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Everything posted by Xavier16

  1. I too am stuck being away from my computer and GR for a while. I am in the middle of a move from the US to Australia, and my computer is on a container making its way across the world. They estimate that I should not get my things until November or December. Arrrgh! I was in the habit of playing GR every single day, but now I had to cut cold turkey. I was able to hook up my laptop to TeamSpeak, so I still do communicate with some of the good friends I made while playing GR, but it just isnt the same. I keep up in the forums anticipating the mods that I get to download once me and my computer reunite! The forums are like a "quick fix" for me.
  2. That is not necessarily true about others seeing what we look like....because usually people will comment on "where did you get the cool uniform?" With 4 of us running around in these special outfits, people always comment on them. So obviously, I am assuming that they see us in our uniforms, or otherwise they would never comment on them.
  3. There is sort of a way around it, but it is not totally what you are looking for. I have experimented with this whole idea, and found one way to work it. Whatever "unique" skin you want to use, the host must have also. And the other restriction regarding this whole thing, is that everyone else that plays with you must have the same character model of your unique character. Here's an example: There are four good friends of mine that play on UBI (I know, I know, thats a whole different topic ) with the Navy Seals mod. Each of us made a special character for ourselves using the specialists that can be found in SP mode. With a little tinkering of the MP actor files, and kit restritctions, all of us now get to use our "special" guy when we play. We play with people all the time who do not have our special guys as selectable characters, but I believe they can still play with us because they have the character models from the Navy Seals mod. So if you wanted to take the specialists from the Frostbite mod and plug them into the MP play...you could use those unique characters, and look cool in the snazzy unis, while everyone else is in the generic snow outfit. But remember, the host must have the unique guys as well, or none of this will work.
  4. Thanks all. I have already incorporated into my mod a "readme" file that mentions off of whom did I piece everything from. Your assurance puts my conscience at ease....I would hate to do anything to steal from "the community".
  5. I really, really appreciate all the hard work of those that have made these great mods that we use all the time. It is because I respect these mods that prompts my question... If there were elements of certain mods (i.e. skins, weapons,etc) that just really stood out, is it okay for me to make my own PRIVATE mod by incorporationg those elements that I loved? Take skins from one mod, and weapons from another mod, and specialists from a third mod..shake them together and viola...get my own mod of favorite things. (By private, I mean only me and 4 other people would use for our co-op play. It would not at all be publicly released) So in a nutshell - is this wrong? Am I making "illegal" use of someone elses mod? Again, I stress....it would never, ever be publicly released, but just some local yokels having a good time. Thanks!
  6. I first became acquainted with the MP scene through UBI....and I have to agree with all of you that say that it is filled with people who just spout off garbage and sexual innuendos. But alas, there still is hope. Many months ago, I came across one server that was hosting the Navy Seals mod. Obvioulsy, you never know what type of players are on the other end, and so I hate joining games where I didn't know anybody, but I joined in regardless because I enjoyed the Seals mod. Since that time, me and the 5-6 other guys that play, play every night. We usually meet up10pm every night We really enjoy talking with one another, share some good laughs, and basically have made friends through the game. We are all a bit older, married, and hopefully more mature, so we can enjoy the game without all the childish banter that usually goes on in rooms. We kind have become an "unoffical" clan. We even entered ourselves as a group into the Stealth Leaderboard tourney going on - not to much avail on the first mission, but oh well. So yes, UBI really does stink! But, here is one guy who can say he enjoys hooking up to play with my good buddies. (I still wont join a room, unless I know someone)
  7. I love this mod's enviroment...but the best I think has to be inside the Castle! Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Very, very, nice work in that castle. I was playing Firefight HX 85 enemies on that map, and it was great to have a shootout inside the castle with all those enemies. Great work guys! That castle should make for some great team firefights.
  8. Just tried my hand at parts of "Frostbite". WOW!!! It was incredible just watching the opening movie. It really gets you into the whole event. The skins, the weapons....all great! A GREAT BIG THANKS to all who was involved in the creation of this mod. I can't wait to invest some time into this one. Great work!
  9. Looking forward to this mod! Thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed the previous ADF renditions for GR, and DS. In fact, whenever I play SP, that is the mod that I use.... Keep up the good work Aus Viper!
  10. Thanks for being a pioneer in this endeavor.... I will be on UBI around 9:30pm EST on Sunday....look for me in the Ghost Recon room. My UBI name is axavier16. Looking forward to it...
  11. If you are still looking for some names Name: Xavier 16 Class: Rifleman Weapons: I dont care...give me anything
  12. Well, if there might be a problem with the patch, will someone subject themselves to be a guinea pig with myself to see if this is true? Anyone want to hook up with me on Sunday night 9:30pm to test to see if playing mulitplayer is even possible? Just respond here.... Thanks.... (Make sure you have the 1.4 patch installed)
  13. The Cobra Attacks mod can be found in the downloads section of Ghost Recon.net right here. It is under the single player missions section....dont let that fool you...it can be used as MP play too.
  14. I know there has been some discussion in other discussions about the fun and joy of playing the Cobra Attacks mod. What if we got together and tried to play a MP version of the GI Joe vs. Cobra conflict.... Anyone out there interested in donning the blue Cobra uniform? Or looking cool in battle with Beachhead's duds? Lets see if we can get something going! Maybe next week sometime? Someone host? Post your thoughts.....
  15. Hey guys... It is currently 9:48pm, and I went over to the 7S server and didnt see anyone there. There was only one player on there, and definetely didnt recognize him. Did something go screwy somewhere? Or did I just miss it? Just for my help, the ip was right?
  16. Anyone ever thought about getting some of the guys that have Cobra Attacks mod together and playing some. It would be pretty cool to live out some childhood fantasys of Tunnel Rat blowing away some Cobra baddie. I think it would be fun to play it online as multiplayer.... Any ideas?
  17. Guys, I'm all for getting together.... looking forward to it. One major difficulty with me starting this Sunday, (being Easter and all), have family get togethers and stuff. Any other weekend would work, but not Easter. Sorry for the inconvience. I know it will always be tough to get a bunch of guys together from all over the world, but I sure do hope we can organize something.... I think for starting off, we should do UBI... pretty much everyone has that one Riley, you want to try to organize a time we can practice? I'm good any time after 9:30pm usually until 1am Sunday - Friday. (EST) Let me know...
  18. I thought this whole =UE= operation went belly up. I received an email from Swordfish about a month ago saying I was "in the unit", but that was the last that I knew anything. Glad to see that it is not... If you are getting something together, please post the time and details. Count me in....
  19. Upon further investigation, it looks like I am missing the original weapon kits for each of my new characters. So all I have "coming over" to my new MP specialists are the Navy Seals weapons, and nothing else. How do I get the original weapon kits to plug in as well?
  20. I have taken the specialist characters from the Navy Seals 2.1 mod and worked it so that they are chooseable characters for MP play. When it comes to the .kil no restriction file, i simply took the mp_plt1_asl file and copied it to work for my mp_plt1_asl_2 characters. Okay, no problem there, all the lines matched up, with the weapons now being useable by the new specialist character. But here is my problem, when playing MP with the new characters, I am missing some of the weapons. The new rifleman only have 88 selectable weapons, whereas the original platoon rifleman had 100. My new specialist sniper has only 110 selectable weapons whereas the original one has 126 to choose from. Same with the demo going from 84 to now 68. What happened to my weapons? For example, I cant select the OICW with the new specialist characters. Why would this be, if I just basically reproduced the original "no restrictions" file and renamed it to match my new characters? I am at a loss for explanations. Can anyone out there help?
  21. Thanks so much for your help! I got it to work! I really appreciate your assistance, WolfSong.
  22. Appreciate the help... I tried to get it to work but no good. I took the specifications that are there for the mp_plt1_asl file, and overwrote it with the data for one of the Navy Seals specialists. I then included that in the kil restrictions file, but still nothing. The info that I wrote is below. Any suggestions. Would greatly appreciate it.... <ActorFile> <VersionNumber>1.000000</VersionNumber> <ArmorLevel>2</ArmorLevel> <ActorName>Ehud Barak</ActorName> <ClassName>rifleman</ClassName> <ModelFace>ehud_barak_head.rsb</ModelFace> <BlinkFaceName>ehud_barak_head_blink.rsb</BlinkFaceName> <DesertModelFace>ehud_barak_head.rsb</DesertModelFace> <DesertBlinkFace>ehud_barak_head_blink.rsb</DesertBlinkFace> <JungleModelFace>ehud_barak_head.rsb</JungleModelFace> <JungleBlinkFace>ehud_barak_head_blink.rsb</JungleBlinkFace> <KitPath>rifleman-seal</KitPath> <ModelName>ehud_barak.chr</ModelName> <LOD2>ehud_barak_a.chr</LOD2> <LOD3>ehud_barak_b.chr</LOD3> <DesertLOD1>ehud_barak.chr</DesertLOD1> <DesertLOD2>ehud_barak_a.chr</DesertLOD2> <DesertLOD3>ehud_barak_b.chr</DesertLOD3> <JungleLOD1>ehud_barak.chr</JungleLOD1> <JungleLOD2>ehud_barak_a.chr</JungleLOD2> <JungleLOD3>ehud_barak_b.chr</JungleLOD3> <Weapon>8</Weapon> <Stamina>8</Stamina> <Stealth>8</Stealth> <Leadership>8</Leadership> <ScaleX>1.000000</ScaleX> <ScaleY>1.000000</ScaleY> <ScaleZ>1.000000</ScaleZ> </ActorFile>
  23. Long time reader, first time post. If I have the Navy Seals 2.1 mod, is there any way to take the specialist (Ehud Barak) and use him in co-op play with others who use the Navy Seals mod as well? Or am I stuck with always playing the "default" mp skins?
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