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Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. I wish there had been more maps out fo the box also, but I can wait until mid-june. I waited 6 months for new maps for COD2 and got 2 (one of which was a cod1 map) All of you impatient people who did not play cod2 know nothing about pain. UBI looks like the cream of the crop compared to IW. Things may be at UBI's timetable but at least they HAVE a timetable and actually announce it. Don;t get me started on GRIN. THese guys rock.
  2. much thanks. This is the way to earn loyalty....is there a bridge we can jump off for you?
  3. I thought GR1 had one of the best abti-cheats. Server recorded DEMOS. So you could look through EVERYONE's eyes and figure out the cheaters. Add that and the simple anti-cheats to stop the Sunday Hackers and I'm happy.
  4. I agree with #1, #6, #8, and #10 but they all seem like easy tweaks. PErsonally I don't think any game gets balance right the first ship because it comes down to internal testing. Again COD2, they never fixed balance issues. I miss the gimp from GR1. I also question the fact that you are louder crouched and moving than walking. But anyway... Oh yeah. I miss death cam...as far as wathing thru others eyes. No spawn or liited spawn games are tough because you just stare at the map screen.
  5. Depends on how important the money is to you Ruggbutt. BTW hello man, I was sT_Oblivion in teh GR days. I have spent more time in coms with my old friends from teh GR days since the game came out. The price for the game was easily justified for me. The single player should keep you busy for awhile in itself. The multiplayer is what you make of it. Still better than anything else for a slower paced thinkng teamwork game. A lot of the ranting should be saved until the make or don't make the June deadline. I respect the guys boycotting an incomplete game but I see this from a different perspective. GRAW is going to come down to whether it is worth it for developers to make a uniqure version of the games for PC or just plain PORT them liek they did with COD2 where they overlooked dsomething as simple as Anti-Cheat and map tools. I chose to buy this game to support a company developing it specifically for PC.
  6. Um. I would think the game is worth the price just for teh single player. MP will come. I invested 5 months on COD2 which out of the box was more "stable" but had no hope of ever being improved EVER. IW sucks. At least GRIN keeps in contact with the community. They did a good job considering how much time they had. HAve faith.
  7. Did you call the police and report the guys who held a gun to your head when you bought the game? As I recall it was pretty much out there everywhere you loooked that the retail ship was incomplete. Having just suffered through 6 months of COD2 where IW snubbed the people who bought the game almost daily and waited 5 months to release an Anti-cheat and 2 new maps and never even bothered to fix balance issues that were present out of the box...I think the support GRIN has shown in the community is OUTSTANDING. Have Faith
  8. This is an important moment in PC gaming IMHO. They DID NOT port this game like they did COD2. GRIN has done an outstanding job consitering the time they had to work on it. Is it dissapointing to have some flaws from GR1 show up now (as in hindsight) Frankly yes...but this game isn't finished. To me this is a BETA. Sure I had to pay for it...but it is an AWESOME BETA. I feel comfortable (more so since teh quick patch) that they will follow through and we'll get a more rounded game in June. It is frustrating to see the potential of this game unrealized right now...but that is my own impatience. There are a few advantages we have in that they can make some changes they might not have thought of due to players feedback...had they waited to release a more finalized product. COD2 reverted back to flaws from before they patched COD1 and they WILL NEVER FIX THEM. That game was polished but done when it shipped. This game is sweet. Will rock in the future. I played GR1 for 3 years and hated it the first 6 months....really didn't "get it" until Desert Siege. Have faith.
  9. I have 100% faith in GRIN! Considering we waited for 5+ months for a patch for COD2...I'm exstatic. I would much rather see a series of small patches than none at all.
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