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Download problem?

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I went and downloaded and installled twice the Slash and Burn and the Trafficjam and put them in Mods folder and extracted them there.

The folders had all the components inside and showed up on my mods manager launcher by Firestar. However they're not in my available mods in GR options screen.

What did I do wrong? :ph34r:

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Is it installing them in a mods folder within the mods folder? If it is, delete the new mods folder with the 2 new mods in it, and reinstall the mods to your main GR directory.

What is proly happening is the mod install is creatinng its own mods folder in the mods folder, and GR wont look the extra folder depth in the directory tree for it.

For example, Heres is where mods should go :

Red Storm Entertainment\Ghost Recon\Mods.

Here is what sometimes happens:

Red Storm Entertainment\Ghost Recon\Mods\Mods, The second mods folder created by the mod installer. GR wont see this second mods folder. IF this happened, delete the second one, and reinstall mod to your main GR directory.

OR you can extract the mod to a temp directory and copy and paste it into the mods folder.

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I went and downloaded and installled twice the Slash and Burn and the Trafficjam and put them in Mods folder and extracted them there.

If Traffic Jam is installed correctly, go to your file manager and browse to your GR folder.

In the Ghost Recon folder their should be a Mods folder, open that up.

In there you should see a folder called Traffic Jamb, and in there you should see 2 files, and 11 folders.

Good so far, cool.

Fire up GR, Option>mods> and you should see Traffic Jamb listed.

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