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Everything posted by Blame

  1. You would have to organize an event at some time if you want to play multiplayer, as mentioned so many times already, the game is 99% dead.
  2. I've been redirected to some weird stalking sites, really disturbing.
  3. happens only with Chrome, its probably the adblock not doing its work
  4. Blame

    Funny Cat Pictures

    I know its a cat, but jesus kill it with fire before it lays more of its kind.
  5. In the server info it should say what version of the game that server is running, modded servers have the mod name displaying instead of the usual "this server is using version 1.05" which turns into "rahnman's mod v4.0" when there is a weapon mod running in the server.
  6. I wanna thank my okay country for this. I get free education (besides the transport to school...)
  7. No, Arma games are military sims pretty much.
  8. I'd be happy to get back into the game, but its already too dead, not enough people playing the game and playing with just 15 people is booring.
  9. Arma 3 + Battle Royale mod(which is based on The Hunger Games movies/books, but its with guns)
  10. RIP, can't think of anything else to say at this point.
  11. If you want to save yourself from serious harm, don't bother looking at this picture. http://i.imgur.com/GfmjM9c.png After today, I might need a suicide hotline number. Tens of thousands of people have lost a lot of money today, including me.
  12. its called football actually, you know, you use feet to kick a ball? what you call football in america is actually handegg, because you carry an egg in your hands? Makes 100% sense, truth has been spoken once again.
  13. Would be interested in rewatching all LOTR and Hobbit movies with this Gandalf.
  14. Blame

    gif thread:

    Title said: he's going to a better place now. Its mean, but its hilarious if you like some of that deep dark stuff.
  15. The only ring I would ever offer to a woman I love. Because of the current generation...
  16. Last spring I bought the game for 10 euros, I still want my money back.
  17. Are you actually serious? Have you forgot that they've kidnapped aidworkers and cut their heads off for no reason? They're in front of an international TV camera, ofcourse they're gonna act different, to seem what they're actually not.
  18. There's no point mentioning RAS, they're all the same, last year Channa lied to me on Teamspeak about not being that kind of a person, even though in PM on their website she said the same thing. Just quit Graw2, let it die.
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