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    videogames, drawing, Piano.

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  • Favourite Ghost Recon Mod.
    Heroes Unleashed
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  1. Glad to see the GR community still at it. And happy to see our blood mod being put to good use. My sister would be so proud to see it feature in a big mod like this one. Let me know if you need help with textures
  2. Wombat you genious! it worked, it's working perfectly, thanks to you this mod was possible. Major Kudos to you good sir, you are on the credits of the mod's final version. Thanks a lot for your help, you're awesome. Respect. Hey, Doc! thanks for the heads up, could you link me to your work please? would love to give it a try! regards.
  3. Hey teppe, thanks for the quick response and the warm welcome! The blood pool isn't displayed in the picture, well there's one which is heroes unleashed's default bloodpool (the blood that spills on the ground when the target falls). what is displayed there are the gunshot wounds, or the marks on the target's body, i didn't make additional ones if that's what you meant, nor did i try to animate those, i did however try to entirely change the blood pool, by editing every stage/frame/file that's part of the animated and expanding bloodpool, i belive it is indeed possible since the heroes unleashed team managed to make their own custom blood pool (it's just a smaller version of the original, but it's modified nevertheless), so the only real question is, why is it not moving? that would be the only problem, if i could solve it, this pack would include new blood pools as well But for now enjoy the hit decals.
  4. Edit: Complete Final Version Including new Bloodpool and Shrapnel damage: https://mega.co.nz/#!wlsACTLJ!WNpAuHDI8Vb21Pn9dT264Wp1F0Nqq0kJhAfJBR8mF7Q --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys, it's my first post in this community, and also my first mod for any game, i just started using photoshop and the rsb plug-in to make a mod that would satisfy my desire for realistic blood. I know there are plenty right in the files section, but none would look realistic enough for me, you know exagerated big wounds and bright colors.. so after a couple hours of fiddling with photoshop i managed to get it exactly the way i wanted it, the way you can see gunshot wounds on war documentaries and not action movies. I think the blood stains on the clothes have a nice feel to it and a good color too (i played a lot with the alpha channel to get it right). i couldn't upload it on the files section and couldn't find directions as to how to upload it anywhere so i'll just post a link to mega... i hope i don't get banned for that :S https://mega.co.nz/#!stdCTYLJ!TSDCoAugUL8EjLgQr1hhnj9CY4obKs7JDNM8_tSbNhk this was just a personal mod i made, but i thought it was pretty cool so i brought it to you. You can use it freely, you don't even need to ask for my permission, it's already granted! you can credit me if you want, or not. Also, i was planning on modifying the bloodpools as well (actually i did, i spent 4 hours making an animated blood pool file by file, they're like 27 or so) but for some reason i never got it working, only a small drip was showing on the ground, it never expanded, it was just the initial decal there i tried saving it as a normal .rsb file as well as a bitmaprsb (a different plug-in) but nonw worked, so if someone knows what's going on i'll leave the resource files here as well, if you can get it to work let me know, you can take the credit i just want them to work and display properly. https://mega.co.nz/#!5hNVkJDa!cHZ-wX8pTOUXYQhuQCRJrjutCvcRv39NdJGoSVEhjh0 Btw, yeah the first decal is that big on purpose, sometimes the default blood pool reaches its max size then it returns to the initial decal, so this way we could have 2 different blood pools. Thanks guys
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