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Stalker V1-Operation: Desperate Cry


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the pics are up :P



Weapon: H&K G36 C-Mag

base chr model is from argyll and the whole chr skin from me

hope u like it :)

I will post more pics in some jungle environment in the following days :ph34r:

Note: the first 2 pics are brightened up (+35 in photoshop)



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Looks awesome Stalks - thanks for keeping the Mod going!

I love the Kampfschwimmer guys - I was going to question whether the balaclava+bush hat combo was realistic (wouldn't it get awfully hot?) Until I saw the real life photo - so I'll be quiet...

Perhaps just one gripe (and this is more IT's fault than yours) can you make the forearms dirty - they look all scary with cams and balaclavas, and then you have bright pink forearms... :wacko:

Anyways, that's my only grip - looks awesome! :thumbsup:

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thanks for the kind words, SC and stewy :)

Perhaps just one gripe (and this is more IT's fault than yours) can you make the forearms dirty - they look all scary with cams and balaclavas, and then you have bright pink forearms...

yes, I wondered about that before, but you can only see and edit the shirt in the rsb in photoshop, not the fore arms... :wall:

I'll see if the big guys can help me out with that problem....

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I'll see if the big guys can help me out with that problem....

Thanks Sir - mate, sorry to be a pain in the you know what I think I made the same request to Aus-Viper when the Aussies had pink forearms as well...and I think it went to the too hard basket as well...

Awesome work Stalks - didn't mean to be a nitpicker :thumbsup:

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Oh, pity - it's a very pretty language, unfortuantely, I don't understand a lot of it...

I just thought it'd be good for authenticity - I'm sure even the non-German speakers could eventually work out what they were saying...

Just an idea anyway...

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Giwex joined the "one-man team" (( ;) )).

He will test the mod and give me advices how to make it better , during the progress phase.

Yeah well you'd better sit up and take note of what he says - if you get on the wrong side of "El Comandante" Giwex it ain't a pretty sight :blink:

:P:rofl: Just joshin' of course - he's the best there is :thumbsup:

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Giwex joined the "one-man team" ((  ;)  )).

He will test the mod and give me advices how to make it better , during the progress phase.

He is in the top 1% of the top 1% - the best of the best gentlemen..........

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good news: in the last time the progress of this mod is really fast and nearly all specialists are finished. (but not all ;) )

Next update:

New specialist is finished. This time a soldier from a foreign unit. A British SAS operator. The weapon he will carry is a H&K MP5K SD-PDW. At this time only renders are aviable but I will post ingame shots very soon.

A big thanks goes to Dekela for the MP5K and to t3K|Murmel2 for the character model. The character skin is done by me (tac vest is completely reskinned)

Here are the pics:



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