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  1. Don't worry the ammount of "gamer babes" grew within the last years and at the moment it looks like it'll keep growing! I have 3 female gamers inside my clan and one of them would kick anybody's bottom inside Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - she's nice, intelligent, pretty and.......has a boyfriend (Well *sighs* you can't have everything!)! ← As anyone knows, Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever. ;-)
  2. It's better when they're paid by Ubisoft to be walking advertisements. ← Sup: I think somewhere on their site there is a BLOG refuting the comments from people begrudging the fact that they are only hired by UBI to be a "pretty face" Basically, like any advertisement in this society, using "Babes" to attract them to their products, and of course get them to buy it. Hey, it's the American way! ;-)
  3. Razor...it did just occur to me though, the age of these women are probably no older than 25 (I have noticed in their profiles on each fragdoll, they don't give a birthdate or age, kinda wierd.) But from the looks of them, they are probably between 18 and 21 (college aged) Anyone seen a woman that's in her late 20's or even 30's that do any extensive gaming like their Atari 2600 Generation male counterparts do? lol
  4. Yeah, the whole irony of it is....is that they are "hot". I don't think ever personally known a rather physically attractive woman that are that much into computer or video games.
  5. If ATI paid you 1 million dollars to use that ad in your game (or with the right price) you'd do it too. lol
  6. I don't understand, I ordered from EB games? In the past, I made the mistake of ordering something from UBI soft, and they got my order shipped off, when the title was already at the stores.
  7. Is there a description about how damage is taken in this game? Will deaths be pretty much similar to that of in the original GR 1? Sometimes you get wounded ?
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