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\Enviro/'s Achievements

Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. Thanks Guess I `ll have to. Too bad , I liked cinematics.
  2. Thanks a lot guys Jack, I tried your idea. But it seems like the pilots don`t disengage from the escort when they reach the truck (the truck is not the extraction zone), so Continue if Not being Escorted doesn`t seem work, the hostage behavior don`t re-initialize. The pilots just stops at the truck and won`t go any further, I think they are still in the escort-mode. I had to go for smokin`s idea; assign the pilots a plan when they prox 8m from the truck (path - run by the truck and re-initialize the hostage behavior). Then we can bump into them again. Two more questions: 1. I hava a small cinematic at the beginning of the mission. It seems to work in both SP and MP. But when I run the mission on a DEDICATED server it chrashes after a few seconds in the cinematic. Windows says something like "Ghostrecon.exe has a problem and has to be shut down." I then have to close and restart the server. 2. I`d like to make my mission mod public for other players. What is the best way of doing this?
  3. Hi everyone! I have one problem with my pilot-rescue mission At the end of the mission we bump into the pilot (hostage mode) and he starts to follow. But sometimes when the pilot passes a m35 truck (that is in allied and at that time destroyed) he stop to follow, and just stand beside the truck. To make him follow again we have to push him far away from the truck and then he might start to follow again. Anyone know this problem? Thanks
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