The maps in Ghost Recon overlay graphics
to create a texture on the ground, as well as shadows etc.
When I created my day -> night and night -> day mods
I had to lighten and darken the grounds, respectively. Through
doing this I found that you can actually retexture the ground
that you walk over to a certain extent, this is how to do
What you will need:
- Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop
[Grab PSP here]
- RSB Export plugins [Grab them here]
- Mike Schell's GR->RS RSB converter
[Grab it here]
- A mod folder set up with:
- Map
- Modscont.txt
1) Find the texture RSB file
For this tutorial, we will be using
M01_Caves. Navigate to your <ghost recon directory>\Mods\Origmiss\Map\m01_Caves
In this folder you will see a lot of files with the extension
.RSB - find the one which is 2 megabytes and is called m01_grounddmm01_caves.rsb.
The texture files always have this sort of name format, but
sometimes in different orders (i.e. M02 - Farms texture
files is named 02_farm_grounddmm02_farm.rsb -
but it is one of the biggest files and therefore easy to identify
- the key part is grounddm).

2) Convert the RSB file
Copy this file to your set up mods
folder - into the directory <your mods folder>\Map\M01_Caves
- and convert it to Rogue Spear format using the GR->RS
RSB converter by Mike Schell. Make sure that the file is not
read only!

3) Load into Paint Shop Pro (or
Open up the file - making sure that
you have the RSB plugins installed. Now, airbrush on a random
colour near where you recognise as the start of the map -
I will put on blue and red dots with an opacity of 80% (so
that some grass still shows through in game, but not much!)

Save the file and then start up Ghost Recon
making sure that the mod is enabled. In game you should see
something like this:

You have now (somewhat) retextured a map!
Copyright 2002
Charles Amick
aka Firestar~*