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ArchAngel_88's Achievements

Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Ghost Recon got me into PC gaming. For that it will always be my first love. There are some things in it that I dont like that are kinda minor...but, after playing 1942. AA:O and a few others...GR2 could desimate all if there were a few things added in. I know this topic has been done before so keep the flaming to a minimum. -I want a weapon view. AA did the wonderfully. Good lookin models, animations...it worked well. AA is almost what GR should have been, but...the lag sucks! ANd the fact that the maps are all kinda small....not cool. -Can't crawl through bushes, over little obsticals, rubble. I know on the urban maps that GR has now....there are 2 maybe upt to just 4 way s to get to any 1 objective...making it unlimited would be sweet...going through buildings, rooftops, you all will get my drift. -I will say it once...Yea...right! A guy 100 yards away firing from the hip is gonna him me in the head!! Pfft! -I don't really care what engin they use..but..just the crytec (sp?) engine? EHH...maybe...but..its kinda cartoony. I like the look of AA:O..Splinter Cell, and RVS(weapons..and how you can customize the kits) Maybe a sweet combo of all of them. If we could just expand the AA:O and not bee soo laggy, and get rid of 80% of the fog...that would be sweet! -Sachel charges.....that would just be cool. (radio detonator) -Do I want drivable vehicles...EH...I don't really care. If they are not in there thats what 1942 and BF-V are for. GR is for the grunts that like to go in quiet...make a little noise and leave behind a desent body count. TACTICS TACTICS TACTICS. That is what made GR cool. my 2 cents Later, Arch
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