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=sealz=Agentorange's Achievements

Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Nice to see the armys new cammo getting some lovin.
  2. It stuff like this that brings a smile to my face, Now it my not work great but just the fact that we have made this much progress showes the level of skill and determination in the GR mod community and gives me some hope for some great mods down the road.
  3. Well embassy would be nice if they "revamped" it. Like made more building enterable for us to snipe from. set up some of them vulcans around in windows some fire escapes to snipe from. It would rock.
  4. lol sounds like my computer hard disk only instead of guns i got helos.
  5. Well if you want to get a true squad then you can remove the whole sniper class all together.
  6. Forgive me for not posting a big congrats in this topic sooner I had to go change my pants after looking at them models.
  7. GJ man it would be nice to have some heat shields on the SR-25 though.
  8. ...........m4.............m4...............*brains* People our like zombies all they want is more of the same old brains. But you have to admit the m4 is the bread and butter weapon of SOCOM right now.
  9. It would not have to be a air field it can be any old place big not much bigger then a foot ball field. They slow the C-130s WAY WAY WAY down almost to the point that they are going to stall well 13knots from the stall point and then they let the thing drop out the back. A small clearing not to heavly guarded would work nicely.
  10. LAPES (Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System) is a were a cargo plane like a C-130 would skim about 5 feet along the ground and a parachute is poped out the back and jerks the cargo out. This would be just cool to see a LAPES drop of like say a DPV for the ghost during a mission. Say for example the ghost could secure a small field then a scripted radio call is sent for the C-130 to make its run. It swoopes down and drops the thing and it coms to a sliding halt along the ground ready for action. The images show how it works. They show a small load of supplies but they can do it with light units as well like a striker or the XM125(think thats the designation) light tank or just about anything else that you can shove in the back of a C-130,C-17. Type II Modular Platform with Two Strongbacks Positioned, Typical
  11. Cool man i wish the image host i used was still up so i could show you guys. Oh and there is such a thing as the SR-15 the SR-16 is just what they call it in air soft to avoid legal stuff.
  12. All that it is, is a really long red stick modeled on the end of the gun isn't it.
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