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Everything posted by Rogue15

  1. You surprise me that you think that is all that matters. But anyway, thank you for your kind words.
  2. NOTE: This is not based on any game experience. It's a fictional adventure story. Rather than starting off right away with some action, I really try to go in-depth with the characters and persona of the squad before the action heats up. Oh, one more thing: the story is set in the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes universe. It would help to have some basic knowledge of that game, but you don't need any prior knowledge to enjoy this. I will post one chapter a day, and I hope you enjoy it! ____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1: Reassignment The Galactic Federation Trooper looked anxiously about him, as if awaiting some unseen terror. He was a private, fresh off the training grounds and ripe for the usual harassment from the seasoned veterans. As he took in his new home, a CO strided toward him with an air of total power. "Pvt. Lethrel, I presume?" said the CO, scanning him up and down. "Yes, sir. That's my name, sir," responded Lethrel, appearing very nervous. "Sergeant Hawkins will show you around. Meet him at the Recon Communications Base," ordered the gruff CO. "Excuse me, sir?" asked a bewildered Lethrel. "Oh, that's right! You were reassigned to the Recon Division. Apparently, the casualties have been unusually high lately, and Command ordered a Company from the Home Guard Army to support it. You missed the announcement because of your tardiness." It stung Lethrel that the CO had mentioned how late he had been, but what bothered him even more was that he'd been reassigned. His plan had been ruined. He had joined the Home Guard Army expecting nothing more than routine drills and most importantly, peace. Never had he imagined this. He was going into combat with a baptism of intensity.
  3. Your stories are generally very sloppy and have a rushed feeling to them. And your use of the realism and gore was seemingly only put in there to try to redeem it from the messiness. Focus on punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc. to give it a smoother feeling. But I still enjoyed reading them.
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