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Stalker V1-Operation: Desperate Cry


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hurray!! all kits and kit icons are done :yes::rocky:

and now after I had fixed all character skins of the specialist I want you to show them and describe the unit and the weapon. and as gimmick there's the new menu pic and the ingame pics of the finished sniper :rolleyes:

Note: +40 brightness on the pic


a) German KSK for CQB (heavy armor): H&K G36C Aimpoint + H&K MP5K SD-PDW

b) German Light infantry: HK21 light machine gun

c) German KSK Sniper: H&K SL9SD

d) German KSK (light armor): H&K G36K-SD + H&K MP7-PDW

e) British Special Air Service: M16/M203 ACOG or M16SD ACOG

f) Australian Special Air Service Regiment Sniper: Barret M82 + H&K MP5A5 SD

g) German Kampfschwimmer: H&K G36 CMAG + anti tank weapon

h) British Special Air Service: H&K MP5K SD-PDW Aimpoint

i) German KSK: H&K G36K

j) German Fallschirmjäger: H&K G36

k) German KSK for CQB: H&K UMP 45

Stalker V1 Main Menu

Stalker V1 - Sniper with PSG1 sniperrifle and MP5K-PDW submachine gun

Stalker V1 - Sniper (increased brightness [+40] to see more details)

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What about a Canadian Specialist.. a la paratrooper. Especially since the Canadians have worked so closely with the Germans in ISAF.... just a thought...

nope, sorry!

becuase concept, story and kits are already done.... :unsure:

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  • 3 weeks later...

good news.

I am going to begin mission scripting tomorrow. in the meantime t3K|murmel2 is makin the support, rifleman and demo chrs.

I also added some cool main menu music for rockers ( :punk: ;) ) and I replaced all the credit pics with new ones, showing German special forces.

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  • 2 weeks later...

good news:

mission 1 is about 65% finished and in the next week the first betas will be send to the G-man (giwex :D ) and sixpence. and you may notice that the topic title changed. Operation Desperate Cry is the name of the campaign.

I hope I can also post the "translated" backgroundstory soon.

anyway here's the briefing of the first mission: (translated and military spelling by DUKE):

Welcome to D.R Congo, gentlemen.

The Port of Boma is an especially big thorn in our side as it  is the

district's only port. The rebels heavily defend it and ships aren't able to

dock. Thousands of people are now beginning to go hungry.  Even worse, with

each passing day more and more people decide

they would prefer to support the rebels than starve to death.

Having said that ... our first mission is highly important since we're going

to recapture the port.  The rebel headquarters is in a beach house in the

northwest section with a seawall running from one end of the beach to the

other.  There are only a few ways to get through this barrier and it is

heavily guarded.

You'll insert via zodiac at the south-easternmost end of the bay and

eliminate any perimeter guards as quietly as possible.  Afterwards, you'll

advance west and secure the LZ so a helicopter can land with reinforcements.

Your highest priority is to safeguard the LZ and not bring any attention to

yourself.  If their headquarters is forewarned - this mission could end in

disaster.  When the reinforcements arrive, follow the troops and attack the

beach house.

We don't have any details on enemy strength, but you can bet there are quite

a few.  Take along a couple heavy MGs so you can provide effective covering

fire when you attack the headquarters.

Good luck!

Edited by Stalker
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I like the new name Stalker. But I'm not too keen on the "we don't have any details on enemy strength..." bit. If any country is about to deploy its best soldiers into a situation, it better have the intelligence to back them up.... otherwise you get Somalia all over again. There should be some indication as to the size, nature and possible loc of the threat... IMO and experience.

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