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Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Roco is really rank ! and so is zulater
  2. Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. oooh that was a CHEAP shot! You know Willie, I have to give you credit, there is alot of frustration from the players with the game. You roll with the punches and even punch back sometimes, but it's almost always good natured. I hope Grin can fix this game before everyone decides it time to shelf it.
  3. That ain't exacly how it went down, but that's neither here nor there. I think the OP was addressing people that post that they are not going to play GRAW anymore. If so, then I agree. As for sarcasm, most of it is warranted since the forums would otherwise be as exciting as reading stock quotes. Oh, and before anyone misunderstands my perspective, I am a fan of GRAW, and Grin. DING !! DING !! DING !! WE HAVE A WINNA !!! First off, Angel gave as much as she got. She was rude, callous and insensitive just as much as others were with her. The online world is really no different from the real world, you still have to have a thick skin, hell, more so than in the real world. I would expect most people aren't as outspoken in real life as they are on an online forum. Why is this thread really any different from a thread stating "I don't like GRAW" ? I tired of people telling me why they hate GRAW, stop posting about it, BOO HOOO HOOOOOOO. If there wasn't anything to complain about, someone would surely start a thread complaining about that. Have a damn good day now !!!
  4. LMAO ! I have never seen so much whining about everything and nothing at the same time.
  5. ^^^^^^^^^BINGO !!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6. Tell me how many gigs of pr0n I have and I'll believe you.............. roughly 87 gigs, plus the 430kb keepsake of tubgirl
  7. I wasn't aware there were respawns in life, I must have missed that in the manual.
  8. It might be poor netcode in the game, poor intergration of PB within the game, or whatever, but the "hiccup" is noticeable.
  9. I would have to agree with Rug here, I've played 3 different games that used PB, and I could tell on 2 of them when the SS's were being taken.
  10. I had/have my PB setup on my computer where it would also log any SS's and what checks were scanned on my computer. That's how I suspected all the checks weren't being done. Next time you drive thru Blacksburg, stop and tip a cow for me
  11. While I don't play GRAW yet, and might not, I will put my 2 cents in about any AC and additional checks. I ran a PB enabled server for another squad that matched in Joint Operations on TWL. I was responsible for keep ing the MBL list updated, any new MD5 checks, checking SS's. etc. Additional checks like AA's cvar checks, or the MD5 checks for PB will have to be mandatory if the initial AC doesn't check for items like altered skin files, certain xml files, etc. The problem with squad servers having these additional checks on their server is that not all squads will run ALL the checks. I ran into this problem with a squad on TWL that shot to the top of the JO ladder in 6 or 7 matches. Their server happened to be hosted on the same server my squad's was ,so I ask the server owner to check certain files. This unnamed squad wasn'tt running 7 very important checks that were required by TWL to be running. So, the question becomes, while we do need these checks, how can they be implemented so everyone is on equal ground ?
  12. not comparing games, just outlining features.
  13. I played Joint Ops, you could get on pretty much anything, rock outcroppings, hut roofs, climb certain trees, you can get on top of btr's, tanks, etc., and even more so in the expansion pack Escalation. Th33f played Soldner, and if I remember correctly, that game also had these features. Making an animation for climbing should not be to hard. Is there a crawl animation, if so, turn it vertical, and you are climbing. You can't shoot while running, makes sense that you can't shoot while climbing a ladder, but once you have stopped moving, fire at will.
  14. My question would now be........ Obviously it is written in the code so you can climb objects, cars, walls, etc. This guy figured a way around the physics to make it happen, what if GRIN fixes the code so everyone can do the same thing. Haven't people been complaining about not be able to go "everywhere" in the game? What's wrong with climbing onto a car, or a wall or a pile of rubble, if everyone can do it ? more places, more betterer !!
  15. In most games when spawn protection is enabled, if you switch weapons, or fire, the protection is gone, doesn't matter if your 10 seconds is up or not.
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