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Stalker V1-Operation: Desperate Cry


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I deeply revised the campaign layout and now it looks like this:

Campaign with 12 missions, including various cinematics, unexpected twists and unlockable specialists for all missions.

2-4 Bonus missions (mostly unreleased stuff that is gathering dust on my HD ;) )

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GR_Modder*AFZ* and viper-6 joined the team as scripters. At this time I want to thank you all who volunteered and offered their help, you guys are great.

I was in contact with some of you but finally I picked these 2 guys because they showed the righ dedication and I liked their attitude most.

Please don't be disappointed if you weren't hired. :)


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  • 1 month later...

Long time no update. And unfortunately there's nothing important to tell you. I took a one month break from modding. I was on holidays and ... I just had to take a break.

GR_Modder*AFZ* left the team because of real life issues, Giweda will be leaving soon because of his new job. So I cannot promise to make a 12 mission campaign. There will probably only be 8 missions or something.


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  • 2 months later...

JUst for information:

Stalker has RL issues. I made 2 missions for the mod, 2 are ready made by the same Stalker.

Unfortunately many scripters were willing to join the team but then left... Some of them even without saying a single word, just disappeared

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JUst for information:

Stalker has RL issues. I made 2 missions for the mod, 2 are ready made by the same Stalker.

Unfortunately many scripters were willing to join the team but then left... Some of them even without saying a single word, just disappeared


same thing happend to me by my mapmaker......i recently found out why she moved away, and support her decision...but she could of at least let me know!!!! i was counting on her creations for a lot of mods!!!! :wacko:

i hope all is well with stalker, and that he is able to find some folks willing to help out....and if they have to leave the team, they let him know!!!!!

best of luck stalker!!! :thumbsup:

Edited by richmondskin
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Any chance to see this mod released? Stalker, can you give us some more informations? is it dropped?

NB: I'm one of the scripter (together with Stalker) and it's long time I don't have any contact with Stalker regarding the issue. The last update was 3 missions completed (2 by me) and 1 80%. All the other stuffs of the mod (skins, weapons, models, music, splash screen are finalized)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Time to revive this old thread related to a dropped mod with an extract from a PM received by Stalker on a response of a PM from my self


Hey what do you think to release Stalker V1 as an equipment mod only. I can do the work if you like



Yes, release it if you want. I had the same idea some time ago but then thought nobody will be interested


Any comments?

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