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Posts posted by MasterKain2053

  1. How's your experience been in ranked rooms? I've had the game since release day and only this weekend have I spent much time playing in ranked rooms. My experiences have been mostly negative because, my Lord, there are a LOT of a-holes out there in Xbox Live land. Most of them will kick you from the room if you're not a 6 or better (I went from 1 to 3 since last night). The ones who let you stay will stack teams against you.

    I have so many cool people on my friends list - where are the people like that among the random strangers?


    Use the team stacking against you. They may be good but you can get good as well at the games. When they stack a bunch of 1's against a bunch of 6's it's your job to show the 6's how it's done. Make them loose rank because of it and they will think once before doing it again, I say once because they don't think about it now they just do it to win.

  2. the one thing that Bungie has done a great job with is game stats .. even to the point of being able to bring up a post game map and see where you killed or got filled from.

    I'm sure I missunderstand what you mean but the above quote says bungie. . .this is an ubi game bungie is halo. You're just giving reference right?

  3. Thanks serellan we appreciate the link, it gives us alot of new info to boil over. Gotta say I'm a little excited about this shipping complex deal. Lots of sniping positions means lots of new options. BTW the SD sniper rifle is a very welcome addition for alot of us snipers. Can't tell ya how much I would have liked a silent weapon in the coop missions. Now I can go through them a whole new way. Without making noise!!! excellent. I just hope the thing shoots better than it's un-suppressed counterpart cuz I gotta tell ya it's gonna make me change the way I shoot if it isn't. :snipe:

  4. How on earth did you get the codes to work. I just wanted to use one code till I get used to the controls and I am not having any luck inputting the code and having it take....anyone have any suggestion?...I wanted the infinate life. Im a serious newb to this game I need a little help before I can join an online crew.

    word of advice then. If you're wanting to get good at MP play MP SP will not help you're MP skills. And the code for infinate health will not help you at all, in fact it'll make you worse. You'll get used to the controles and get to a level that is actually hard and won't be able to handle it without infinate health.

  5. The Good: Love the fire controle, you actually have to aim most of the time finally. Love the graphics love most of the guns. Love the tactical ability of the game.

    The Bad: Not enough levels and the ones that are there are five seconds long in Coop. I'm a sniper, I love most of the sniper rifles but as a tactical player my team goes silent alot in Coop and sometimes in squad. This hinders my abilities as a sniper because I have to grab a riffleman weapon. Don't get me wrong I'm still good with it but I'm not as accurate at long range. Silent sniper is coming soon though so that bad will be good very very soon.

    The ugly: Not enough customization. UBI pushed that customization thing and it just hasn't gone anywhere close to what I had expected. Yes I can customize but not enough. Give me the ability to outfit my character in the gear I want him in. Right down to what pair of shoes he's wearing. Let me set the number of enemies on the map in coop. I don't want fifty I want one hundred. Let me throw in some kinks in the coop missions. Blocked rodeways things like that.

  6. uh, okay . . . thanks for the confirmation that i will  not die, i was really worried about that. i  really only posted so that someone with infinitely more common sense then me (like you) would reply and convince me to relax.  i appreciate the advice on my overall mental picture but was asking for info on the update, not ur opinion of me or ur insight to unranked games . . . but thanks!   btw . . wiry means skinny, or flexible. not uppity as you implied.

    Thank you webster for that dictionary teaching moment. I was not commenting on YOU personally but rather the general public who freak out every time an update is announced or put into play because they don't want their leaderboards reset. I could have been a total donkey and said something along the lines of "oh pwease siw dont weset my weaderboads. I'm so scared of my big score being weset I dont' know what to do" but I chose a less rude way to do it. And as for my insight on unranked games, I don't remember giving any but maybe my memory isn't so good I'm not sure. and the common sense thing, well lets just say I asked the same thing in a seperate post so I wouldn't jump to that little conclusion.

  7. why is there no mention on any forums about todays scheduled maintenance shut down? will the leaderboard be reset? will i lose my current rank that i've painfully fought tooth and nail for? i've literally searched every message board for any word on this. is there some kind of ###### conspiracy to destroy my graw?! please somebody speak up, or i'll climb the clock tower!

    Why is the first thing people think when a scheduled maintenance hits "will the leaderboards be reset" they warn you for stuff like that guys for god's sake. Besideds I would imagine it would be up to ubi to reset the leaderboards. Chill out my wirey little friend and enjoy, or don't enjoy either way, the day away from GRAW and Xbox Live. You'll live trust me, life goes on and hey live comes back if your life will end after 24 hours. People stop going directly to "will my leaderboards be reset?" I myself wouldn't care one way or the other but that's only because I don't play ranked games. Simmer down friend. You're clock tower will stay locked and there is no conspiracy to destroy your GRAW. . .although there could be a conspiracy to destroy your 360. gotta keep your eye on microsoft. very sneaky that lot. :ph34r:

  8. If this is true someone will have to save the content on a memory card and send it to me where I will download it and send your memory card back

    Why would someone have to send it to you? You can't d/l it?

  9. Definately a good urban map with rooftop access for snipers, gotta agree with 5time that if they do that it'll slow some people down for sure. Honestly a re-make of govt. district with rooftop access again agreeing with 5time would be great. and possibly add the govt. district as a retro campaign for multiplayer would be awesome.

  10. while, yes all those options will work to get your friends in the game, i agree with you, they should have put the clan mechanics into the game. for such a "squad" based game, it is surely lacking in support for it. they have also announced nothing in regards to it. and i doubt they will at e3.

    Which makes me wonder. Why not? What's the hold up on even a little information about IDEAS for downloadable content? I've had this game since day one and I love it more now than I did then to be honest because I have a fully renewed interest in co-op and squad gametypes but, new guns, clan support, new levels, more options and even the ability to invite friends into ranked games would be nice. Hey it'd be even better just to get a little info on this :-( I'm in the dark enlighten us guys.

  11. Ok guys no poll for Kain but I'd like to know anyway. How do you play the game? Are you a tactical player, do you run n' gun, spawn camp maybe or do you just see a play open up with the automatic riffleman weapon and hope to god you don't hit your own team members in the process while praying for a kill, AKA Spray and pray. Do you have a team? Do you only play with that team? This isn't just for you guys who play squad games. Co-Op is included in this little bit. one last piece, Tell me how you do. Not worried about how many kills you get and I don't care about scores good or not so well is all that's really needed. Elaborate all you like though but please don't make this a race to get the most kills :grin2:

    As for me, I play both Co-Op and as of very recently I play Squad and in both myself and our team (our being myself and opsixdelta) play tactically. Personally I've seen a big difference between the tactical play of this game and the run and gun action of Halo 2 but I've also seen alot of run n gun action during squad matches. As for how tac works out for me personally I think we do well. Not always winning but not losing as much either. I'd say win to lose it's 70/30. I'm hoping opsix will chime in on this and give his little bit of info on what he thinks but everyone feel free to join in.

  12. I am talking mostly MP.

    Yes - the drone is pretty sweet :)

    The problem with the anglebecame apparent when one of my team was trying to showwhere he was taking fire from - he was looking at the point the cross com was showing the ground in front of him. It wasn't until he looked above the point from which the fire was coming that you could see what he had been looking at.

    The reason You are seeing the ground is because that's what the person is lookinga t when they are running. I think all of us do it and I've noticed it even before GRAW. We tend to look down at the ground and out on our screen while moving and running rather than looking up and out. I could be wrong but I know my entire team does it and I know people I've never played with do it so :hi::starwars:

  13. You guys have done all we had hoped. All I had hoped and more. I wanted to go ahead and formally thank you guys for the game you've created here. Opsix and I have been playing it pretty much all day and I can't be more happy. The sniper rifles aren't silenced but gotta tell ya noone ever has the chance to react to my sniper fire anyway so I don't give a damn. You guys listened to all of us and damnit I hope I'm not only speaking for myself when I say thanks guys this game is the best yet. And now that said I'm going back to MP campaign :P

  14. awesome, much appreciated. i cant keep up with all the graw info streaming out. And Serellen, i have to say man, from what i played at comic con, you guys at RSE went far and above my expectations. this game felt really really solid. Seriously, i can tell you put alot of TLC in there. The fans appreciate it. GOOD WORK !. :thumbsup:

    More than appreciate it. We love you guys for this game. you've listened to all of our complaints and then some. My sense of humor is a little hard to read I guess sorry for any offense serellan :whistle:

  15. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigther Xbox Dev Diary

    By: César A. Berardini - "Cesar"

    Craig Leigh, the Creative Director of the Xbox version of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, give us the lowdown on the design and the technology behind the current generation edition of the game.

    See Video here

    Gotta Admit. . .it looks good but it makes me glad to own a 360 at the same time :-\ Next gen is. . .well next gen yeah? This vid is proof that the 360 isn't a waste of money but for the ones who can't afford it or find it this is going to be beautiful none the less.

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