The Siege Report by Rocky
Published Feb 2003


Siege Rules

Interviews Part 1 [servers | clans | sensors | IFF | defend or attack]
Interviews Part 2 [defend tactics | attack tactics | winning advice]
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Tactics Report from Drunk Bob, Captain at XRW

Here's some posts I made some time back on the XRW site about tactics, this my point of view anyways on the subject and it has worked pretty good. This is actual US Army infantry tactics.

The components of a great strategizing team are here.

Shoot - Move - Communicate

Everyone can shoot, communication is ok, from what limited amount I have seen, and every one can move. But is all of this coordinated though?

Consider Battle drills and tactics. Battle Drills are actions that are automatic given a set of predetermined battle conditions. While tactics are theories, plans, and hunches that may be proved or not, on how to conduct a battle drill, mission, or assignment.

Example: You are moving from point A to B. You see a Tango coming straight at you. The battle drill would be: you should automatically move to cover and/or the prone position. This makes it harder to be hit, and reticule timing is faster and more accurate in prone than compared to running. The tactic would be: moving along this route I will probably encounter enemy in which I can engage.

In any situation Teams and individuals need to consider OCOKA.

In the offensive, teams need to initiate the offensive battle drill.

In the defensive, teams need to initiate the defensive battle drill.

The following posts are for each of the three situations.


O-observation and fields of fire
Can I see the enemy and still engage him?

C-cover and concealment
Cover is any object, effect, or condition that prevents the enemy from seeing and shooting you. concealment is the same, only the enemy can still shoot you. A bush is concealment, a wall is cover.

Any object that impedes movement. The night battle map has stacked logs, you can not traverse them, you have to go around. (these could also be considered Cover and concealment)

K-key terrain
One of the defense points on "D06 Ghost Town" is behind the warlords house. This position is on top of a hill. If you loose the hill to the OPFOR(opposing force), then the likelihood of loosing your defensive position is great.

A-Avenues of approach
Using the "D06 Ghost Town" map, the defensive position behind the warlords house has three avenues of approach - The routes in which the OPFOR must use to get to the objective. The east route is the mountain trail that leads around to the junk yard. The west route is the mountain path that leads to the shanty's. The last, and least favorable for the enemy, is the John Wayne route - Straight up the middle.

OCOKA can be applied to all maps and all conditions. If used in the "D06 Ghostown" map and assuming we were on defense, the A-team finds cover and concealment along the east path, or in position to overlook that route. B-team takes the west, and C-team can cover the John Wayne route and smoke. As team members are killed off, then the teams need to fall back to a new position (using OCOKA) but still maintaining their assigned task, cover the route.

The Defensive Battle Drill

From FM 7-8, The U.S. Army infantry manual

Initiative in the Defense. Since the enemy decides the time and place of the attack, leaders seize and retain the initiative in the defense through careful planning, preparation, coordination, and rehearsal. Leaders plan and establish the defense to find the enemy first, without being found; fix the enemy with obstacles and fires; locate or create a weakness in the enemy's attack plan; and maneuver to exploit that weakness with quick violent counterattack.

The leader needs to carefully plan what actions are taken. If too many people get gung-ho, then your defense is now an attack and the defense position is at risk of being over-run.

There should be 4 tasks that need to be conducted in order to carry out the Defense Battle Drill and succeed.

1. Cover likely avenues of approach.
2. Assign H/K team(s)
3. Counter attack
4. Victory Dance

1. Cover likely avenues of approach

On all maps there are no more than three avenues of approach, with each route covered, by disciplined team members, then the attack is eventually futile as, all OPFOR will be eliminated.

A "buddy system" should be used. I watch your back, you watch mine. Each team should be assigned positions to cover. Without leadership, the battle drill falls apart.

Now once teams are in position, utilizing the principles of OCOKA, then step 1 has been completed.

These positions need to be forward of the defense, worst-case scenario, when your buddy bites it, you can fall back (remember OCOKA)and continue with step 1.

Once the primary objective is completed-cover the likely avenues of approach, and if resources are available, then platoon members can be assigned to other tasks, which should include the three "F's"

Find them - Fix them - Finish them

By the nature of an attack, the initiative is given to the force that is taking the battle to the enemy. This is not always you however. Once the initiative has been lost, ultimately the battle will be lost.

Assuming that the first step has been completed then step 2 and 3 can begin.

Assign H/K Teams

The first couple of minutes will determine the course of the battle. It may not be feasible to conduct steps 2 or 3. It may also not be necessary to conduct step 2 but DO conduct step 3.

H/K teams-this is a "Hoo-Ah" term, Hunter/Killer teams. Lets assume that we are using a full platoon on the embassy map, with the defense in the street west of the hotel. With our likely avenues of approach covered a team of two could be assigned to flank around to the north around the hotel and embassy to engage oncoming forces. In practice this should be only a harassment mission. However if the initiative is gained in this action then proceed to step 3.

Counter Attack

If the initiative has been gained, enemy numbers have been reduced significantly, then a counter attack is in order.

Understand, that enemy numbers are determined by the total number of lives left, not players. A platoon of nine is a force of twenty seven. This works for us and against us.

The leader needs to assign a force of one-third (based on players-not lives left) to cover the defense. the remaining force then move into the attack battle drill (se next post) and conducts operations to eliminate all remaining enemy.

Victory Dance

The defense held, all enemy were eliminated, or time ran out, either way celebrate, you won. Hopefully, with minimum loss of life.
