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Favorite band or group?

Dark Sniper

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I'm a real big fan of Dave Matthews Band...anyone else like 'em?

i like a few of his songs my favourite being The Space Between. (wonder why ;) )

Limp Bizkit





cough=Eminem=cough he really does have good songs lol

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Limp Bizkit- (all)

Eminem- (Everything from Slim Shady LP and up)

Offspring- (Americana)

Alient Ant Farm- (-can't think of it-)

Moxy Fruvous- (Bargainville)

Seven Nations- (Road Kill)

Darude- (Before the Storm)

Smash Mouth- (Astrolound, Fush Yu Mang, and -the newest I can't think of)

Sugar Ray- (Floored)

Linkin Park- (Reanimation)

And much much more! :)

I'm a huge music fan... anything goes with me. I don't have favorite 'bands' per say, but favorite albums. The only true fan I am of anyone is Limp Bizkit and, yes, Eminem.

And I've been through the argument over music and why Eminem is considered music. It was about a page long, if anyone remembers... I'm done. :D

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i like a few of his songs my favourite being The Space Between. (wonder why ;) )

Oh man, don't limit yourself to that songs, they have some really great ones, I would really recommend their concert albums or their dvd's. They really are electrifying to watch...I've yet to go to a live concert that I think better than theirs...Don't forget Bruce Springsteen and E Street band...

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Oh man, don't limit yourself to that songs, they have some really great ones, I would really recommend their concert albums or their dvd's.
oh don't get me wrong, i do like other songs of his as well. its just that whenever i here that one song i can only think about Blackhawk Down lol. aside from that Dave Mathews is very good but underated.

i have never been a big fan of live cd's or dvd's, even an all-time classic band like Pink Floyd. i have had the Pulse cd forever and never listen too it. i am one who loves to see bands live not just hear them, its not the same to me.

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Well, I think that I'm the one with the most varied tastes!





Eric Clapton


GOOD Techno/Trance


John Williams...LOL! He's a great composer though.

Sergie Prokofiev

Celtic or that genre of music...it's just really cool.

OK, I listen to almost anything by anybody that has talent, but Country and Rap. God help those of you that listen to that bloody stuff. For the last time, Rap is not music! (sure to start a flame war here!) :hehe:

Edited by Dark Ranger
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Rap is not music! (sure to start a flame war here!) :hehe:

Yes, your right you probably will. :):P

I'm guessing you missed my whole argument on why Rap IS music.


1. The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.

2. Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.

Which of these elements does rap NOT have? Uhh, none. They have all the things neseccary to be defined as music.

Also, Rap is THE largest selling musical category in America. No one genre sells more records or makes money than Rap.

Just because you don't like it does not mean that it is not music. Rap is simpley a more radical and more aggressive way to express someone's views. It may not be a more 'standard' or 'orthodox' way to do it, but it is none-the less music.

Sorry, but I'm very adament about this.

I will agree however that some Rap is worse than others. I dislike (with a passion) Thug Rap. However there are some Rap songs that are very crafty, clever and whitty (from a writer's stand-point). :)

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I know I am a super band-nerd ;) (and I am okay with this), but I like the Marine Corp Marching Band. They rock my socks! :D

No, I also like old-school weezer (blue and pinkerton), and some of the stuff by Chicago is pretty cool.

Beyond that, it's not so much bands as it is individual songs.

*begin shameless plug*

Lost In Utah (my friends band) and the Collins Hill High School Screamin' Eagle Marching Band (my school's band) rock!!!!!

*end shameless plug*


Edited by CtheHammer
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-Swisha House

-Slim Shady (not his latest album though) he needs a break.

-Snoop Dogg, Dre, Nate Dog, Warren G, Tupac.

-Any Classic metal... Zepplin, Black Sabbath, I guess Nirvana is classic.

-Paul Oakenfold

-Kimbal Collins

I like rap music from the early to mid 90's, When it was gangster rap. I hate this new diamond rap bullsh!t.

And to DarkRanger, why is rap not music? Just because you can't relate to the lyrics doesn't make them stupid or whatever.. Your statement is one of ignorance. Unless of course you can back it up, which you can't.

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i am i big rock, punk, punk rock fan!!!!!

my favorite is:


i also like:


The Distillers

Blink 182

Box Car RAcer



New Found Glory

Puddle of Mudd

The Ramones (yes i know who they are at age 13)

The Who (yes i know who they are at age 13)

The Vines

The Offspring

Atom and his package

Red Hot Chili Peppers


Rage Against The Machine/Audio Slave


The Hives

The White Stripes

The Dead boys

this list could go on for years!!!!!!!!

but ill stop

as you can see i like music :o=:rocky::blink::)

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