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Happy Birthday


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Krise, it's a bit late but: Tilykke med fødselsdagen gamle mand. :) And en Anglais for all you other July 15th'ers: happy birthday!

Dayum, this was my first birthday abroad - being that technically Wales is abroad (therefore I'm techinically a 'foreigner' in the UK at the moment even though I'm English.)

But yeah, bore da Gogledd Cymru. :thumbsup:

Don't worry, I didn't see it until now :lol: And happy birthday right back at ya :D

Wales eh? How was the sheep?... 0:)

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Thanks guys! :) Party was last night... And all this weekend. I'm headed to the mountains today to spend time with the grandparents. Hard to believe this is, what, my ten birthday celebrated with you guys? My how time has flown. :)

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Have one on ME!


And in the Spartan Tradition...


Ahhh yes, two of my favorite things. :) Do I get one of each on your tab? :hehe:


Happy belated KJ. Sorry I missed it yesterday, phone was dead and the (broken) PC was at home.

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