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Posts posted by RatoN

  1. Yes it's the way to go! It makes you listen and look around. You are not outside playing but inside doing.

    Also note, the Hardcore mode does not change anything except the Hud display. So it's not more difficult, you just have to remember stuff a lot more, like fire rate, clips. You also need to pay attention to your teammates a lot more. Pause between battles to fix everybody up, 'Q' and scan all of them mates. Their name will be orange if wounded. That will also bring up the compass when you need it.

  2. Hey Big :)

    Yes I would agree, all maps should be made available but we could agree that :

    *. maps that don't loadup or make the game crash (and it is that case for some) would be in the 'Beta' section.

    *. distinct sections.

    a) SP. MP Infiltration. MP Annihilation. Coop.

    b) Beta. SP. MP Infiltration. MP Annihilation. Coop.

    c) Community’s picks. SP. MP Infiltration. MP Annihilation. Coop.

    If a mission is SP in it's conception, then yes i do understand the creator might want to impose his scenario, and decide what riffle you will play with, even if i think it's a terrible idea. Coop though, gimme ammo crates from the get go or i won't play them.

    I think there is room for a more organized site.

  3. well actually quite the opposite my friend, there is plenty of room for a well organized site for OFDR community made content.

    Have strict guidelines for uploaders. Have categories for maps / mission like Beta, Finished maps. Separate things to make it clear. SP. MP. Coop. Have a rating system. Be brutal. Only the best make the final cut.

    Folks will appreciate it, and it would distinguish your site from the others. Right now, it's a free for all.


    Just to give you an idea. If i had my site for user made content, maps that don't include amo crates from the spawn point to offer the choice of riffle for the players, would not make the final cut for Coop. That simple.

  4. Why, is there something unusual about that? Am i weird or sometin??

    Yes, always played GR in MP Coop from day 1. Either with fellow coopers on LAN or bots as backup when I played solo. Same with RvS. Fireup the game in MP, start a server, set it to Coop with the AI backup option checked and choose a mission or Firefight/Terrorist hunt. Voila, that was my custom SP.

    I have no idea to this day what the SP campaign is like with GR/DS/IT or RvS/AS.

    Anyways, I take it as a good omen to not want to play the SP portion of a game. OPDR as better to offer than it’s SP campaign and THAT my friends, is a good sign.

  5. A map can be made for SP and MP. With a script (mission) or not, so yes a mission is played on a map. Correct me if I’m in the left field, but from what i know it is not possible to create a new map with this editor. Only missions. The island is the island and that’s it.

    Have yet to open this editor so somebody more qualified might answer your question, but here is my general understanding of content created by the community…

    Map = Making a playground from the bottom up. That includes terrain, vegetation, buildings, entities etc that are included in the editor.

    Mission = Making a script on an existing map. Objects scan be placed on this map to create a new setup on the same environment.

    Mod = Modification of existing game files to modify the mechanics of a game or looks.

    Total conversion = To import and create new files in order to change a game to something else.

    So with OPDR, we have 'Scripters' and 'Modders', but no 'Mappers'. Or do we :huh:

    Due to unfortunate tagging convention we refer to ppl that make missions as 'Mappers' or 'Modders', when in fact they are more like 'Scripters' but there are some map making elements in their work, such as replacing objects to fit the scenario on the map. Same for ppl that make total conversion of a game, they are referred to as 'Modders', when in fact they should be called 'Devs' or 'Developers', but this tag already designate the original 'makers' of the game. The ones that modify games files should be called as such… 'Modders'. Folks who make map, 'Mappers'. Mission, 'Scripters'. Total conversion…. 'Converters' :s

    :wacko: gee, I think I just confused myself

    So to clear this once and for all just won’t happen Lighty.

  6. I've been suspecting that some PC features were not included on release not to hurt console versions sales.

    Ok well after having a good look through the tiny amount of game files we currently have access to for modding I wanted to let anybody who isn't into modding know a few things about what is already in-game but currently just not working. This should be taken as a promising sign as each of these features is already laid out and for the most part even already keymapped for the game. This means they could be made avaliable via a patch without hardly any effort on CM's part

    1: Leaning - Yes it appears leaning for the player is actually in the game. Currently mapped to keys 9 and 0 on the keyboard.

    2: Freelook - Yes its there, freelook for pilots and drivers is implemented already, although at present its actionmapped for a controller using the left analogue stick

    3: Third Person - Its there as a debug option, using numpad key 8. Could be made to work quite easily if CM decided to add that feature.

    4: Cover System - There is an extra stance modifier that appears to have something to do with a cover system. At the moment its mapped to the keyboard "End" key. I am not sure if this is in the style or RainbowSix or simply some other kind of cover system but its in there.



    [Thread moved to General Discussion forum (Title & quote "tweaked" for clarity)]

  7. I really don't care about this, but i do care about some of you not getting it...

    Always wanted some sort of a feature that would discourage players from running... There! This is only one thing that Cm has done amongst many. What some of you don't get is this: what you consider a iffy design choice, is infact a run&gun deterrent. And there are many with this game.

    As dum as it may sound... stop running.

    Think bros think :(

  8. I'm not 100% sure that recreating old stuff would be adequate, but retrieving the 'feel' of certain mission/maps would be better. Personally i would kill for a Swamp type map, and Farmhouse... hell yeah baby! Again, not the same but similar. That in return would permit greater freedom for the maker, instead of being stuck replicating what already exist.

    One of the things i want back is the impression of discovery and adventure in gaming. To recreate old stuff would not fill that void pour moi :D

    I want classic, epic, memory making moments with new stuff.

  9. I really sympathize with you Viiiper, Helios and Sion, things are kinda ruf overthere.

    This is a very good game, dedi files or not. I strongly suspect that some of these ppl posting crap, just dont dig the game or understand all the subtilities that make it a thinking man's shooters, making it unusual for them, so that all their usual Bf tricks don't work anymore with DR and creates frustrations for them.

    Ah drifting off topic, better stop there.


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