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Stalker V1-Operation: Desperate Cry


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I was thinking the same, we had a map and all, but my attentions are else were, and these attentions are very like CPD only better and we could do with a man of your skill, if your intrested drop me a line.

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wow chems that chopper is amazing, hope it gets released in a mod soon, can't wait to see it fly in game.

yes, it's awesome. it will appear in the first mission (and in many others too, of course :rocky: )

and yes, I'm preparing new ingame shots :devil:

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finally here's the translated background story:

german version made by me, improvements by Maj. Ken and Duke, and the translation to English by Duke! thx guys :)


1995: A state of emergency exists in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

(DROC), then known as Zaire. Fighting has transformed the country into a

land of war, hunger and misery. Crimes to humanity, acts of revenge, and

hunger have taken their toll and 300,000 lie dead within 9 months. The

countries infrastructure, described as sluggish at best, gradually breaks

down upon itself. This destruction has paralyzed the military's course of

action; and both the general population and military are further weakened by

epidemics and disease. With only 5% serviceability, the armed forces are

not able to align anything against the guerilla tactics of the local tribes.

1996: The USA sends 80, 000 personnel into the crisis situation. This

large number includes combat forces and special commands, as well as

humanitarian federations to reconstruct the infrastructure.

1997: Zaire becomes known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

1998: The weapons of the warring parties are silent 2 years after the US

intervention. The frightening balance of the 3-year war: 400,000 dead

Congolese and 4,000 dead U.S. soldiers. The US government withdraws 30,000

of their armed forces from the crisis area.

2001: After a further 3 years of security . US troops pave the way for free

elections, and after the departure of the remaining units, freedom.

2002: Omar Al-Sid Arward wins the DROC presidential elections with a 70%

majority vote. Observers sent to monitor the elections however assume

electoral fraud. News of probable fraud spreads like wildfire and

propaganda from radical terrorists groups begins to appear. Voices

demanding Al Sid Arward's resignation grow louder than ever. The President

is unimpressed and steadfastly begins his government activities. Some rebel

factions finally penetrate the Government compound on 12 July and murder the

President and his family. Fighting has renewed after 4 years of armistice,

however this time it's not between tribal warlords but between followers of

the President and the rebels. The military is split and follows both


2004: The rebel groups are divided under several tribal warlords and spend

as much time fighting amongst themselves as they do against the government

forces; therefore, after a series of long and embittered engagements,

commanders of a terrorist network are able to gain control of the military's

means and matériel. The United Nations idly stands by watching the

fighting. Finally, on the initiative of the German Government and the

urging of several human rights organizations, British SAS, Australian SASR,

and various US Special Forces units are sent into the Congo under the

overall command of the German KSK. Fast action is necessary so the

situation does not get out of hand and completely boil over into the whole

central African region.

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here's one side render of the demo expert chr.

the chr model is from sgt. crocodile and the skin by me.

Unfortunately I don't have the chrs on my HD, I have only this pic. the pics of the other chrs and ingamepics will follow.

what do you think?


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Not a very good model at all IMHO I will be remodeling it soon thou and can use the texture cause thats good.

Actually, it's the texture that jars for me. The model's an MH-53J/M Pave Low III, the spec-ops version of the H-53 series, but the texture is Navy, and the Navy only fly the MH-53E Sea Dragon mine countermeasures variant (without the radar nose and external tanks). The only MH-53J/M operator is USAF's AFSOC, the CH-53 transport variants are flown by the USMC and a few export customers such as Germany. The model has a lot of potential, be a shame to spoil it for a ha'porth of tar....

Plenty of info at: http://www.mh-53pavelow.com/

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Not a very good model at all IMHO I will be remodeling it soon thou and can use the texture cause thats good.

Actually, it's the texture that jars for me. The model's an MH-53J/M Pave Low III, the spec-ops version of the H-53 series, but the texture is Navy, and the Navy only fly the MH-53E Sea Dragon mine countermeasures variant (without the radar nose and external tanks). The only MH-53J/M operator is USAF's AFSOC, the CH-53 transport variants are flown by the USMC and a few export customers such as Germany. The model has a lot of potential, be a shame to spoil it for a ha'porth of tar....

Plenty of info at: http://www.mh-53pavelow.com/

the texture has already been changed to the CH53, that is used by the germans :thumbsup:

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