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Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. I would if I knew what to change, otherwise editing randomly will result in a eternal primary data loop of me doing the same all year long for like ... eternety bs, I really don't know but I'll stick with b-boy mod
  2. There is a thing that came up in my mind once or twice that might be the solution to this issue: copy only the m911 files to the local\english directory with the result that this weapon will be available from the m4 sopmod and the m4 will be available from the Brettzies mod Now wich files are for the m911 ? Anyone can help me with this ? Help is appriciated...
  3. I've put back the x_english folder and installed the new version of Brettzies mod but I get a crash out of it, an issue of the 1.35 patch (not sure though)... crashlog.txt Crash in application version: grpcrc1.35 data\lib\units\extensions\inventory.dsf(-1): Inventory: could not spawn weaponm4 SCRIPT STACK data\lib\units\extensions\inventory.dsf(0) data\lib\units\extensions\inventory.dsf(0) data\lib\units\extensions\inventory.dsf(0) Don't know but I'll delete contents of the local\english folder then try to reinstall the patch 1.35 and install the b-boy mod over it.... Try to load up a game and if it doesn't work retry the campain.... By that time there'll be couple of hours past cos I've got stuff to do..... Fingers crossed and yeah, Thank you Snow & Brettzies lads for the very cool mods indeed =) Ok I've uninstalled the m4sopmod and the trouble vanished like tears in the rain.... Soooo... No m4SopMod
  4. Hi My question is the following: can I make the m4 sopmod (with the m1911 colt wich I like) compatible with the Brettzies m4 mods ? You probably would ask yourself why I would do such a think, the anwser is simple: Because of the m1911 Handgun !! Perhaps these 2 mods are compatible in your case but in my case I got an error message when I tried to load a mission after installing the M4 SOPMOD + had to restart the career to play again, but then I noticed that the weapons from the Brettzies mod were gone missing for action Anyone got a solution to this ? Coudln't find anything on the net, only that somebody has had the same problem with this combination of mod's.. Thank you for reading and please reply ! =SR= btw, if these mods are not compatible I shall choose for the Brettzies MOD
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