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About Wicked

  • Birthday 01/12/1981

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  • Location
    Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • Interests
    Gaming, Graphics and Girls. The 3 g's of goodness.

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  1. I should have mine done in a few days at best. I've been busy the last couple of days and haven't had time.
  2. I'll let you be the first. Right now I've got to master the sound synchronizing (sp?), heh.
  3. That's sorta what I'm doing actually. I've wanted to do something like this for a long time, but there has never been good support for anything like this. So now my past ideas are starting to come back and I'm inspired to create something really good. I'd like to create a fast-action movie with good music first, and eventually perhaps some sort of 'story' where you see a movie play out. But really, that's just speculation, first I've got to start small and make sure everything works the way I want it to then go from there.
  4. Well, that depends on the length of the demo, and the amount of times I fire the weapon actually. But I agree that it will take a lot of time, still, I'm considering it.
  5. Hey Camel, instead of selecting 'High Quality' when you save, goto 'Other' and just select something higher. I noticed an incredible increase in quality. When I tried High Quality it was really blurry and hard to watch, but when I tried boosting it up it was almost the same after you record it in BSR. I added some sound in and converted to WMV, it's only 2.9 megs which is incredible. I've still got to add all the in-game sounds though. I was thinking of just adding in SOME sounds, like the gunshots and occasional voice commands and leave everything else out. Would that work alright? I've got a music file and to be honest, adding in shuffling/movement sounds etc doesn't seem worth it. I've thought about recording the sound from the replay file as mentioned earlier and I might give it a shot soon. Still, I'm impressed with how simple this was to do. At first it seemed like a very hard task to complete, but if you stick with it, it's really not so bad.
  6. I'm also trying to make a movie, and so far it's going great. I've had no problems recording the replay, saving and checking it out in Movie Maker. At first I was confused, especially on how to get rid of individual frames you didn't want, but then I tried splitting and I could just delete specific parts. Works perfect! I am worried about the sound aspect though, definitely not looking forward to starting on that. But thanks for sharing the knowledge and getting us pointed in the right direction!
  7. Depends. I play Roguespear on a lan still, and it is great for MP action. Especially Black Thorn or Urban Ops. Raven-Shield sucked IMO but I hear there are a couple of people that like it. Keep in mind it's mostly CQB and not wide open areas like in GR. But that's what makes getting it great, you'll have it for your CQB needs and GR for your sniping needs. Great combo! Buy it, you'll be glad you did!
  8. You're not alone Cavalier, I notice the same problem almost everytime I play co-op, offline or online. Most people ignore it, or pretend it doesn't exist, or blame you for your lack of skill... BUT, the enemy AI really is quite questionable. The common retort is that if the AI didn't react with godlike reflexes the game would be too easy. This is true to a point, yet one could argue that if the AI was toned down more, and the missions/game types were just prepared better, the AI wouldn't need to be so crazily stacked. And yes, I know, Elite is SUPPOSED to be insanely difficult, yet there are better ways of doing this aside from increasing the AI's stats. Hopefully Redstorm/UBI realizes this before they release Raven-Shield, or I'll just stick to LMS again. I do love the enemies behaviour and ability to maneuver stealthily, but it's pitch black, I'm lying in great cover at 200m, and right after I shoot my target I'm suddenly being fired at from 3 different locations instantly. They have no night vision, no scope either, and are instantly able to decipher where exactly my single round came from and fire back in the blink of an eye. Riiiiiiiight. Gotta love that realism.
  9. Either that or some kind of jumping restriction. Like if you jump once, you need to wait another 20 seconds before you can jump again. Not sure if the Max Payne leap/jump would work with GR, not exactly a fluid motion for an elite soldier, heh. Myself I'd prefer no jumping at all, would alter the gameplay too severely I would think, even only in small doses. Though if they did include a jump function I'd hope it was very restricted. Being able to climb again would be great though, I miss being able to get onto rooftops.
  10. Are you playing in campaign mode? If so you may never use these weapons, aside from what the specialists provide you. It's been awhile since I played the original campaigns. The enemies react the same regardless of weather, night/day, etc. The enemy can spot you if you make noise from anything (grenades/bullets/rockets) and begin tracking you. It's this god-like ability for them to shoot you at a glance with a single round in the eye upon rounding a corner 100m away that annoys me.
  11. Kazaa and WinMX are what I use. Used to use Napster, Bearshare, iMesh, and Grokster. Like WinMX the most due to no advertisements.
  12. For #2 : No, as someone else pointed out in a different discussion, it doesn't 'matter' what uniform you wear against the AI. They will still see you no matter what, invisible or no. #3 : What do you mean regarding the silenced weapons? How they work against AI? If you use them, the AI will find it hard to track/hear you compared to using say the OICW on Full Auto. Though going single shot with the OICW/SA80 can still be almost just as stealthy. The M4 Socom is pretty long range, or you could use the silenced sniper rifle for long range silenced shooting. 4.) Depends on the mod, that specific mod wouldn't, unless it has other elements that effect the AI (like ai behaviour changes, etc). Alfa's new realism mod would change AI behaviour though, I recommend giving it a try.
  13. Hrmm, I only play on elite mode, ever since the day I first started GR (mostly out of stubborness). And so now I have no problem with it at all. I'd definately say yes, it is harder for the AI to see you if you're prone or crouched. But that's just of my opinion, as I find being prone/crouched doesn't get me shot at as much. I've never seen AI shoot someone beyond 100m with a handgun though, except in Roguespear, and only in a mod (Fear).
  14. Wicked


    Actually I do have Morrowind. Been playing it lately, it's a decent game. Fighting is kinda lame, but being able to interact with so many different things, and practically no boundaries easily overcomes any negative things about the game. Though the constant loading of areas due to this can still be annoying. Morrowind's SP game is far better then NWN's SP campaign, but the possibilities of NWN's multiplayer adventures overcomes anything Morrowind can produce. Or atleast that is my opinion.
  15. Wicked


    I play it, though not the SP campaign, as I rather think it sucks. It's in Multiplayer where this game really shines. If you've never tried it online, you should, as the custom campaigns out there can be incredible experiences. Of course you if happen to hop onto a server full of idiots (which is inevitable in any online game), it might ruin things for you.
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