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Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Great job! If this mod means anything for GR, I hope it is a huge increase of co-op missions being hosted online. DM, seige and other games are fun, but it gets real tired playing them on UBI... especially when most run *shudder* GRM 4.8 or other such nonesense. My favourite part so far is the "super castle" map. The insertion on the first campaign mission is great too. I imagine 9 ppl online playing a HX mission on elite, no respawn and using coms properly would kick so much ######! Super intense and no room for error... and a hell of alot of fun! Visit the good people at Tacticalgamer.com to see what mp co-op missions can be at their best. TY drag for making HX5!
  2. Hey bluntobject... I thought you'd like to see this site as well... EDITED: no offense BentFarfel. I know you mean no harm but I showed this link to my wife (to have a second opinion) and she found it offensive. If she does, I am sure that others will find it offensive too. Given the situation, I am removing the link. You didn't really do anything wrong, you are not on warning. This was just a little bit overboard. I love cats. My "internet name", BentFarfel, which is going on 5 years old now, was derived from my cat, the venerable FARFEL! She's the best. She watches T.V. with me, watches me get punked on NW42 (once in awhile I own), and she sleeps on my feet at night.
  3. Dear Everybody: What eveyone wants, and needs, is BENTFARFEL's opinion. Yes. It's true. Last night I dreamt of men in gas maks with shot guns raiding my house to steal my cat. Luckily my cat had a Mac 10 (silenced, of course) and killed them all while I made a peanut butter and banana sammich. From there the dream got a bit weird. I remeber smatterings of naked ladies and |42nd| D.I. telling me repeatedly to "F&*ck off" (G-D bless NW42 ) Anyhoo... my point is: As per Jack 57's advice I played the Postcard's campaign with the SAS mod and got some killer screenies for some wallpapers. I had hella fun and it induced psychotic nightmares of the like I haven't had since I played GTA3 on New Year's 2002 (oy vey). My advice: Don't make a peyote omlette. umm... no. Wait. This is A GREAT mod and 25 mb is teeny tiny for the product. I look forward to future products from the creators of this mod. CHEERS!
  4. That's an awsome idea Jack! I'm gonna play Postcards from Peru 1.5 with the SAS mod!!!!! GEEZ! Why didn't I think of that??? Now I am completely happy all over.
  5. This mod was everything I expected... but one thing. I really thought i was going to get the "full meal deal"... like with Rangers 2.0 or the 2009 Airborne mods. I wanted a new campaign. I know you guys didn't SAY you were making one... but the skins and guns made up for it. I won't go on aboot the skins. We all have seen the skins from the hype I WILL go on aboot the superior weapons! I can't get over the coolness of the support and demo classes. Support dudes are given 3 awesome choices of weps in the reg forces... each gun having its own merits and cool skins and models. Demo dudes are also extremely well balanced. Even the snipers have their three choices in the reg platoons. All super awesome guns. The specialists are, like most mods of this caliber, awesome, but I wasn't so happy aboot having guys in arctic clothes on grassy/tropical maps. That's why they are specialists... but hey. I'm not a modder. I made a MadCat in 3dMax last week (MechWarrior) but that still doesnt make me cool. Anyhoo... this mod is TOTALLY an my top 10 of ALL TIME!!!!!!!! Hype ot NO hype. *rubs temples* I forsee these gun skins being stolen and snuck into a cheap rip-off "compilation mod" with another 150 stolen guns later this year ----------------------- ooooooooooooh i had a OOT of body experience peace BENT OOT
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