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Thumper1518 last won the day on October 2 2017

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    Virginia, USA
  • Interests
    Ghost Recon, modding, drumming, law, shooting, music, movies, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Rush. <br>(not necessarily in that order)

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    Frostbite, NCW, 12 Weeks
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    ghostrecon.net (you had to ask?)

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  1. I was able to recreate the mission 1 errors where the script didn't process a full check of all the stashes, etc. I reworked the script a lot and now it works. I still don't know why the script stopped working, but I will keep working on it as IRL allows.
  2. Out of an abundance of frustration and the need not to have delivered a lemon, this morning I went through and reset every extraction zone in all of the missions with one. KRP56, can you PM me so I can send you the missions only (by email) to see if the changes worked? Rocky, I want to solve this new problem before putting a bigger announcement out there. Thank you to everyone who has been helping me!
  3. Thanks for the info. This is very odd. Is anyone else having these issues?
  4. I didn’t change the scripting of mission 1, but I’ll see if I can recreate the error. Thanks for the suggestion on a solution.
  5. Big thanks to Rocky for uploading it! Can the listing reflect that it now has 23 missions instead of 19? My only regret is not having done this update sooner.
  6. I just sent Rocky a link to the new file. It's a whopping 312.6MB in 7-Zip compression. Expanded it is about 1.4 GB.
  7. AAAARRRRRGGGHHH! I found a bug! I just uploaded the 320MB file and sent the link to Rocky, but forgot to tweak things out of "Developer/Tester" mode. *growls aloud*
  8. Wombat is DA MAN! Maps working flawlessly for me so far! Teaser of What's new in my update: Clear & Present Danger II - Las Zetas ************************************* Version 2.0 Fixes - added firefight(45).GTF file (45 enemies in firefights) - added firefight(50-100).GTF file (random enemies 50-100 in firefights) - added four new missions to campaign - four extra maps (industrial valley day/night, mountain pass, and nms_12_urban streets) - enabled firefight/recon mission ability to every map - tweaks to missions (e.g., naming the missions) - updated ATRs/skins for opfor, including hi-rez skins - wider variety of opfor in each mission, no more repeated ATRs - wider variety of opfor weapons to reflect narco-trafficking group's lack of standardization - Ciudad Center (Polling map) updated darkmaps and lighting - added more player weapons and kits - tweaked kits (see below): - reduced ammo carried to reflect light loads - when carrying bigger secondaries, there is an "ammo penalty" to reflect weight sacrifices - sensor kits only have one (1) sensor - no more littering the map with detectors - snipers no longer carrying huge amounts of ammo - new "Marksman" class (1 of every four riflemen) with Squad Designated Marksman (SMR/DMR) weapons, they have "(M)" next to their names and different loadouts from Riflemen - marksman rifles use the Acog TA55 (5.5x) rifle sight - MP kit restrictions updated - incorporated parts of Droopy's Realism Mod - inspired by and incorporated select parts of Wombat50/Mr Moon's realism update to C&PD2 - new (to C&PD2) Ghost CHRs from Heroes Unlimited and Bajabravo's SabreTeams MAPS Credited: *********************************** Rawker - Industrial (Night) map Blood Oil Maps: BigBlueSoul - Gas Plant map (Shipyard in CAPD2) Cobaka - Fishing Village map Tinker - Storage map in CAPD2 Sixpence - Lvov map (from Bravo25) TOF (christoff@libertysurf.fr) - Trafic in Colombie & Cartel maps Biro - The Farm map H-Hour - HHA Airport, TG1 maps H-Hour & Tinker - Mountain Pass maps Cobaka - Poppy Farm map iso6, Ken, the Judge, and Nami - GRS_Chalet map 10mmAuto - Dourkbi map Battleborne - Ossetian Woodlands map Zeko - Industry Valley maps Wombat50 - tweaking lighting and darkmaps for Cuidad Center (IT Polling) map, editing on lvov, traffic, and cartel maps. MAPS re-textured by Thumper1518: Dourkbi (to dusky/rainy texture), Swamp Airfield (night texture), Cuidad Center (Polling Center night texture) ********************** CHR/Skins Credited: Bajabravo - Sniper Desert and Oilworker skins/CHR files Apex - Demo, Support, Rifleman CHRs and skins Mr. Moon - selected Opfor ATR/CHR skins and attachments (a bunch!) ********************** BO Vehicles Tinker - Quad Cobaka - VW Iltis Hammer - All remaining vehicles ********************** thales100: Opfor AK Weapons ********************** Droopy: Combat Model and ballistics ********************** If I used anyone's work without listing here, it's because I cannot find out who made what. You have my deepest appreciation for your efforts and let me know so I can update the thanks/credits section. ********************** SPECIAL THANKS & BETA-Testing: Tinker & Rocky (yes, that Rocky!) -You guys have been truly awesome to me as I developed this mod. Cheers! Additional special thanks: Mr. Moon and Wombat50 for their inspiring talented work making me want to finish my update, and allowing me to incorporate their work into this update. Tweaking the final mission and doing some "beta" testing before I put this out there. Stay tuned...
  9. AWESOME Wombat!! I will definitely check those out. Thanks!!
  10. Hi everyone- i have finished a reworking of my CAPD2 mod thanks to the inspiration of Mr Moon and the others. I added four new missions with dynamic elements to them on new maps (to the mod, not new to the GR community). I updated the weapons used by the bad guys and the skins for almost all of the opfor. The new missions require combinations of stealth, assault, tactical awareness, and even randomization of the location of particular objectives. I will need a touch of patience as I did not have beta testers for the four final missions, and I tried to do the best I could to deal with scripting issues. So many of you fans and modders have led me to this point. Thanks!! I still love this game!
  11. Mr. Moon - so sorry to hear this. I hope you feel better and the GR bug bites again! I am almost done with my update to C&PD2, and I hope it also helps highlight how inspirational your work is. I hope you also like the way I have incorporated it into the updated mod. Speaking of which, I'm gonna be looking for beta testers to help clear out bugs before we go full public.
  12. Hi, Havok! The original Clear & Present Danger 2 mod is in the d/l section if this site. The skins you see here are not in that version yet as I am updating the mod to add some new stuff, these skins and additional missions. Thanks! I hope to have it released in January.
  13. This is great. It is now incorporated into the C&PD2 update! Thanks!!
  14. In looking back, I think I might've hijacked this thread a bit. Sorry if I did. I have completed updating Clear & Present Danger 2 (v2.0) and have to do a bit of polishing. I just spent part of today getting the .KIL files done so the MP can use every kit or one of several restricted kit sets (like "No SD" and "Only SD") and I thought up a fun one for TvT or free-for-alls: "Punchbuggy" "Punchbuggy" is a special kit where the primary weapon is the punch (from the mission in C&PD2) and the secondary is 5 frag grenades. In close quarter combat, you either have to use a grenade or get right next to your target. No sniping, no camping, just knife-fight-in-a-phone-booth fun with a little explosive twist. This is available in MP only, obviously. I had to put together kits and icons and came up with a re-numbering system that helps me rapidly figure out what is in each kit as secondary. I also tweaked the kits (inspired by Wombat/Moon!) so that the Ghosts aren't toting around a bajillion rounds of ammo. They're traveling fairly light. Heavy secondary weapons come with a "weight penalty" for the primary in the form of less spare mags. Sensors will remain, but each Ghost only carries one to avoid littering the map with sensors. You'll need to chose your kits wisely and use that type of device sparingly and tactically. I also created (more Wombat/Moon inspiration!) a Marksman type by changing the kit path for one out of every four Rifleman ATRs. The marksmen all use accurized heavy rifles with the ACOG TA55 sight. They are not full auto-capable but do carry useful secondaries. Just giving choices to the players. In MP mode, all of the Maksman kits are available (unless restricted by the type) to the Rifleman types. Ive been poking around in Heroes Unlimited and mulling using one of the jungle maps from that as a final mission, but I haven't thought up a good mission plot other than a fight-thru-hell mission, but I like corners and alleys and such, so we'll see. I might have one last good'n up my sleeve.
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