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Everything posted by Nikita

  1. No, been busy lately, with school etc.
  2. nikita herself has the answer, no , I didnt.. busy with school ... exams and stuff waiting for some new models too
  3. here I go.. Name: Marileen Date of Birth: 29-06-87 Location: Netherlands Occupation: School Romance Status: Single Image: I'm gonna have to think about this Favorite Aspect of GR: Teamwork Least Favorite Aspect of GR: Run and Gun-ers on UBI Favorite GR Mod: Erm.. dunno Favorite Ghost: Susan Grey Favorite Kit: Anything that kills tangos Favorite Aspect of GR.net: Lots of (nice) ppl Least Favorite Aspect of GR.net: Nothing yet When did you first visit GR.net: September '04 Other computer games played: Sims 2 Clan membership: Not clan, group! ::: PXS (phoenixsoldiers) Computer Hardware/Accessories owned: I dont know, but it lets me play the games I want to play. Got a pink keyboard Current/Former/Future Military: Nothing (yet) If yes, what job: - Miscellaneous: I like sports and shopping and websites and photoshop and my digi cam and music that's about it
  4. 7/10 looks nice tough I am not able to see what that thingy on the left side is.. might be my bad
  5. What? ← I've done this tutorial, I learned to add a '?' before every message (displaymessagboxall, declaremissioncomplete, declaremissionfailed etc.) And I've been using that for all my missions. pls correct me if I am wrong
  6. okay, might have been my bad then. Do you want the actor to commit suicide when one of the AI GR actors, the ones you can add in IGOR, comes near that zone or one of your Ghosts (could be AI or other ppl when ur playing multiplayer) ? Do you have msn? Would be easier to explain, if you do, mine is in my profile.
  7. Group: <Default> Comment: Init Trigger Event: The simulation is starting. Responses: Set PlayerPlatoon to (The player-controlled platoon). Group: <Default> Comment: Commit Suicide Trigger Event: A member of PlayerPlatoon is within 20 meter(s) of Actor 85. Responses: Have Actor 85 commit suicide. Display "?Your Message" to all players for 20 second(s). your message has to start with a ?
  8. what got me interested in skinning for ghost recon.. Skinning part: well I like being creative, and it makes me feel good when I'm able to share my creativity with other ppl. Just like with scripting missions, even though thats a little more frustrating I also like making websites, I got my own, and messing around with photoshop and my digital camera. Ghost Recon part: that's a loooong story I have a test week this week , so I'll have to let this rest for a few days. Thanks for the comments/suggestions/opinions so far. (keep em comming )
  9. did you start ur message with '?' ?blablabla and ur sure the target died?
  10. issues fixed, but I will think about those missions and about ur suggestion hoak
  11. Make an Actor somewhere After that go to your script and set a variable to the player controlled platoon, (1st block:: you'll have to use 'Proximity Platoon' (player platoon xx meter away from actor 85) as your trigger and 'kill actor' as your response. 2nd block:: use 'death actor' as your trigger and 'declare mission failed' as response. hope this is what you meant.
  12. I think I've pretty much finished these two, I'll look into the jungle skin and maybe an urban/cqb skin.
  13. and the latest desert one. used wildcat's texture
  14. okay, I changed a lot Here's the new pics: the hair's a little lighter and I used other camo. What ya think ?
  15. Yep, changed the hair, will post new pics tomorrow
  16. I've made some small changes and updated the pics above. (knees, elbows, backpack)
  17. I am about to make myself useful I've been making some multi platoon coop mission for the group I play with. Open IGOR Click Mission Properties and select Multiplayer Team Now you have to make an insertion zone for each platoon. Go misc and select zone. Make a zone at the place you want ur ghosts to be inserted. Now go to zone properties and click the box next to Base and select Base 0 (1st platoon). Make a second zone near your first insertion zone and set this to Base 1 (2nd platoon), do the same for Base 2(3rd platoon), and one for Base 3(4th platoon). So you'll have a group of 4 insertion zones. Open game In server settings you have to set the gametype to Team: Mission and make 1st, 2nd and 3rd platoon BLUE and the 4th RED. You have to make sure no-one joins the RED platoon because he will show up as a TANGO on the map. RED platoon is needed to make it multi platoon coop work. * note : I always draw base 3 (4th platoon red) in front of the other Bases so , in case someone joines red , you have enough time to take this guy out before he starts to kill everyone on 1st,2nd&3rd (will show up as tango's for him) Just ask when you dont understand (my english isnt that good )
  18. Hi, I've been trying something with photoshop, this is what I made (no more blonde susan greys ! ): Comments please Thanks
  19. Hi, I've searched the forum for this, but I all that came up were broken links. I am searching for a server tool that tracks statistics. I found the special recon service tool But all the links are broke. Does anyone know another place to download it from? I also found this http://www.battalioncommand.com/bcutils/bcutils.htm. The links work but I was wondering if it takes a lot of bandwith, I mean the stats displayed as a website. Like on this page I was hoping someone could help me out here. Thank you Nikita
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