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THEDUDE's Achievements

Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. hey, now wont french kissing be called freedom kissing? it bad poor sounding
  2. i thought it was a totally awsome movie rocks def. on my top ten
  3. i don't mean to start a fight over whos better just hwo looks cooler? thats all who looks cooler. presonally i think the Brits look cooler with thier guns (i forget the name) thats what i think
  4. try these sites: CheatCC.com note about cheatcc say no to all pop up adds no matter what!!!!! !!! pop-up suck and cheatplanet.com
  5. i always get that problem sometimes but never with a sniper rilfe just with the mp5sd i ca think of why that happeds
  6. some stuff on urban warfare it pretty cool i think it all truthful i dont really know (PS aol made this)
  7. wait, is that GR2? or a another game? it looks awsome.
  8. i don't know being a human shield takes a lots guts. some people think there nuts going into a war zone and try to stop the killings, but then isn't just going into a war zone crazy, soldiers or not ? just my ideas
  9. @ gimpy No not realy, i was thinking more of were u have to get back to ur line after seeing something evil and your guys don't know about it. a little out there, i know
  10. damn it i knew it thanx alot
  11. its sad the guys do so much and get so little well they all ways have my respect if that really matters
  12. what i steh Fsw? my comp say it not resopnding all the time. what does it do? any help how br great
  13. Mam that totally awsome ot looks really good. do u have an shots of it with the GR engine?
  14. i agree with WeeBoz totally, the US has it history of back room dealings, who do u think help out osama in teh russain-afgan war? the US. No country is prefect.
  15. i still can play ghost recon and ive done everything that i can think of to fix it but still no go. well and on to the Fsw when i turn off my comp. i get a thing that tells me that the Fsw is not responding and i wonder if this could be a problem? any help would great
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