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KidBu$ter Question

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3 things...

1. Make sure that All Players have the same order and Priority of Mods as the Server does.

2. If a Person leaves the Game from the Server - They must shut down "GR" as well as "KB" and then Rejoin the Server through "KB".

3. Connectivity Issues will sometimes arise when Disconnected by Your ISP. If this happens and a Player is unable to Join - Have that Player shut down "GR" and "KB" as above and Restart "KB" & "GR" ( With whatever tools being used by Your Team ( We use GR Server Tools ) ) @ the Server. Then - Once done that at Your Server and all is as It was - Prompt the Player to rejoin and all should be fine...


I'll keep checking this Thread - No worries...

Sincerely and Respectfully,

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One thing to add to Mac's post here. If you are disconnected from your ISP, or experience a crash, shut both programs down like Mac said, and reboot your machine. Mac and I have had this issue a couple times, and i had to reboot to clear the connection, then all worked well.

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