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Changing The Environment?


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Do you have <environments path="environments.xml"/> In your (world_info ).

If so do you have a environments_xml under your map name folder..

If so go into the environments_xml pick the environment you like then add it to the environments path in the world_info . It should look like this <environments path="environments.xml" environments="cloudfast"/> :)

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I will give that a try.

Thanks guys...

I will give that a try.

Thanks guys...

No... doesn't work.

Every one I try produces a black sky.

The "mission_time" was set to "night"... so tried changing to "day"... still black.

I see in my world_info.xml file there is a line:

<world_info path="/data/levels/common/my_mission_settings.xml" type="coop">

But there is nothing in that file about environments.

Here is the entire world_info.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<world_info name="my_mission" mission_time="day">
<world path="xml/world.xml">
<mission_script path="mission.xml">
<environments path="environments.xml" environment="dam2cloud"/>
<massunits path="xml/massunit.bin"/>
<sound environment="street">
<soundbank name="act01_memo_music_sound" type="memorable"/>
<soundbank name="act02_memo_music_sound" type="memorable"/>
<soundbank name="ambience_military_war_sound" type="ambient"/>
<soundbank name="mission10_sound"/>
<soundbank name="music_act03_sound" type="mood"/>
<texture_scope path="texture_scope.xml"/>
<extra_coverpoints path="coverpoints.xml"/>
<texture name="minimap" texture="/data/levels/custom_levels/my_mission/minimap" uv_rect="0,0,1024,1024" width="1024" height="1024"/>
<graph name="coarse" path="ai_coarse.gph"/>
<graph name="main" path="ai.gph"/>
<border name="minimap" min_x="-31749.75" min_y="-29259.436" max_x="9269.4639" max_y="23902.25"/>
<world_info path="/data/levels/common/my_mission_settings.xml" type="coop">
<texture name="loading" texture="/data/textures/atlas_gui/mission_gfx/load_mp_my_mission" uv_rect="0,0,2048,1080" width="2048" height="2048"/>

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Quick and easy way for a new enviroment:

Think of a mission/map you like the enviroment on.

Go to data/levels find the mission/map folder and copy paste the enviroment.xml into your mod map folder, done.

Simple as that. From day to night, copy paste enviroment.xml from levels/fort folder, into your mod folder, etc... No editing required.

Check downloads >HERE<

Dusk Maps / Night Maps / Fog day maps etc. All apply, copy paste just the enviroment file into your mod and done!

Pretty sure BSR_Vhladd is happy everyone using these in this way.

mission_time="day" / "night"

This is a simple switch to turn all the lights on or off. Street lights / buildings / vehicles...Does not matter what enviroment you use.

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That's an odd looking world_info. what map's it from?

Suggest you also just use the "default" setting file, ie change

<world_info path="/data/levels/common/my_mission_settings.xml" type="coop">


<world_info path="/data/levels/common/coop_settings.xml" type="coop" />

Also, the following says the load screen is in the textures folder? It "usually" goes in the mission folder(/data/levels/custom_levels/my_mission/)

<texture name="loading" texture="/data/textures/atlas_gui/mission_gfx/load_mp_my_mission" uv_rect="0,0,2048,1080" width="2048" height="2048"/>


<texture name="loading" texture="/data/levels/custom_levels/my_mission/load_mp_my_mission" uv_rect="0,0,2048,1080" width="2048" height="2048"/>


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It's from m06... the one with the water treatment plant.

I can't recall where I got it... I think I just used the one bundled from the campaign.

Probably should have started from scratch.

Thanks for the advice. I will give that a try.

This whole process sure is taking a long time as I'm learning as I go along. And as I get farther along I end up re-doing some things.

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Ahh, it's the "load_mp_my_mission" that threw me. Yeah, I think it's easier to start from a "standard" set of files/approach and then move out from there...but that's ok, you've got this far and we'll help you get through it from here!

Re. the load screen, does it come up with a load screen when you load the game or is it blank? If you want to make your own load screen, Iit's easy) there is a section on the wiki here Creating a personalised mission loading screen

Re. the environments...can you pls. post up the first part of your mission.xml...the lines where it changes the environment (day/night) etc


the line

<environments path="environments.xml" environment="dam2cloud"/>

Sets the environment "dam2cloud" so you need to make sure this one of the environments listed in the environments.xml.


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Oh it's blank alright! :) But that will just remind me to make one, which I plan to do...

Using that standard "coop_settings" file seems to be causing some other problem since when the mission loads and gets to the weapon selection screen... the "Choose Your Class" section is blank.

As far as the environment goes, I was just going to use an environments.xml file from that "Environments/Maps" pack.

And yes, that dam2clouds was listed in the environments.xml file.

I feel like I am going backward!

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Re. the environments...can you pls. post up the first part of your mission.xml...the lines where it changes the environment (day/night) etc


the line

<environments path="environments.xml" environment="dam2cloud"/>

Sets the environment "dam2cloud" so you need to make sure this one of the environments listed in the environments.xml.

Here is the top of my mission.xml file (please try not to laugh):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/common.xml#xpointer(/common/*)"/>

<mission_script name="my_mission">
<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_ranks_ogr_quarry.xml"/>

<event name="start_game" type="once">
<element type="SetSpawnLocation" location="location_insertion_01" set="true" side="1"/>
<element type="TriggerEvent" event="e_show_enemy" start_time="2"/>
<element type="TriggerEvent" event="start_mission" start_time="2"/>
<element type="AlterGroupStats" player_type="team_a" invisible="true" max_health="5000" health="5000" start_time="15"/>
<element type = "SetGlobal" global= "debug_qa_mode" value = "true"/>
<element type = "SetGlobal" global= "show_locations" value = "true"/>

There is no day/night line there. It's in the world_info.xml

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