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About FiRe_Seba

  • Birthday 08/10/1983

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  1. Yeah, UBI has once again proven that only they are cabable of doing something like this, again. So clap your hands for UBI, they're something unique. Now playing: Children of Bodom - Oops I did it again But back to the topic, allmost... What comes to the Xbox MP-trailer, it might be a good thing that there's no PC release with that kind of a gameplay. Obviously we're not getting anything like OGR anymore, but should a game looking & feeling like Crysis be called as Ghost Recon? With this I'm referring to GR:O and GR:FS. Not saying that I'd dismiss anything that's not "realistic" what comes to gaming; having an super-riot-shield, putting up some covering laser dome or using cloaking device can actually make really great features into the gameplay. But then, how about naming - the game should be called something like: UBI Crisis:GR
  2. Hi! Is there any ladders or leagues for GRAW out there? If there's interest, there's a possibility to run multiple/various GRAW games at www.ghostleague.net . Sadly, our [GR] gaming has ended there (for good I think, resurection would be some 7.th miracle), and it's totally idle atm. If there's enough interest and willing admins to run it, consider Ghost League as possibility, even for this tournament? BR, Seba
  3. Oh, I just spotted this one @ Alpha Mod 2.6.2. where credits were just for Battleborne But, thanks for that clarifying! I want to be precise with these permissions.
  4. Hi! I've been trying to contact few guys who "might have something to do" with original author of this map... I'd really appriciate if some of you could enlight me with contact infos etc. We'd like to include this map into our GhostLeague -mod. [Posts split into a new thread - Please don't dig up a 6 year dead thread (just refer to it in a New one)]
  5. I'll start _today_ excatly the same journey as you Blake wroted last spring.. Starting to make my first completely own map... Lets see am I able to do anything...
  6. Hmm.. What do you modders think if I'm not able to reach some creators is it suitable to use his work if it's mentioned at credits correctly..? After all our projects doesnt have commercial value/arent used for commercial purposes... But still it feels a like stealing...
  7. Thanks, but we've allready made some changes with 40mm nades. And what comes to 20mm, I'm trying to be as gentle as possible here (touching OICW/GL is a like sacrilegious act for some people...) it's quite understandable: people have used to "how" these GL's kill in what situations and where they should be shotted, so I'd rather not mess up with them. I made a little explanation to our admin crew, maybe put it here aswell - If you change back to bullets at blue timeline, you'll notice the bug. - instead, if you dont fire that 3.th round and change at orange timeline, when 2.nd GL's ROF has allready "run out", there's not going to happen anything extra ordinary.
  8. Hello! We're making this GhostLeague mod here, a little MultiPlayer thing for our league. http://www.ghostleague.net/index.php?l=1&a...&view=downz And, might found out a new bug with GR Aint so big news here, but any ideas how this could be prevented? To the point. I've made a kit with MM1 + MP5 which should be implemented to upcoming mod version, and lowered OICW/GL ROF from 600RPM -> 90RPM. So now when you have OICW on full auto -mode, and you change to GL's, shoot one or few of them and quickly change back to bullets, it will "magicly" shoot your full clip empty, automatic & silent... Same with MM1 + MP5. MM1 ROF = 30RPM, and when you have MP5 on full auto at firearmslot 2. & shoot few GL's, and quickly change back to MM1 your bullet clip will dissapear... It kind of "continues" the on-going ROF to secondary or primary weapons full auto, if you change meanwhile this ROF time line. And does it only when having full auto on, so no problems with pistols etc. I've tried to read and find out topics for changing one kits change time (MM1 issue could be easily fixed if I'd know how to increase change time between weapons...) but OICW -issue is trickier. Rather not increase it back to original ROF rates (really powerfull at multiplayer). Any ideas?
  9. Hello! I'm one of the GhostLeague's admins and our community mod developers/creators (www.ghostleague.net). Our mod is just an small fixing for MP gaming, though it's growing here day by day here... Some of you modders know us allready, we've been contacting them for permissions to use their maps, guns, etc. work of arts We're precise what comes to permissions/licences/credits, and now we've faced some problems with contacting few of the modders. Well, GR is getting "a bit" old nowdays and many of these modders have changed circles years ago, but I'd appreciate if someone could help me/us contacting few guys: From HX 5 creators: - OMEN Maul - OMEN Hotshot - =DRAG=Raven Thank you!
  10. It's a league Gaming system is build by our other admins (dox, ben, Nemesis) and will be published for this spring season ("quick season...") when we know about the amount of part taking clans.
  11. Hello Ghost Recon community! I'm proud to say GhostLeague is up! There's again change to play tactic hamburger hill with good old Ghost Recon! Check site : http://www.ghostleague.net The site is really fresh; basicly its under work all the time. We're starting our first gaming season pretty soon - and sign up's are ready and working! So if your clan wants to play some GR once again, you're welcome to play with good bunch of Ghost Recon veterans + enthustiastic new players! (gaming is concentraded to European time zones, of course US clans can join but time differences might come an issue) Read more from the site and forum! At forum you can find various tutorials how to get started, here's an example: http://www.ghostleague.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5 ** small description of rules: ** - Hamburger Hill - 1 Team respawn - 10 min rounds, Random Insertion - Random maps, only Ghost League maps allowed! (minor modding at spawns & HH place - making them more equal) - Olegruss weapon equality mod (really minor modding; only making some options to use other guns than SA80 & OICW) - Read more from the leagues "Rules" page and forum Kind regards, Ghost League admin, =[FiRe]= Seba
  12. Well, again it's a compromise between different values - I think Grin tried that, to please everybody with GRAW balancing qualities though the ending didnt go as well as hypothese... The engine is good and gives lots of posibilities like I said in the last post, but really needs some fixes. My opinion is that GRAW2 is coming too fast out, it shouldnt been rushed after the disaster publishing with GRAW, hope it wont include so many bugs at release... Of course what compicated games go the more bugs will appear on them but less players will play "unfinished" games... Hope that to GRAW2 will be really wide testings and plannings to make it good! Patching fast will be great, but if the whole playability depends on patches the game is doomed. And technical complicated maps are hard to make and takes lots of space & time, but those great maps are the key to succesfull Ghost Recon! Remember we really have Americas Army which is great game, but lacks good maps - we have CS, RO, OFP and so on, but none of these games are like original GR. I think it really is that way because of the maps and gaming styles (of course the style/tempo but had to say it). Peace made a nice post about lack of vunerability at GRAW and other important matters which I agree totally. Take a look at Ghost Recon 2 on Xbox and you will find some nice structures and types of maps.
  13. Hmm.. I liked GRAW single player, but MP wasn't as good as GR - GR MP is a legend actually, mostly 'cause of its maps I think. What I missed at GRAW MP was real STEALTH (you know you can walk without making footstepsounds - it was great though there should been some kind of 'sneaking-button' or quieter steps..), wider maps (updating Strongpoint actually kept me playing GRAW MP...), and better console control (those little things wich makes count - starting timer like GR (30sec, 1min, ...) Without a sniper you could spot easily enemy sniper & take him down, places were rare at MP-maps where sniper could really snipe at cover. What I read there should be uprages to these matters at GRAW2, right? Sounds good. I really miss these old GR -matches & great public server games! Most of the people whose playing GRAW right now likes that fast tempo - small maps, lots of spawns, no tactics, just run & aim - and it seems like GRAW is designed for that (of course that sells, I understand...) , but at least most Clanbase.com:s Ghost Recon -clans have used to way different gaming. If things going to be different at GRAW2, Ghost Recon might again gain it's reputation at best Pure Tactic FPS (no planes & hecos & stuff...). I dunno is my opinion just a shout from a minority, but why havent we seen most of the old GR-folks at GRAW... If theres going to be an option for more tactical movement at wider maps, using granades to stop or hold enemies (make 'em dig down) like artillery and better stealth - I'm in love! Curious to see what kind of an game pops out! With this kind of an engine and working team around it posibilities are imnumerable. Team Finrecon, Seba
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