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SteelValor's Achievements

Recruit - 3rd Class

Recruit - 3rd Class (2/13)



  1. OK We finally did it and this is how. M(SD), R(SD), A, G(SD) Cleared the Road area including both vehicles Moved to the top of the hill to the left Sniped the fuel trucks, Laptop and Antenna Grabbed the Laptop Intel and immediately we moved to the Antenna (I moved to close to the villa and activated that mission, but that actually worked out for us) The Antenna activated and we attacked from two flanking positions. THE KEY is to get a gren into the middle of the Antenna section right after it activates. This will take out most of the defenders that spawn. I continued to provide artillery via the gren launcher on site while the team surrounded and cleaned the edges. I moved in and set the charge just as the time limit as almost up. With that secondary mission down we moved on the Villa. Then we moved on the bunker and marked it for a strike. Extracted =D
  2. Anyone have any clue on where the alarm is set off for the secondary mission involving the troops at the antenna on the left side of the map? We've been trying to get the last achievement and always fail to either stop the triggering of the alarm or it automatically goes off about 7 minutes into the mission. So ... a lil help plz GT: SteelValor (let me know you're from the forums)
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