Virtual reality has become a trend lately, making more and more video game companies seek to incorporate it into their titles. After all, this type of realism favors various genres such as adventure games, RPGs, or even shooters.
So it is not surprising that Ubisoft has recently decided to enter this world by incorporating this type of technology for two of its most played franchises: the famous adventure game Assassin’s Creed and the strategic shooter Tom Clancy’s: Splinter Cell.
While the news comes as a surprise, most fans seem extremely excited about it. Seeing a virtual reality company as famous as Oculus as the lead company in charge gives gamers confidence, as the company has proven to be leading the way in this area.
However, it didn’t take long for users to start questioning whether one of the company’s forgotten franchises would also enter the era of renewal and virtual reality: Ghost Recon. Gamers seem excited about the idea of Ubisoft starting to work on several of their staple titles, but they feel that touching on quality franchises that were forgotten would take everything a step further.
So in this article, we will discuss how virtual reality can enhance the experience in many of these games, and how the use of this technology in an old franchise can end up generating a gigantic success.
Online Casinos And Their Relationship To The Growth Of VR Today
While virtual reality technology has been around for quite some time, very few developers had planned to use it to enhance the experience of the titles they were promoting. The use of VR can be quite eye-catching and entertaining, however, it involves a lot of equipment that was not readily available.
With the emergence of companies like Oculus and the development of new hardware that was inexpensive and easily accessible, some industries began to notice the potential of using this technology. Online casinos seem to have been among the first to want to add virtual reality to their platforms to broaden their live casino experiences.
From playing cards at top online baccarat casino portals to being able to enjoy VR slots that take us on adventures, this technology demonstrates the enormous potential that was not being tapped in a way that no one was expecting it.
Online casino portals have not yet fully embraced the technology, but it is clear that their ideas were the pioneers for console developers to consider implementing VR in their titles as well.
How Can VR Give Ubisoft’s Staple Franchises A Chance?
Virtual reality has the power to transport us to several unique worlds within a game, focusing the experience on the way we perceive all the surroundings within them. Therefore, using it within titles that emphasize graphics, sounds, and scenery as key to the experience ends up resulting in something unique and unimaginable.
This is where Ubisoft’s position in today’s video game market has to be taken into account. Their most recognized and named franchises stand out mainly because of the scenery, sounds, and music that clearly enhance the script or the story that they try to tell us through their titles.
Scenographies like the cities of Assassin’s Creed, combat scenarios like those of Splinter Cell, and even interactions with objects like Ghost Recon are key points that make VR an excellent option for the company. The experience would be greatly enhanced to the point that many new users would seek to acquire such games just to be able to experience something of that quality.
On the other hand, we must remember Ubisoft’s tendency to create quality games and then completely forget about them. Several titles and franchises that were part of the company’s inception have not received updates for years, so applying the VR coming from Oculus to one of them would be an excellent way to bring them back to life.
The truth is that the idea seems to be great for both Ubisoft and Oculus, but it is obvious that it will take a lot of work from both companies to carry out an undertaking of such magnitude.
Will Ubisoft Dare To Bring Its Staple Franchises Into Play Within The VR Trend?
As we all know, it is one thing to be considered a good idea and another to be implemented. Bringing your most prized franchises back using a technology that is just being implemented as a trend is a risky move that if not applied correctly can end up generating much more damage than the benefit it generates.
To do this, you first need to study the market, the players willing to purchase VR hardware, and above all have a design team that knows how to implement the technology perfectly.