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Operation Flash Point...ARGH!!!

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Check out these sweet mods for OFP.


They're REALLY cool. :)

IMHO, the guys from Ballistic are arrogant, egotistical, and immensely over-confident. When I first started playing OFP, I thought their addons were good. But the more I got into it, the more I realized that their addons just suck. Their weapon models are half-textured, the gun sounds are horrible, their helicopters are very buggy and don't fly well, and their soldiers look like crap.

Really? Which mods do you like? :)


I don't really like any of the unit addons (except my own. I guess I just have specific taste.) I like Earl's beta USMC addon. His M16 is just beautiful. It's wonderfully textured, sounds great, and feels just fine. I really don't use too many addons, as most are simply re-skins of original OFP work, or half-done addons like those from BAS. I really like the addons from the Chain of Command, but they're more gameplay-oriented than unit oriented.



Our US Marines:


Our Russian Naval Infantry:


As for BAS, they're pretty decent guys. They sucked up a lot of the talent from the OFP scene, and maybe it's taking some time to sort out the logistics/bureaucracy of such a large team. They certainly do some fine work, but I agree that some of it gets overrated on occasion.

I'll be making the M240's to mount on their desert vehicles, if I can get it done in good time.

You know what my biggest issue is with BAS? It's that they seem to think that the OFP community is all theirs. Not that I'm in competition with them, mind you. But, the fact that other people are actually doing the textures for the BAS desert pack seems to have been forgotten. Don't let them do that to you Earl - don't let them assimilate you and your work. You're a damn fine modder, and your work is on a playing field that BAS, in my opinion, would labor in vain to reach.


Earl, I just saw your M249 SAW. Why do I even try?

Edited by Parabellum
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Have you got a link for that addon? :thumbsup:

Which addon? The one I was talking about? Hehe. I haven't finished it yet, and even when I do, I'll probably never 'release' it, or anything else for OFP. There are already more than enough people working on stuff; there's no reason to clutter the scene any more. But I'll probably just put it up on my site for a bit once it's done, so that a few people can enjoy my work. If they like it that is.

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@ Earl, my God! I know what a fine mod maker you are for GR but i had no idea how good your OFP stuff was. That is some of the best material I've seen for OFP. I can't wait till the stuff is released.

@Para. If you release it to the public I'm sure it would be well accepted. I wish you luck with it anyway. And there can never be enough quality addons for any game. IMO 75% of the addons released for OFP are crap anyway, mostly due to lack of originality as you pointed out.

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We've got a ton of missions. Jocko Flocko is our official mission maker, we have a closed beta group that plays almost every night. There's Adversarial and Coop missions. He and a betatester Strango keep making more and more, so there will be quite a nice pack ready to go! I think I play more than I mod for OFP, which is the complete opposite of GR. I hardly ever play GR anymore, but I still enjoy doing modwork for it.

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I hope that Rocky doesn't notice :unsure:

A few days behind granted, but I always get there in the end. :devil:

I tried OFP when it came out. Admittedly I didn't spend long enough on it to give it a chance reach it's potential.

I found the graphics a turn off and the overall complexity a turn off. Apart from the OFP "any rifleman can jump in and fly a helo" idea, learning to fly and drive all those vehicles was too much for my wee brain :blink: I just wanted to pick my weapon, pick my team and head on out, without a 4000 page flight manual tucked under my arm. :devil:

This is a OFP sucks thread. :P

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This is a OFP sucks thread.  :P

:( Your giving OFP to much credit because it's beyond sucking and I'm not allowed to say the other words. >_< I still can't believe Gamespot rated OFP much better than GR. To many fumes from their PC's had them thinking wrong that day for sure! :'(

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This is a OFP sucks thread.   :P

:( Your giving OFP to much credit because it's beyond sucking and I'm not allowed to say the other words. >_< I still can't believe Gamespot rated OFP much better than GR. To many fumes from their PC's had them thinking wrong that day for sure! :'(

I think it depends on what you're looking for. When I play Ghost Recon now, I feel so confined and limited. You really can't do anything except move around and shoot things. Heck, you can't even climb a ladder! I've also grown accustomed to seeing my weapon in front of me. I feel more connected to the game when I can actually see what I'm doing.

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i tried the demo and after deciding that graphics arent everything ( ya right ) i gave it a try the main prob i had was getting stuck in walls no matter what i did i couldnt free myself, now maybe it isnt that bad a game but after getting GR i never felt the need for OFP

If you're playing a Pre-Resistance installation of OFP, you can forget about CQB. :( Resistance still suffers from some collision bugs, but not as bad.

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The US Marines didn't choose the Ghost Recon engine for their small unit tactical training, they chose OFP:


Despite the many issues that RSE fans can complain about, OFP offers way more possibilities, including realistic artillery and mortar fire (as done for VBS1, and soon by CoC for OFP). CoC has also created torpedos that use the same seeking instructions. velocities, etc as the real ones.

I can only say that I haven't played an honest game of GR for over a year, but OFP keeps offering new possibilities. Raven Shield is a waste of my hard drive space - not because it isn't a good game, but because it's not interesting enough to keep me playing. How many times can you slice the pie???

One of our betatesters made a "Pilots Down" mission. The vehicle choices aren't fully realistic, but it features a rescue team of our Marines in an MH-6 littlebird, supported by an AH-1 Cobra. Two pilots are spawned at random locations on the island, so they have to use navigation skills to figure out their position and radio the rescue team while evading patrolling Russians. When the pilot hears the rescue helos getting near, he pops a smoke grenade and waits for an exciting rescue. Sometimes there's BMPs too close to the extraction zone, so the littlebird has to drop some Marines with AT then take off back to safety while the infantry and AH-1 secure the area. A side objective is to plant demolitions on the downed aircraft if it can be found. I'm just waiting for BAS to release the MH-60's and SOAR units.

I can tell you that as a downed pilot, when you chuck that smoke grenade, and the MH-6 comes in for a landing with all the dust kicked up by the new rotorwash scripts, and Russian BMPs closing in, it's quite exciting. Something like the intro to Proof of Life...

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We've got a ton of missions. Jocko Flocko is our official mission maker, we have a closed beta group that plays almost every night. There's Adversarial and Coop missions. He and a betatester Strango keep making more and more, so there will be quite a nice pack ready to go! I think I play more than I mod for OFP, which is the complete opposite of GR. I hardly ever play GR anymore, but I still enjoy doing modwork for it.

Earl are those missions going to be playable in SP? I really hope so because your add-on looks superb and it'd get me to actually play the game. And your team is going to utilize other ad-on makers vehicles, yes?

I'm actually dlin the I44 new release now. I wanna see how it compares to WOI's newest.

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