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tmasboa's Achievements

Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Okay, so right after I get the Mule in Mission 4, a tank comes and I Zeus it. Easy. now it has an obj to assist rebel forces or something, and a green onscreen thing to the trainyard. So I go to the trainyard and nothing is there. no guys. just a bunch of trains. I'm right on the green pointer and... nothing!
  2. Hello I've gotten on the train mission to the objective wehre I'm suppossed to help the rebles or something, and i go to the green thing wehre it says Trainyard and there's a bunch of trains but no guys, no nothing. Is this a bug, how do I continue? Thanks
  3. Hi I"m new i got graw2 a few days ago... i have done act1 and the first of act2, i was wondering, first how long is the game, and what I have done so far hasn't been that hard and I haven't done any really nice strategies, just having them follow me bascially. So does it get harder in the latter missions? Im' just trying to enjoy it as much as i can, dont' wanna end up finishing and not using all the cool tactical features. thanks
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