teammates, no "tagging", no sensors; or at least give those as a server option. 8. DIRECT IP CONNECT!!! 9. Weapon-Loadout/Uniform/Face customization. 10. Squads. Like the original GR, have seperate squads within the team and designate them on the map. If possible, give the ability to designate any/all squads with a password so clans/friends can play on a squad while letting the other squads be fillable by anyone else. 11. DON'T RANDOMIZE TEAMS between maps. Let the teams stay as they are. 12. A longer Draw Distance than GRAW2 had would be nice. 13. Definitely, an "after action" lobby so that peeps can communicate with each other, give gratz, or talk smack. That was always the pleasant part of waiting to get back into the game.... 14. REPLAYS! 15. Auto Map Download. And, if Red Storm is the one working on this (I assume they are/would), then a revisit of all of the old original GR maps would be a huge boost! AND most of all, Support! Patches, patches, and more patches until all is fixed and well. If I think of more, I'll be sure to chime in again.
  14. The EBDA guys became interested in running the AOW mod and contacted me concerning this thread. They kept running into the CTD "...mp_us_scout template not found". Yet, it wasn't a consistent crash for all players, just some would have it while others wouldln't crash and could play. The same for me. I dove into it, and it has been several months, checked out the files and all seemed well. I then rebundled it and fired it up, it worked. 2 days later I tried to fire up the mod, and it did the same thing again, CTD with the same error. Last night I unbundled Wolfsong's mod and began to look over his approach to naming the Classes. I found that he used unique class names apart from the default class names used in the MP_templates.xml. This also was the case in the common folder's rank.xml file. I made the changes to each/every class then bundled it and it is working still as I type. Of course, I'll have to keep an eye on it.........but it makes sense to me that was the reason for the crash. The earlier bundles crashes kept saying it couldn't find the soldier's template - yet it was in the file & linked correctly to the ranks file....... This leads me to believe, that even though the naming conventions and links were proper, the class names not being uniquely different from the game (particular entry within the class templates: xdefine name =) wouldn't always result in the "override" of the original file. It's strange, like I said, that it wasn't always consistent.......it sure made finding this fix a bit difficult. I hope this helps you out AJ59. Good luck and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
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