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Everything posted by MeanMF

  1. At this point I don't know. There's less than 2 weeks left and the project needs to find around 7,000 more $50 contributions. Takedown was doing around $10k/day once Christian made the "reboot" video. GB needs more than double that rate and that's going to be a tall order especially with the current video - people watch it but they just don't "get it".
  2. We learned from the Takedown KS that spamming a boring video isn't effective. It might get some people to visit, but it's a temporary, limited surge of activity. The only thing that really worked was re-doing the pitch video into something that grabbed people's attention. Then spamming the video works wonders. It has to be something that appeals to a broader group than just core, hardcore tactical shooter fans most of whom already know about the project. You need to reach the 20-year-old who grew up on GRAW and COD and doesn't know any better. Spamming the current video might get people to watch it, but it won't get them to contribute unless they see why the improvements in GB will make it a better game than what they're used to. That's currently missing - the video shows why the animations are better but doesn't connect the dots for people to why better, more realistic animations make a better game. And the other lesson is that barely anybody on KS reads anything. If it's not in the video, it might as well not be on the page at all.
  3. So maybe the takeaway is that having outside investors and having a plan to eventually port to consoles is a more realistic way to raise money for a game of this scale (and there are other less costly ways to get on consoles besides doing a retail release). GB needs to collect over $25k/day for the next two weeks. I'd say it's time to either try a radically different approach to marketing it, or put the KS out of its misery and regroup later with a new plan. Because if down the road you *do* decide to bring in investors or a publisher, the current state of the KS campaign isn't going to give them a lot of confidence that there's a market for the game or that you're able to promote it effectively.
  4. Takedown was within striking distance (over 75% funded) going into the last day. GB needs to come up with a better marketing plan if they want to have any chance of making it. The current plan is clearly not getting it done.
  5. Oh yeah I guess there could be some graphical tweaks there that you might notice if you were looking at them side-by-side, but really there are bigger things to worry about than that.... Graphics are not the problem with this game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipstick_on_a_pig
  6. I'm not sure what you're seeing, but other than the control buttons being different, to me that looks exactly like the Xbox 360 version.
  7. That's what they need to make the game without bringing in outside investors or publishers. If they raised less than that they wouldn't have enough to pay the contractors that they're hiring to finish the game.
  8. Fun when it works, frustrating when it doesn't or the game decides not to allow you to use it.
  9. Mitchell is in there... For example if you watch the first cutscene after the intro level, he's the guy with the cell phone who talks to Ghost Lead, and that's also him narrating the pre-mission briefings.
  10. Right - I should have made that clear. The in-mission ones are the really annoying ones though. They break up the flow of the action and get old very quickly if you have to repeat a section. And there's one in particular where they apparently forgot to pause the action during the cinematic, and I got killed while it was playing..lol
  11. Seriously? I found it pretty gimmicky, and dominated by people who buy/grind the high-level equipment. Not my sort of thing.
  12. Yeah I don't think there's a lot of replay in the SP campaign. It does give you some options on how to run a few of the missions, but in a lot of places you're forced to do things one way or another. Plus none of the in-game cutscenes and cinematics are skippable, and that gets old reeeeally quickly. I'm not sure how well difficulty ramps up because I started on the highest setting - its not particularly difficult compared to some games, but at least it's more challenging than the SP in GRAW and GRAW2.
  13. You should check in over at the official Ubisoft forums. I think I read that either they were working on fixing the problem, or thers's some kind of workaround for it. http://forums.ubisoft.com
  14. It's a promising sign and I hope he keeps it up. We've seen bursts of activity like this before from the ComDevs and inevitably they stop posting either because they get pulled into other things or they get shut down by their corporate overlords. Let's hope this time is different.
  15. Both ways are acceptable http://www.thefreedictionary.com/worshiped
  16. You're right that player 1 has to play as Clarke, but it's actually a little more complicated than that. They've built two similar stories, one with just Clarke and one with Clarke and Carver. If you play solo, you get the first version. If you play coop, you get the second one. And a friend can drop in and out at any time and it'll seamlessly switch back and forth. It's a really slick idea if they can pull it off and make it work well. http://penny-arcade.com/report/editorial-article/dead-space-3-added-co-op-the-expensive-way-and-boy-was-that-money-worth-it
  17. "Windows XP patch coming shortly after release" http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/681369-GRFS-PC-Available-on-June-26th-(USA)-June-28th-(Europe)
  18. I know the admins are looking into this... Bear with us please!
  19. MeanMF

    New Games

    Yeah Watch Dogs got my attention. Borderlands 2 is also on my list along with some of the others already mentioned. Forza Horizon could be a lot of fun unless they completely screw it up.
  20. I dunno.. I'll take Rolling Hills and Bunker Hill over Quarry and Pagoda any day
  21. If you're on the "view new content" screen, click the little dot to the left of the thread. That should take you to the first unread post.
  22. I can change my signature.. It's under "My Settings" from the profile dropdown at the top, then pick the "Signature" tab on the left.
  23. The black cat is obviously using a wall hack [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M4xD7b4aS0
  24. Seriously.. Summit Strike is a much better game. What's wrong with people??
  25. I'm definitely one of those who is looking forward to AC3.. The Ezio era is beyond played out.
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