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WTB Proper freakin Military style FPS for PC

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I love how everything I say, petsfed has a calm, cool, supposedly 'sensible' counter-response. :devil: As for the language, do you find GR lacking in realism? Many people agree it is the most realistic shooter ever, and yet--only one curse in the whole game, in Mission 05, save for a few briefings in IT and DS when they started 'modernizing' the game. So obviously cursing is not the core of realism? :whistle: Also, I don't think that if I'm in a combat zone with some freakin' spec ops elite merecenary Ghost warrior Delta master gunmaster that I'm going to start screaming out curse words. It's pretty obvious that when he shoots the lamp out that he's trying to find me. It's like, I'm hiding about to ambush him, so "oh I think he's coming get ready he'll never ing know we're here! oh I'm so scared this is my first battle dude" Oh, and I love how in RSV all of the terrorists speak perfect English, and throughout the battle yell out idiotic taunts in the middle of gunfights. Boom boom, boom, he's hit in the leg so he says "That's the end of your days, pal!!!" Also, I don't mind the 'are you sure' stuff that much, but it is hilarious in MW2 at one point. Go to the first mission, the training one, and after you run the Pit, try selecting the hardest level of the game to play at. It says this:

Are you sure?

Are you really sure?

Are you really really sure? Elite is very very hard.

Are you absolutely positive that you want to play on Elite? It is very difficult!

I'm serious. I'm not using the media exageration that time mate, that's what it says :rofl:

As a final summary of what I've stated above, this is what we need in a game:

Better Graphics

This includes blood textures, water textures after wading or swimming, self-body models, and animations for picking up guns.

More Flexibility

Firing while running (yes, not very smart but potentially effective), rifle meleeing in place of knives, knives as separate weapon that must be switched to to use (DFX), dropping weapons at your choice.

Better Simulation of Wounds

Long-term effects besides limping, red screen for 2.1 seconds :P , and decreased accuracy. Perhaps get knocked to the ground when you are near an explosion (BF3), drop your weapon if seriously hurt, blurred vision and trip after being hurt bad.

Drop The Kiddie Stuff, or Put It In Its Own Class

Either drop the perks, killstreaks, and invincibility super invisible power-putty armor, or let the kids have their own gametype called 'War of the Dorks'. THe best MW2 did for us was to put a gametype called Barebones for MP and leave it at that. Okay, the super-mega-ultra-aimbotting-gunner harrier is gone, but wait, I just got killed by a teammate who had martydom! Yay! Give us a true Hardcore gametype, or drop the crud.

Get Rid of Invincibility!

For both SP and MP, either up the damage of the guns or decrease the invincibility power of the opfor. I don't want to launch an RPG next to a person and end up with him having four seconds of red screen and then being fully recovered.

Allow Stealth

In maps, features, and gameplay together, give us the ability to use stealth instead of going Rambo on everyone. I want to choose to have a ghillie suit, not get it only if I have a sniper rifle. I also would like to change the color of my suit for maximum camo capabilities. Make the maps have better stealth features as well, especially for curious people. Like tunnels hidden behind bookcases and stuff like that (no I don't want to get all silly with portals and hiding places, but it would be kinda fun if it was regulated). Just think how much fun it'd be to hide behind a secret space behind a bookshelf, track someone on your heartbeat sensor until they were right in front of it, and then set off a C4 pack! :devil:


I was very excited when I was reading a MW3 news bulletin and saw 'will allow players to CREATE.....' right there had me. Anyway, it sounds like players get to script their own gametypes for MP and share them with others which sounds incredible. At least it's a start, eh? Even if we could script missions on stock maps, they should include it as that would still be fun for quick missions. But better yet, why not let us use all the objects from all of the missions in the game to make our own maps (without the complexities!) and have a simple user friendly mission editor to go with it.

Less Cinematic Please

I still love at the end of No Russian in MW2, where I head towards the ambulance at the end of the airport, and it's kinda obvious that Makarov is about to shoot me in the face with his gun, so I run down the hall (omg he's about to get me!!!) and I hide behind a corner, oh wait, I hear a gunshot around two corners and through about sixteen concrete walls, and it kills me. <_< I suspect that Makarov has a wall hack! :lol: Patheticly scripted. Also, how about giving us a flexible storyline? What would be incredible is if you chose what you did, like instead of a set mission where if you don't do it this way it fails, if you do something different, it leads to a new mission, and from there you can do this to go to this mission or that to go to that mission, and depending on what you do you could have lots of different ways to end it. Super replayability options there. Just think, if you shot Makarov at the end of No Russian, that could lead to a completely different storyline.

So that about wraps my little story up. Cya'll later. :thumbsup:

Edited by rileyfletcher_01
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It would be called devil's advocacy if I actually disagreed with it.

From my experience, the reason we don't get what we want is either because we ask for a life simulation, then have the gall to be upset when it isn't fun.

These threads always go the same way: I want Ghost Recon back, that's all. Well, actually, I want it back with a few changes. Ok, a lot of changes. In fact, just rebuild it from the ground up. But god help you if it doesn't feel right to me. Because I want a realistic campaign. That's utterly bereft of interesting characters to move it along. Because I want absolute freedom to do what I want. But I want that freedom to force other people into using the arbitrary and inefficient tactics that I use. But rather than forcing people to follow those rules through clever game design, it should leave the option open to run and gun. Because its unrealistic that suppression actually decreases your accuracy. Even though suppression does decrease your accuracy. But not like that. And I want a million different weapons. And they should all "feel" different. Even if the only real world difference is in jam rates or furniture ergonomics. But don't you dare try to model those, because a truly trained spec-ops guy wouldn't have a problem with that.

... and on and on and on...

I've said elsewhere, I'm a rock climber. I also climb ice. It takes a lot of training to minimize the fear response when you know, objectively, that a mistake will cost you your life. And the very first thing that goes out the window is politeness. Speaking from experience, the absence of cursing, the absence of physical fear response, typically makes for a very unsafe climber who takes stupid mistakes because "I'm not afraid". Sure, I might not be yelling my curses, but I'll be cursing. With exception to the Mormon veterans I've met, every veteran I've met liberally peppers his or her conversations with profanity. This is also true in blue-collar environments, to the point that you don't even notice it. We just become aware of it when we play video games because we know that its scripted.

I've got specific counterpoints to a lot of common PC criticisms, not because I dislike having an editor, or don't notice the magical weapon teleportation process, but because I'd rather have a good game without than a mediocre game with all of these "features" that are apparently so vital that any game without them is awful, or a betrayal of gamers everywhere.

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Re: foreign enemies speaking perfect English - try BFBC1. The enemies speak to each other in English, with blatantly fake unconvincing foreign accent, yet they shout abuse at the player in the language they're supposed to speak - the pronounciation of the words is way off because the voice actor is from a different country and has no idea how to pronounce words in the other language. Another example is Hunted: Demon's Forge - great voice acting and all that (enemies running around shouting "Taaaaaaaastyyyyyyyyyyyyy" and "I'll eat your eyes"), but the fact is the town names are Welsh, and the voice actors evidently have no idea how to pronounce Welsh words as they pronounce Dyfed as Die-fed (completely wrong), and they pronounce Llyr as Lee-er (again, completely wrong)

What would add to realism in games is NOT hiring say American voice actors to do Russian voice acting when [the voice actors] have no idea how to pronounce Russian words, and even when they speak English with a [fake] Russian accent, it just sounds so fake. Instead, hire voice actors specifically from the country of which language they enemies/NPC's should speak, this will make things more realistic in terms of pronounciation.

Anyone know what's with stupidly not funny NPC names which are so unfunny that they are actually funny? Take Dungeon Seige 3 for example, NPC's with names such as Sweatcog and Baron Barrenbaron. I mean seriously, you're taking the ###### with NPC names now right?

I think we (you and I petsfed) are on a different wavelength with the swearing thing. I am well aware that combat situations can bring out the inner tourettes tirade in people, so I agree, in a sense this is realistic in a game. But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about unnecessary swearing by enemies OUTSIDE of combat situations. Again, I'm using SC:C as an example here: with the Sonar Goggles, you spot three enemies one floor below you. You shoot out a light on your floor in front of you. The walls and floors in this place are solid concrete, but those three enemies magically hear that lightbulb explode, and each one gives a startled response consisiting of profane words, with the F word being commonplace between their sayings (as I detailed previously, using their EXACT wording). They then all come and investigate, and upon arriving at the scene announce that there is an intruder (how would they know? Seriously, lightbulbs can blow out without human intervention). All I did was shoot out a light and the enemies got their tourettes tirade on. Why? How is this necessary? I wasn't even shooting at any enemies.

Anyway, anyone get the double meaning to the 'No Russian' level title? Think about it. There's a reason you gotta do it slow. It's like people ask me if I'm rushin', then think I'm taking the ###### when I respond with "No, I'm English"

Edited by WytchDokta
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Okay petsfed, my argument isn't that language is unnecessary in the combat zone. It's like when we're in the briefing room (intro movie) in CoD missions, and Shepherd just starts assaulting you with profanity when everything is perfeclty fine and we're discussing our mission. Shepherd really does have a short patience, as he said after a EBS sounded a siren, "someone turn off that d*mn TV). Yet in the middle of battle when someone gets shot in the leg, nobody says anything aside from oh dear, I've been severely injured. That's when language would be fitting. Now, you say that we want too much out of games. Well let me sum up what I want.

Ghost Recon.

New Engine.

Same Editor With New Features.

Map Editor.

There. I would be happy with that, and forget all of my above gripes.

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Don't mind me diggin' in the archives....

So anyway, what's this trend with devs putting 'SpecOps' enemies in games, and it not being executed convincingly? I mean seriously, those enemies are about as un-SpecOps as you can get. It's like, through the game story I'm lead to believe my character is some random wackjob with a gun, and that in the next part of the level I'm due to face off with so-called SpecOps enemies. So I drop the first one and somehow the remaining four now where I am automatically when I'm halfway across the map from them, guess they had another squad nearby on recon then, but whatever. Anyway, they close in, and one shouts at the top of his voice "Rush him! I'll cover" - he's some distance away and has a shotgun. The other three rush my position firing full magazine bursts from the hip while running at full speed - and are so good at weapons handling that their bullets don't spray out everywhere. of course, while this is going on, the dude hanging back covering is attempting to snipe me with his shotgun. Then one of them announces, at the top of his voice, "Reloading!" Thanks for me letting me know you're momentarily completely vulnerable, I'll just run over to your position and shoot you in the face now. Do the devs mean to tell me that Special Forces in real life would tell the enemy EXACTLY what they plan to do by shouting so they can be heard by the enemy, aswell as hip-firing full magazine bursts while running and sniping with shotguns? I may be 'some random wackjob with a gun', but atleast I can be bothered to aim, fire short, controlled bursts and don't make it obvious what my plan is. Nor do I snipe with shotguns, I close the distance first. But then, what do I know, I'm not no 'SpecOps' :)

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